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Posts posted by Harsh_77

  1. Which is the right visa would depend on the nature of the work.

    I don't have much experience with either of these visa but I believe on A2 you are representing your govt and would be working on behalf of your govt in US, while G2 is for international organization both are diplomatic visa.

    If you are worried about diplomatic immunity and things I think lawyer would be a better person or you can talk to ppl from your organization who have used either of these visas in past.

  2. Thank you for the replies. No, I am not in a specialized field. I have reserached the different kind of visas and it seems like I don't qualify for almost any of them...I don't get why it should be so complicated haha I just wish to go to America and live and work there! I might look into a J-1 visa though

    Why you think it is so difficult, coz there are millions and millions of non USC who would want to come and live here and work here.

    Do you think your country just lets anyone come and work there?

  3. That is crazy...

    I haven't worked there, haven't take US money to my poket... I had spend more then 10k with taxes to government I don't belong

    How is the regular person should to know this technical paper details?

    I had a 3 year multi visa + I94 dates = all I have to care about not to overstay... what else??? You let me go, I go... You let me to stay 3 month, I stay 3 month... what is wrong with this.... (just emotions).

    That is just super sad... That mean I will never see my relatives!? Crazy!!! One my cousins got married and I got nephew ... CRAZY...

    Thanks to all who had replied!

    Someone studying law saying all these documents were too technical would not be acceptable.

    I am not sure why you think you paid 10K in taxes to US govt, tourist are not required to pay taxes. You were granted tourist visa for the purpose as name states for tourism.

    You were in US for 6 months took a short trip for 10 days and were trying to enter again that is not allowed.

    I am not sure what else they have on your file besides the codes , the only way you can find out is apply for another visa.

  4. Thanks for all the response, had been very helpful.

    I'm from India.

    Another question, my wife and son gets an H4, but how can I get my parents to live with me. Is there anything like dependent visa?

    Your parents cannot move to US as your dependant.

    There is no visa for them, if both you and your wife want to work than you both of you need H1.

    Also you cannot move to US and look for job, you need to have a job and an employeer who is willing to sponsor your H1.

  5. Yeah i get that man. It was a joke but apparently you have no sense of humor. The promise to C.O. Means everything because if I failed on the promise by breaking that law. I can be prosecuted under military law. If you didn't know, C.O. In our world is Commanding Officer. He is above my first sergeant, supervisor, section chief, etc. and I got a letter signed by him to state that he is aware of my situation. Simply put, if my wife does not go back, she will be consider a fugitive of sort because she will illegally be here. Harboring a fugitive in this scenario would mean I am soliciting in a version of human trafficking. Therefore, I will be punishable under article 92 of the UCMJ. I check with legal office, and yes I will go to jail if my wife runs.

    Sorry guys, my mistake on the interview date. The way Honduras works is sort of like different level tier of customer service. Yesterday she was screened by Honduran employee at the consulate. There's no appointment line because of the overwhelming amount of people that wants to come to the States. She passed that test and now she has to wait for an appointment with a DHS employee. However she was told by the lady that she does have a great chance because she is married to me, a U.S. Citizen military NCO who has been back and forth to Honduras about 3 times a year the past three years. We have no reason to lie, we also have no reason for her to run when she gets here because my paperwork is getting expedited as well due to a deployment in March. Still not convince now that I know my case being expedited but hey 30 days of showing my wife around the U.S. Is better than nothing.

    CO in VJ context does not mean commanding officer, another thing is just promising someone does not make it a law.

    So if she overstayed her visa only law she would be violating would be immigration law, she would not become a fugutive.

    You being active military and your case being expedited are positive thing suring the case, I still believe you should also present other evidence as why she would return back and not just rely on letter and you being active military.

  6. Thank you guys. Yes the one overstaying their expiration date to me is a parasite that kills it for the honest folks. I concur the filing fees of $160 is quite a bit but coupling that with roughly $600-700 I send my wife every month it is really small price if I can get her over here for 3 months. I don't have to send her that much but at the same time, I want her to be comfortable. It is true the dollars can go a long way but in her town Comayagua, if I wanted her to be in a safe neighborhood I have to pay. If I want her to eat well, it costs. All in all, if she is approved, I will be one happy man.

    Also I promise to all my fellow VJers, the wife will NOT overstay lol.

    Promise to VJers does not mean anything, VJers are not the one issuing the visa.

    Promise to CO's don't mean anything either, you need to provide some strong evidence why your wife would not overstay or try to file for AOS while she is in US.

    For spouse of USC CO's dont care about overstay but their main concern is the applicant would quit the CR1 process and file for AOS, which makes it difficult for spouse of USC to get a tourist visa.

  7. It normally takes anywhere from 6-8 weeks, for some people just checking on the form has not worked in the past and they had to contact SSN office.

    If you do not get your card by 6-7 weeks you might want to reach out to SSN office to see what is going on.

  8. Carla,

    I found your first response insulting and this one as well!

    I came for advice and was attacked by you and a few others. Nowhere in my post did I attack anyone. Please quote where I attacked someone. My comments were geared towards a broken system. Did I write that it was not right for two people who have just met to get a visa? Absolutely not!

    You made comments about the suffering of Mexicans who are illegal in the US, as if their suffering justifies their being there. You have made presumptions about me despite only knowing the little information that I have provided here. I gave a short history of my experiences with Mexican visa process for students and you imply that what I experienced is not true. You were not there when I attended a seminar at a Mexican consulate and heard the General Consul make bitter comments about the US government. You were not there when other students and I were going through the process both in the US and in Mexico. You come across as if I do not know anything about Mexico and the plight of Mexicans. May I remind you that I lived in Mexico for more than 3 years? May I remind you that I have been engaged to a Mexican for more than 5 years? I have travelled throughout Mexico and have provided healthcare to the poor of Mexico. I have been involved in many aspects of the Mexican government and their laws, including multiple traffic accidents where the other driver was at fault and where the driver fled the scene before the authorities arrived. In each case, the authorities were trying to blame me and I had to go through hell with the insurance companies that were trying to scam me. I was even thrown in prison for one of the accidents until the passenger in the other vehicle who was injured was released from the hospital and admitted to the authorities that the driver of her car was at fault but that she did not know who he was because she had just met him and let her drive her car. I could go on and on about my experiences as well as the experiences of other students in my class, so please do no insult me by trying to imply that I have imagined this stuff.

    I know that everyone here has a difficult time and has to pay money, but no, we don't all pay the same amount. Has everyone here paid for a form I-601? Read my original post again and you will see that I attacked no one. It is the system that I attacked that needs fixing. Everyone here was not living with their fiancé for 3.5 years to then suddenly have them separated. Everyone does not visit their fiancé in the foreign country every few months to then suddenly have to say goodbye after a few days. I do not expect or want sympathy; I came for advice. Maybe someone had gone through the same experience. Do not presume to know that we are being punished for their living in the country. You were not there when they were denied entry. They were not denied for living illegally in the US; and all of you who think so are just plain wrong. My fiancée actually got more hassled when entering the country when we were both living in Mexico. After I returned to the US, they were allowed in more easily until the time that they saw my stepdaughter's books. The problem that we have has nothing, I repeat, nothing to do with living in the country; the problem was studying with a tourist visa. And yes, I have already consulted a lawyer, who agrees with this.

    The system is broken, and anyone who cannot see that that was my intent in my original post needs to read it again.

    System is not broken in regard to school refusing the illegals to enroll or informing that they cannot be enrolled in the public school system.

    System is made to do it that way, due to pressure from politicians and other Hispanic organizations, churches etc.

    In you OP you said you guy were ignorant about law unfortunately that is not an excuse, if you get pulled over for speeding and tell cop you were not aware of the speed limit he is not going to let you go without a ticket.

    Attending school on tourist visa is violation of tourist visa, so you cannot claim you did not do anything wrong.

  9. They have a Lawyer and applying for asylum, there B2 is dead anyway.

    As you said some of these folks know exactly what they are doing. Than people wonder how it is so difficult for people to get B1/2 from certain countries.

    They have already hired a lawyer after they entered the country on B1/2 means it was completely planned to enter on B1/2 and apply for asylum.

    Somebody needs to forward this thread to guy from Ukraine who is trying to gather signatures to relax B1/2.

  10. My husband just made a good point. Think about it, if I enter the US in NYC and then fly to Washington and then to CA. My first point of entry is NY but that does not make me the resident of that or any other of the three states, because entering the country is a federal thing and not specific to any state.

    This law is specifically based on getting benefits or voting (which obviously I cannot do at the moment), getting into a country is not a benefit, geting K1 approved is but is not state specific.

    We went on the road trip for our honeymoon recently and the person whose car I was driving called the insurance company to ask if it would be okay if I was driving (I have a foreign valid licence and obviously my name was not on the insurance), they confirmed that it is fine.

    If you are driving a rental car that does not have you or your spouse listed on the insurance than you can be liable for the damage if there was accident, insurance will not cover it.

    Insurance will only cover the person and their spouse whose name is on the insurance card.

  11. On B2 tourist visa kids cannot go to school, that is not allowed.

    They cannot get SSN either, I am surprised that school did let them enroll with B2 visa.

    B2 is for tourist purpose, maximum they can stay is 6 months at a time and then need to return back home. 3 year visa means they can come to US anytime during that 3 year, cannot stay in US for 3 years.

  12. They are already worried about their profit.

    Allowing Americans more time to enroll for health coverage under Obamacare may raise premiums and cut into profits, insurers are telling members of Congress in a bid to stop such a move.

    Extending the enrollment period would have a “destabilizing effect on insurance markets,” said Robert Zirkelbach, a spokesman for the Washington-based lobbyist group American’s Health Insurance Plans. Allowing younger, healthy Americans to sign up later, as they probably would, means less revenue for insurers counting on those premiums to help defray the cost of sicker customers, threatening industry profits.

    “If you can enroll at any point in the year, then you can just wait until you get sick,” Brian Wright, an analyst with Monness Crespi Hardt in New York, said in a telephone interview. “This isn’t the industry crying foul and exaggerating the issue, this is actually one of those issues where there is a well-grounded reason for the concerns.”


  13. How many parents are giving their kids whoppers?

    Kids are not getting whoppers for Halloween nor is this a popular candy in the U.S.

    Kids are getting kit kat, twix, and everything else that is gummy and mushy.

    This is true. And with the average child not getting much out door activity, combined with playing the play station all day, it doesn't help. Also physical ed in the U.S. is a joke now as well. Points for just wearing a uniform isn't enough. Get them out of the gym and actually get outside and do something with the kids.

    I like the suggestion for parents to get outside and participate in outdoor activities with their kids, maybe Americans should switch to European model, less hours at work, long vacation times does not sound bad at all.

  14. Maltesers are a confectionery product manufactured by Mars, Incorporated. Maltesers consist of a roughly spherical malt honeycomb centre, surrounded by milk chocolate. They are most popular in Denmark, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Spain, Ireland, Canada, France, Hong Kong, Iceland and Portugal.[citation needed] Maltesers are sold in a variety of packaging, including plastic bags (ranging in size from small 'fun-size' upwards), larger cardboard boxes and tubes, and plastic buckets (ranging in size from medium to very large). They also have medium sized "teasers" in Celebrations boxes. Maltesers are also one of the types of sweet included in Mars's Revels assortment.

    In February 2013, Maltesers were sold in Faroe Islands, Austria, Italy, Malta, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, Macao, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Australia, New Zealand, Slovenia, the Isle of Man and the United Kingdom.


    Maltesers were created by Forrest Mars, Sr. in 1936, and first sold in 1937. They were originally described as "energy balls" and aimed at slimming women.[1]

    The current Maltesers' slogan is "The lighter way to enjoy chocolate" - earlier slogans have included "The chocolates with the less fattening centre", "No ordinary chocolate" and "Nothing pleases like Maltesers". The Australian version also contains the line: "Made in Australia... ...exported to the world." In the 1930s, advertisements claimed that the Maltesers honeycomb centre is seven times less fattening than ordinary chocolate centres; this led marketers to claim it was beneficial for weight loss.[citation needed]

    In 2011, the product gained Fairtrade accreditation in the UK and Ireland by sourcing all their cocoa and sugar under Fairtrade Terms.[2]

    It appears their candy is a lot healthier than our candy.

    :) As you say it appears they are better.

  15. There is low calorie and low sugar candy that taste great!!!! You can give this to a kid and they will not know the difference. They will only know it is candy and sweet.

    I am not saying that candy and sweets are the only reasons for obesity, you just said that.

    If you are saying candies and sweets are not making them obese, pls let them enjoy it.

  16. She could give out some breakfast bars. Something with low calorie and sugar. She doesn't have to be mean about it.

    It is great that she is paying attention to children's health, but she is going about it the wrong way.

    Seriously which kid wants that for Halloween?

    It’s once in a year let the kids enjoy……. eating habit is not the only reason why we have obesity problem.

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