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  • Immigration Status
    F-2A Visa
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  1. hi i hope u can help me with this as i heard that marriage based visa's like if u are married u will get a two years green card and if u are married longer u will get a 10 years green card.. my question is what are the time of green card for child of LPR after entering the usa? and what happens when green card expires? am i no longer immigrant? or i can renew green card for another long time? please help me

    1. Jen and Geert

      Jen and Geert

      1. Yes if you are married less than two years when you get a green card it is a Conditional "CR-1" meaning you'll be up for review at your 2 year wedding anniversary, if your married for 2 years when you get your green card you'll get IR-1 that is a 10 year green card which you can choose to renew before it expires or you can apply for citizenship sooner if you're eligible.

      2. Not sure about the child green card status, but they have a forum topic for that on the main...

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