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Ryan H

Members, Global Mod
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Everything posted by Ryan H

  1. Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.
  2. ***Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.*** **Moderator hat off** Skip the affidavits, they're not required and as mentioned by another poster, they're weak evidence to begin with. Joint financial assets or liabilites are not required either, don't stress this. You have evidence of time spent together in-person, focus on that since that is your strongest evidence.
  3. Moved from IR-1/CR-1 Process & Procedures to Mexico, Latin & South America regional forum; topic is about marriage procedures in Argentina.
  4. **Post split from old thread.**
  5. Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.
  6. Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.
  7. ***Below post and replies to it merged with existing thread. As already stated, do not start multiple threads on the same issue.***
  8. All you have to say is that you met on X date in Y location and have supporting evidence of such. You do not need to discuss the internship.
  9. Moved from IR-1/CR-1 Progress Reports to Working & Traveling During US Immigration forum.
  10. Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.
  11. Moved from IR-1/CR-1 Progress Reports to General Immigration-Related Discussion.
  12. Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.
  13. Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.
  14. Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.
  15. ***Post and reply split into separate thread as poster is asking about their own situation and not replying to the OP of the other thread. Going forward, please start your own thread with your own questions instead of hijacking threads started by other members.***
  16. Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.
  17. ~~Post and reply split from unrelated thread.~~
  18. Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.
  19. Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.
  20. Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.
  21. Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.
  22. Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.
  23. Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.
  24. Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.
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