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About MrsAmancio

  • Birthday 04/03/1980

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Hollywood, Florida
  • State
  • Interests
    Jet setting, the Beach, movies, music, dining, lounges, business planning

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Local Office
    Miami FL
  • Country
    Dominican Republic
  • Our Story
    We have been married for over 2 years now and together since 2010. Time flies!! We are still living life like newlyweds. I love my Dominican Husband!

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  1. I have ONE more thing to do, but it feels good to say that!! If my dream becomes a reality I don't even know what my next dream will be!! i have an idea though..

    1. Aztec&Taino


      An idea? I wonder what that would be?...

    2. MrsAmancio


      first comes love...then marriage then comes babies in the baby carriage haha (in about a year mind you!!)

    3. MrTee12


      Best wishes on your interview!

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