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About kristinanddan09

  • Birthday July 21

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  • Immigration Status
    Adjustment of Status (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
  • Local Office
    Detroit MI
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  1. I don't know how I can do this for any longer :(

    1. Dan & Jenni

      Dan & Jenni

      whether you keep on with the visa process or you walk away because it is too hard... tomorrow will still come. whether your single or in a relationship... tomorrow will still come. will tomorrow be easier if you walk away now?? i dont think so. will tomorrow be easier if you give up on love?? i dont think so. what you feel right now is only temporary... what you feel tomorrow if you give up on love could last a lifetime. as hard as this process is i honestly believe it is the lesser of 2 evil...

    2. kelly11anne


      i think a lot of people here have felt the same at one time. think about why you started it... are those things still there? do you still love each other? it sucks so much waiting for someone but think of what is possible in the future. it's hard to think about but do something small today that will be positive. maybe write a letter to him to send via snail mail. at least it will be a surprise for him in the coming days that will make him think of you. he will appreciate it and its those ...

    3. kelly11anne


      i think a lot of people here have felt the same at one time. think about why you started it... are those things still there? do you still love each other? it sucks so much waiting for someone but think of what is possible in the future. it's hard to think about but do something small today that will be positive. maybe write a letter to him to send via snail mail. at least it will be a surprise for him in the coming days that will make him think of you. he will appreciate it and its those ...

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