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  • Interests
    MBTI & Jung's Function Theory, Astrology, Meditation

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
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  • Our Story
    There is a Personality Typology that distinguishes people into 16 types (see links in signature). Nhu was called INTP. She highly admired one type -INFJ- and came to find their mailing list at www.infj.org . She wanted to join them and learn from them, for her self-development, but felt she didn't belong there.

    After some time she came to see a poem on that site, written by one of the INFJs onlist, named "Questions"... Relating to the questions so well, she even thought she had the answers. So she joined the list, planning to look up this poem's writer, to show him *the way to the answers*. That and just that.

    When already on the list, she didn't really see him around actively posting; and merging herself in the various topics the INFJ people there discussed, she absolutely forgot her initial intention, never knowing who he was.

    ...Three months later, he - Steve - found something in a post she made to the list, dropped her a personal message, and there correspondence began, intensively...


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