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About kristinanddan09

  • Birthday July 21

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    Adjustment of Status (approved)
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    Detroit MI
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  1. question for all those getting married twice, we're planning a larger wedding a year exactly from when we married (friday). we let close family know what was going on but still wanna do something large rnext year. Do you just renew your vows in front of everyone? or what, i'm a bit confused and need an opinion :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. didopage


      Wow forget what those people say!! You do what you want! You know when we got engaged, some people around me kept saying that "normally, the wedding is 1 year after the engagement", yeah.. but we're not a normal couple. :D We can either do a wedding and consider the civil one only like a "technical one", but I don't know for you, this was more emotional and meaningful than just a technical thing... So now I feel that it will seem weird when next year, someo...

    3. didopage


      ne else will tell us "you are now husband and wife!". But the thing is this wedding will be for family and friends, so even if it sounds "1 year old" to us both, it will mean something to our family and friends... I think we'll do a wedding, and that will be kind of a renewal of vows in our mind for me and my husband! :)

    4. kristinanddan09


      yeah i know what you mean, thought it was a bit weird, even though we will be man and wife already for a years time? ah well, you're right ! we'll sort something out but it'll probably be a huge party with a renewal of vows ceremony, we have lots to go through this year still haha

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