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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Seoul, South Korea
  • Interests
    Linguistics--Especially Spanish. I'm learning Korean.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
    South Korea
  • Our Story
    We met while teaching in Seoul, South Korea, and worked together for about 6 months and after that I became her neighbor so I could be with her every day. I've been in Seoul for 2 years now and we're going back soon to start our life together.

    My fiancee's name is Eun Jung and she's lovely. She is clearly a gift from God!

    We hope to marry on November 18th, officially, although the legal stuff will be done earlier so we won't have to rush. November 18th is also the date that our parents were married so we'll get to make their anniversary even more special by having ours on the same day.

    Now we're dreaming about traveling the world together a little bit at a time and enjoying every moment we can.

    Note: Her mother likes me but does not want a foreigner for a son-in-law. If anyone else has a parent that disagrees then I know what it feels like to not be accepted!

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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