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Posts posted by deeking

  1. I update my timeline for the RFE with the date I physcially received it. I received a text message that my EAD was approved on Friday @12:28 PM May 20th and I received the text that further information was needed (RFE for AOS) on Monday, May 23rd @ 11:13 am. The posts I have read give the impression that if RFE for AOS is performed then card production is stopped, this did not happen in my case since the card could have been stopped the next business day. No one's situation is exactly alike but some maybe simular. ** Vanessa&Tony : so actually you it was not 8 days but thanks for the advice on how to update my timeline.

  2. We sent a copy of my husbands DS-2025 .. The RFE letter reads:

    " A review of the record indicates that you entered the United States pursuant to a valid K-1 nonimmigrant visa. However, the authorities where you were admitted or the U.S. Department of State did not forward the medical forms DS-2053, DS-3024, and Ds-3025 that were completed prior to visa issuance in conjunction with your K-1/ K-2 entry. New form I-693 required. "

  3. Hey Everyone ... Well wedding done / AOS packet with everything submitted and EAD sent. Got EAD card in hand on May 31st, 2011 but received RFE on AOS on May 28th, 2011 due to medical documents not forwarded by the agents @POE in Houston, Tx. We had to submit form I-693. Went to the Civil Surgeon on May 31st, 2011 for another exam and lab work ($175.00), did not need to perform the immunizations since we still had form 2025. I was a little discouraged about getting an RFE, but since this one was not my fault( I did not leave anything out of the information I sent)I don't feel so bad. .... But the main purpose of this post is to let you all know that an RFE for AOS does not mean automatic denial or suspension of an approved EAD. Stay encourage and this to shall pass ( the RFE that is ) ...

  4. congratulations !!!

    suggest you contact DoS Hotline tomorrow, ask 'is the casefile placed into AP, or not?'

    then call again, a week later, inquire casefile status, and ask the same question, again.

    Nigeria is a 'high fraud country' and half of the time, is no mention of AP at the interview, when in fact the case is put into AP.

    have a read ? --> http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/264972-shortcuts-when-checking-for-updates-from-the-nvc-and-dos/

    Dodi's posted 'how to call' and I've posted, further down, 'what you can get'.

    Good Luck ! I truly hope is no AP for this casefile !

    *** moving to 'K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports' forum ***


    What is AP?

  5. Thanks Jalie your story does show me I am not alone!!! @Cathy and Paul - your approval will be coming sooner then you think please just learn from my situation to already have your needed forms filled out/ all evidence/ and you police certicates in order ( including the rest of package 4. the forms in packet 3 is usually downloadable so fill those out and when you get your approval you can send this right in...

    GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL !!!! I will keep you posted on our progress to this long process!!! :bonk:

    @Damilola thanks I will email you...

  6. Hello fellow VJ'ers...My fiance' had his interview today and he said it went well... The questions asked were: 1) How did you meet? ;2) What is facebook? ;3)How did she find your profile on facebook?; 3) When did you meet?; 4)When will you like to travel to America?; and 5) Do you love her? .... After this they made him write my complete name and sign it (I have a very long name)and he did it.

    Now FYI:

    My Fianace stated to me this morning that they gave him back the police certificates he had and stated he needed to get the finger prints validated by both the UK gov't and Nigeria. The police certificate he had from the UK is something they issued him at work, which he assured me this was the only form this govt issues (Wrong) .. He had to download the proper form from a website and go the Magistrates office today to have him sign and pay for a solicitor(this what he told me) to sign. After this he has to send this information to Nigeria and have them validate the fingerprints and get another police certificate from them. :wacko:

    Guys I just graduated Law School in Alabama and have combed the internet and spoken with friends who are attorney's to make sure today would be an approval,but the one thing I could not control was the portion that my fiance had to do and it is discouraging that we have to wait about another month to get full approval... I made sure all downloaded visa forms were properly filled out /all finanicial forms and proof were in order/ and I made sure we had enough evidence of a TRUE RELATIONSHIP... I went over possible questions he might be asked,packet4 forms he had (over skype) and made sure he made adequate copies of these forms ...But it is so much you can do over video phone...... but any way he is doing all he can today to get this ready to send to Nigeria by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.....

    As far as for the Visa it was NOT DENIED but suspended,once he receives the documents he is to call a number and the courier will come and pick them up and his passport to have the visa issued and returned to him within 2 weeks time. So our plans are still to have a December wedding and to stay prayerful.

    I hope our experience helps this group since I have depended alot on the information I have found here.

    - Dee Dee

  7. hi.. I am in the same boat / My fiance' is Nigerian but lives in London, so we are having to deal with the London Embassy... I can't even find on their website rather you get the iv-15k at all/ nor can i find an email address to ask. I have went though the history of this site (visa Journey) and i could not find anything either. When you find out will you please post it

  8. Hey VJ family..hope all is well....

    Now my Fiance' and I are getting our forms together but in his packet it was just a letter telling him to go to the London Embassy website and download forms. All forms are completed (156..156k...157...230 part 1 and 2 / even 2001) but he was not given a form IV-15k checklist nor is there a link on the website... Are we missing something or does this form come after the London Embassy recieve the other mentioned forms?

    Also, the instructions for the electronic 156 states to sign the form per the website, but everything on this website states not to.. Also I went looking at the other processing visa types and the K-3 stated not to sign 156 or 156k.. so needless to say Iam confused. Do I follow the instruction and tell my fiance to sign or not?

    Lastly, although it states to fill out forms in duplicate for 156/156k and 157, do we send both copies at one time to the embassy?

    thanks in advance

  9. I am filling out the i134... if I choose to send my fiance' a copy of my 2009 tax return and w2 ( as proof of income) will i need to get it notorized ? I would request a transcript of my taxes,but I think the IRS will take too long to get the information to me. We are going though the London Embassy.

    thanks for you help in advance

  10. Hope all is well everyone ... I am new and have been reviewing the site for alittle while to see how it works , so here we go...

    I am planning to visit my fiance' in London this summer and I am a bit worried. The last time I visited him in London I was held in immigrationthere fro about 3 hours since I was an American Citizen whom happen to be a woman traveling alone and my fiance' is a Nigerian who is on a student visa there. Did I mention my passport was a virgin passport. The officer made it clear that it was illegal to marry in the UK, but at the time we were not engaged. After I returned to the states I was told I should have just said I was there to vacation and that was it,not even mention my then boyfriend. Therefore now when I go back should I mention anything about him since I have been finger printed and spent a little time in immigration lockup?

    P.S. the officer was very good about getting the information out of me: " I see you are a lone female traveler, do you know anyone here?" my answer "Yes" and I told her ... "oh he is a boyfriend?" "yes" I answered ... "ok,is he a citzen of the UK ?" No, on student visa .,... the officer replied ok sit over there........ downhill from there :angry:

  11. I work for a health insurance agency and HIPPA only applies to non-underwritten employer contract insurance. Check with your employer to see if your group health insurance is not underwritten if not then she will not be under preexisting condition for pregnancy. Generally underwritten groups are small companies who have opt out of HIPPA or those health insurance companies which sell health insurance plans that you buy that are not though your employer.

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