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Posts posted by DA & MK

  1. Don't they have a photo kiosk at the Embassy? How much does that cost to use, anyone know? (Not that it would be a good idea to rely on that working on the day of your interview!)

    HI Angleheart,

    I wanted to reply to your query yesterday only but thought I will wait till today and will reply after my interview is done.

    I was in the same scenario and my photographs were already there so U DONT NEED ANY MORE PICS.................They already have all of your documents. So dont worry.....

  2. Dear All,

    My Interview is comming up in like 2 weeks time. I was wondering if you guys can provide me with some usefull tips on the same.

    All our documents have already been received by the embassy and it seems absolutely fine. When we submitted opur documents with the NVC they raised no issues and was fine and we were given our interview date.

    As the date is comming closer and closer we are getting bit panic that are we missing anything or its fine or if there was anything missing NVC would asked us before alloting us the Interview date.

    All usefull opinion and experncies would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

  3. Dear All,

    I have a little confusion. My Interview is scheuled for 7 March 2011. We filed all our documentations to NVC and the letter which we have received from the US embassy London states that they ahve all our documents in original and we dont have to take anything else.

    My question is in regards to evidence of support. We have filed tax returns of my wife till 2009 and there is also additional sponser and we have filed tax papers for 2009. I just want to know do i have to carry tax returns for 2010 as well because they are still in process of getting filed as it has yet not been filed.

    Please suggest.



  4. I didnt know that either until I was looking on this site some time ago. Isnt it amazing how no-one involved in the process tells you that vital factor?? Thankfully I found out while my case was at NVC and I had the medical a week or so later. Good luck x

    Dear Angel Heart,

    Please do accept my apologies in advance if you think i am wrong.... But as far as my understanding goes our interview date was assigned and thereafter we booked our medical appoint.

    Our situation was that My wife was on a tourist VISA therefore she was not permitted to file my paper work directly from London us embassy so she filed directly from US. long story short NVC informed us about our interview date once our case was completed and thereafter we booked our medical appointment.

    Hope I am correct.

    But what i'll suggest please do call NVC first and then call London embassy to get the entire information, they are very helpfull.. I can understand what you are going through but please keep your mind calm when you are talking to them coz there is not much you can do so please be calm and think of how to proceed further now.

    Hope everything goes well.



  5. Dear All,

    I heard from NVC Yesterday and they informed me that our interview was scheduled for 7 March. We requessted them if they can reschdule it and can let us have any early date may be In Feb.

    They told us to call US Consulate in London and ask if they can do so... We called them today and they requested us to put in writting along with the reason...

    Please any one can advise if it will work or have any one has done anything like this in past??????



  6. Dear All,

    We called up NVC Yesterday and they informed us that our case is completed at NVC and they will let us have the interview date as soon as the same is scheduled by the US embassy, London........

    Any one who can let me know how long does it take to get the Appointment for interview once our case is completed by NVC at US Embassy London!!!!!!!

    Thank you and I would really appreciate your response.....



  7. DK,

    Sign In Failed

    Please be advised that the case that you have attempted to access is not eligible for further processing by the National Visa Center at this time. Please click on the Contact the NVC hyperlink if you believe that you have received this message in error.

    today, i log in to my account it show as above. my husband call the NVC, the operation tell us. my case is complete. waiting next 2 weeks will got the letter appointment for interview from the embassy.


    Thank you for your reply.... I hope same they say in my case as well....... But did they told you about your interview date or not? Because as of my understanding they can atleast tell you the date of interview over the phone.....


  8. Tomorrow's the first working day of NVC for this year. Think we'll be expecting more good news from them? I really, really hope so.

    NVC January 2011 peeps, this is our thread where you can update :thumbs: and celebrate! :dance:

    Let's join forces! :D

    Thanx Angeli,

    Its my pleasure to be part of this threade and share my expereinces so far with NVC.

    I send all my documents to NVC and thereafter received a checklist wherein they mentioned to send the original Marriage and Birth Certificate and after sending the same I am still waiting for it......

    Wil always keep you all posted with the updates on my matter...



  9. Dear Vj's,

    Hope you guys can help me as I presume someone of you might have been caught in a situation like us.

    We called NVC couple of weeks back and they stated to us that they have received our both the packets I864 and DS230 on 29 November and now it is under process.

    BUt unfortunately, we received a letter from NVC that they have still not received our DS230.... we are quite surprised and shocked.

    Please any one can help.... Shall we send the entire documents again or shall I cll them up or we have received this email by mistake.



  10. I am wondering if anyone has had a hard time from their medical doctor with regards to a drinking history, I have a drink history but no longer drink, I have had my medical and been upfront about it and now the Physician is giving me a hard time. I had a non-immigration medical in 2007 and was refused even though I had a visa in 2006 and went to America without any hitches, I am now immigrating to the USA to be with my wife.

    I had a call from my Physician tonight asking why there are discrepancies in what I told her this time to what I told her last time, I said I don't exactly remember because it was 3 years ago but she is really giving me hard time about my past, doesn't seem to care about who I am now, what I have done to become who I am today, it feels to me like she is getting personal, she actually went out of her way to pull my medical report from three years ago!!! when I had done my medical last week and gone home.

    Has anyone had experiences of this? please tell me my hard work and honesty isn't going to get my visa denied because this Physician can not or will not let MY past go?

    Do I need to legal assistance about this? is this Physician allowed to make this personal... she even made the statement "I see 100's through here every week trying for a visa in to the USA, fed up of it frankly" surely she is making it personal and not doing her job?

    Maybe I am bang off the mark... I just don't know anymore

    Hey Dude,

    Which one you went to the one in Knightsbridge or the other location......

  11. lovesherhubby,

    This was in 2008 interview. NVC scheduled out interview at that time and provided the interview appointment letter by PDF file. We downloaded the packet4 from the Consulate website and proceeded for the medical and interview.

    This time - Consulate has emailed me the interview date. It is an informal one, rather than the true one. They said, they will mail packet4 to my wife's local address soon. If you don't get it, please print this email version as a substitute for the appointment letter :devil:



    Please can you let me know how you expeidted your matter at NVC.

    We have send our AOS which should be with the NVC today and I have already send a complete DS230 application both part along with my civil documents certified and also two recent photgraphs to my in laws and they will forward it to NVC once the payment is made and they will print out the Cover sheet along with the copy of Payment rceipt.

    What will be the next step after that????????????????

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