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Status Updates posted by kristinanddan09

  1. is it NOA2 time yet? hey, a girl can be hopeful.

  2. Is it January yet? i can only keep my hopes up for so long.

  3. Hi!!! I hope you get your NOA2 soon :)

  4. all i want for christmas is him *sigh*

  5. i'm soooooo tired but 2 parcels are coming my way from my baby!!!!

  6. just had to comment, noticed one of you were from england as well. i loved your website :) and congratulations!!!!

  7. i need a good cry



      Its good to vent and release. go right ahead.

    2. at long last

      at long last

      I hear ya,,, that was my day yesterday.. give it all you got...hang in there I really know how difficult this is.

    3. kristinanddan09


      well daniel is unable to work for the next 6 weeks because he broke his hand. and now we're even more strapped for cash and its making me stressed. just when things were going well, this happens. we have the worst luck i swear

  8. just another setback. great. just what i needed.

  9. i'm exhausted, anyone else?

  10. Hi! just thought I saw that your fiance was from michigan as am I, and my fiancee is from England as well :) Lots of luck to you with the process! And remember to be patient.

  11. i am so upset right now !!!!! augh.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kristinanddan09


      thank you :) i'm glad its the weekend now, and well things got sorted a bit, but still gotta work on stuff. *sigh* this is so hard.

    3. Wishing on a Star

      Wishing on a Star

      yes, i know what you mean. it's tough being apart, especially as we get closer to the holidays.

    4. kristinanddan09


      i agree, but we're working on it i guess. :) thanks for being positive :)

  12. this year, I'd like to skip over christmas.

  13. I am getting so very angry !!! Augh!!! why can't things ever be easy?

    1. stronger


      As someone who waited 170 days to get the answer on our application, I can tell you that when you get that answer, all the waiting and frustration melt away. Keep your chin up, and try to distract yourself. You love your fiance and that's the prize you have to keep your eyes on. Lean on us other VJers, we're here for you.

    2. kristinanddan09


      Thank you very much. I mean it's just the waiting, and then the frustration of being on my own, even though he and I do talk as much as we can. It's the stress of getting stuff done, and just all of it. I wish I could just forget about it until we got our noa2, but I don't think that's possible.

  14. I'm so hungry . . . and tired of waiting lol

  15. anybody else get jealous sometimes? it makes things so much more difficult for us because i get so upset when i get jealous :(

    1. MrsNelson


      Sure, I get jealous. When my parents are talking about their holiday plans and I realize hubby and I are still here in Korea, I get really jealous. It's normal. <3

  16. still sick :( this sucks!!!!! i should go to the doctor but don't want too

  17. Thank you very much ! Yes we are indeed aren't we! I'm dreading the holidays, only because I feel like they are going to slow down on the approvals. Yup I'm right in Michigan, very cold here right now unfortunately :( I'm in desperate need of a warm holiday :) He is from Essex. Whereabouts is your fiancee from?

  18. Hi! Lots of luck with you and your NOA-2 :) So are you from London then yourself?

  19. so sick :( need to feel better soon :(

  20. I wish I could, but it is his last holiday there, not sure whats going to be happening next year so, I'll hate to go over there too to intrude. Ah well. :)

  21. I hope there isn't much longer, but who really knows with this process? I'll keep my fingers crossed. I am just having a hard time with the holidays . . . though I'm sure it happens with everyone in this situation. I love Essex and every friend that I've made there. I wish I could visit this month, or before his birthday but dont know if it can be done. Yup heathrow always, your...

  22. P.S. no I haven't gotten our NOA2 yet :( it's only been almost 3 months.

  23. Nice to hear back from you ! It's going okay, just you know, worried and stressed about it all. I'm glad it's the weekend too, get to relax ! lol, or at least try too. Mine is from the Essex area. I wish I could, I wanted too for New Years however looks like I have something new happening at work right at that time. So, if he's not going to be here before his birthday in...

  24. Hi! I'm sorry, I just saw your post! It's weird, I never get a notification when someone comments or writes something! Guess I'm just getting used too facebook too much haha. Anyways, hello to you too!!! WI isn't too far from me :P Whereabouts in England is your fiancee from? Lots of luck to you too :)

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