If this is allowed to go all the way to trial, then ANY Republican administration will have little option but to go scorched earth on previous administration names (Biden, Clinton, likely Pence, too) to appease the base. And their “crimes” are more easily proven, as none of them were President at the time they mishandled the documents.
Pursuing these indictments has nothing to do with an actual crime and everything to do with a concerted effort to prevent DJT from regaining the White House. What the DOJ and FBI fail to realize is the ANY Republican who gains the White House, be it DJT or someone else, is going to be under intense pressure to rip out the senior levels at both organizations and replace them with a more balanced ideological outlook. Only for the GOP base, that balance is to swing both as far right as they are currently to the left, if not further.
They have sown the wind, they will reap the whirlwind.