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Status Updates posted by kristinanddan09

  1. it's official, daniel will be here in less than 36 hours if all goes according to plan. I couldn't be happier

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. didopage


      So soon!! Happy for you!! :)

    3. Dan & Jenni

      Dan & Jenni

      thats quick... you making sure he doesnt have time to change his mind?? haha ;)

    4. kristinanddan09


      :D I'm pretty happy too !!! and dan&jenni, YES lol no jk, he wanted to come now ! :D
  2. stupid question, so the I-94 is what Daniel fills out on the plane and they look at? He has to have that to get his SSN? I just want to make sure so I tell him to not lose it or I'll hurt him lol

    1. aaron-christine


      yes he will get it on the plane or in the airport before customs. They will attach it to his passport.

    2. aaron-christine


      yes he will get it on the plane or in the airport before customs. They will attach it to his passport.

    3. kristinanddan09
  3. Okay, I need reassurance, Daniel found a flight but it stops in the Netherlands. Is this going to be a problem? After the Netherlands, he will come straight here. Is that going to be a problem with his visa??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kristinanddan09


      what if he stops in NYC instead? he has a 3 hour layover there. enough time you think ???

    3. Dan & Jenni

      Dan & Jenni

      most people seem to say 3-5 hours is best for a layover just in case the first flight is delayed or something.

    4. kristinanddan09


      well i hope its enough for him ! searched high and low for that flight with him. lol i'm just hoping it works out when he gets it tomorrow. hes got his text and everything for his passport :)

  4. haha so I get woken up this morning with Daniel there telling me his visa should be at his house TOMORROW !!!! He's the one that looked, I swear I didn't !!! I'm so excited!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kristinanddan09


      i swear it was him ! i didn't wanna lol. i'm afraid something on the visa might be wrong :( i dont even know what to look out for if anything is wrong.

    3. Dan & Jenni

      Dan & Jenni

      the visa looks just like the bio page in a passport really so you will know if something is wrong with it. not that i think there will be a problem :)

    4. kristinanddan09


      I sure hope not !!!!!!!

  5. I wanna track the passport, but I know he won't get it this soon !

  6. I can't believe that possibly this time next week daniel will be here :) it makes my heart happy

  7. I have a question, if Daniel can't get nonstop, but lands in amsterdam, is that going to mess anything up with the visa??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pumpkinseed


      I had 4 hours between my flights and it was perfect. I'd say 3-4 hours is optimal to allow enough time and no stress to go through immigration and customs.

    3. pumpkinseed


      I actually had 2 layovers - one in Europe and one in another state :) I had 3 and 4 hours between flights and it worked out perfectly.

    4. kristinanddan09
  8. daniel's little sister told me this morning that "Daniel is NOT leaving" and repeated it multiple times. Boy do I feel bad :( it broke my heart knowing I was breaking hers

    1. Dan & Jenni

      Dan & Jenni

      you shouldnt feel bad... but knowing that your own happiness means making others unhappy is a strange feeling isnt it??

    2. kristinanddan09


      yes it is. i just felt so bad, she is so sweet :(

  9. my bubba was at his interview at 8 a.m and was out of there at about half past 10 ! except he's worrying. the little chinese lady took his passport pics from the UK and didn't take his u.s. sized ones. what should he do? he's really worried and we have bad enough luck as it is. oh and if you're wondering. we're APPROVED !!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. kristinanddan09


      really? ahhh, jeez oh petes. well I'm glad she found them !!! i'm just nervous about the pp pictures. I told him to call but noo he won't. I'm tempted too but its so expensive :( guess we'll have to wait and see. and thanks everyone!

    3. Dan & Jenni

      Dan & Jenni

      no point in calling Kristin because the person you talk to will be in scotland and will know less than you. if there is a problem they will request new photos but i looked at the photo in my visa and it is smaller than the one in my UK passport so it might not be a problem anyway

    4. kristinanddan09


      alright, thank you for the calming of my nerves :)

  10. almost there ! i get to wake him up at half 3 his time. wow, this is all happening quickly now !!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. xjoseyx


      Good luck!!!

    3. kristinanddan09


      okeydokey !!! :) :) thanks you guys. and J&P, i gave daniel a mock interview last night as i worked today ! lol, too funny :D you'll do great !

    4. didopage


      Good luck!!

  11. so so nervous. i'm not even doing the interview !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J&P!


      Best luck Dan!! and hope you will be bale to sleep tonight Kristin ;)

    3. Dan & Jenni

      Dan & Jenni

      Kristin let Daniel worry about the interview and you just worry about making room in your closet for when he gets there real soon. good luck... but he will be fine :)

    4. kristinanddan09


      lol thanks you guys, i've been nervous still, but i'm working on it! he isn't even worried whatsoever !!! i know i won't be able to sleep, because hes gone against bringing his phone with him so i won't know when he gets there or anything !!! ahhhhh lol :D

  12. looking at flights for my bubbas just to get an idea. oh dear god poor guy is gonna be spending a lot of money. anyone know any cheap places for flights?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J&P!


      hey Kristin!! I did find few, return is cheaper then one way, when i last checked. try southall,jared has used them so many times and spice jet too? what day are you looking to book? as per my research more of the people who get approved receive their passport in 7 days or less.

    3. Dan & Jenni

      Dan & Jenni

      kayak and expedia are quite good... mess around with the return date as that can make a big difference. the best price ive found to Atlanta is £500 ($800) direct. i just need my visa to arrive so i can book it lol

    4. kristinanddan09


      800 would be lovely as the ones i've found are like 1000 and thats in gbp !!! i was like poor guy lol. i'll have to try and look myself for him, to get an idea. thanks you guys!

  13. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh less than 2 days. oh dear.

  14. does daniel need all the copies of the DS forms for his interview in london???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. xjoseyx


      i dont think so but i have a spare copy of them all anyway just incase ones missing from their folder

    3. kristinanddan09


      thats what I'm worried about . . . augh. darn it. back to bothering him haha. thanks you guys!

    4. kristinanddan09


      I got him to print out everything, he's all set to go ! I can't wait :D

  15. less than 4 days, wow.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Melissa and Leo
    3. kristinanddan09


      I'm so excited too, little nervous but Daniel can hold his own :) I can't wait !!!

    4. kristinanddan09


      and thank you all! sorry, I'm still feeling a bit under the weather :(

  16. I'm so not feeling well :( I hate having to work the weekend when I'm sick !

  17. people are upsetting me, i guess i shouldn't even ask for help anymore as all it seems is people are going to question my relationship with daniel when theres nothing to even question.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. J&P!


      As they say, "Love needs no justification", Not sure who said this though;) I just made it up! Hope you feel better now.

    3. didopage


      I saw your topic. That person judgements just came out of nowhere, crazy! Don't even pay attention to it…

    4. kristinanddan09


      thanks you guys :) you're awesome !!! Heres to a speedy ending for a long journey for us all :)

  18. thankful for my day off tomorrow

    1. Dan & Jenni

      Dan & Jenni

      hey i got a day off tomorrow too :D

    2. kristinanddan09


      lol but you have something to do !!! Super excited for you by the way. Now I'm stressing though, blech.

  19. it's so close i can taste it! ahh, I can't wait :D

    1. Swingman_Tomoyo


      All the best to you guys! :-)

    2. kristinanddan09
  20. I really need to call and pay the fee, but slept in today. #######.

  21. i love goin to the gym, it keeps me in shape and helps the time pass by faster until i get to see daniel ! :D

    1. Teddy♥Pika


      Aww!!! You'll be seeing your Daniel very soon!!! :) ♥♥

  22. sick and missing my baby :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kristinanddan09


      very true, just hate being sick, and we didn't really talk yesterday cause he was spending time with friends since it's getting closer to him leaving. I was feeling a bit down, especially with such a rough past couple of weeks at work. I don't wanna get sick either, not with him getting here so soon !

    3. didopage


      Take care of you so you will be all healthy when he will arrive. :)

    4. kristinanddan09


      trying to take it easy but work is kicking my butt!

  23. 16 days !!! :D

    1. Teddy♥Pika


      You're in the countdown too!! Yay!!! :) :) ♥♥

  24. i cannot wait to spend lazy sundays with my baby soon

    1. Teddy♥Pika


      Awww! Be patient! lol, you both will be together very veryyy soon!! :) :) yay!!

    2. kristinanddan09
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