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About christinehicham

  • Birthday 09/16/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Houston, TX

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    National Benefits Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We met April 2008 and talked on the internet everyday. First visit June 2009 and married July 2009. Filed the I-130 October 2009 and it got approved March 2010. Had the interview Sept 2010, they intended to revoke our petition, I filed a motion Nov 2011, heard from them Nov 2012, heard from them again this year stating that there is a possibility that they made a mistake...But even though I got my lawyer to argue for me they still revoked it on Aug. 25th and had the chance to file yet another appeal which I decided not to since I have another case open. Meanwhile I visited my husband Dec 2010 for 2 weeks, Dec 2011 for 3 weeks. Unfortunately I was unable to go in 2012 due to finances.

    Part 2: We are still together Alhamdulillah, I am starting over the process and this time with an attorney, my new journey began on April 24 2013. Our I-130 package was sent May 10 and we received our first NOA May 24th. Dec 12th i received notice that our papers were transferred to the Nebraska Service Center. Feb 4th 2014 they finally approved the petition. Now off to the National Visa Center. In shaa Allah we will be together soon after 5 years.

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  1. I received a notice that they approved our petition on Feb. 7 2014. Papers transferred to National Visa Center. Hopefully I will hear something within a month :) Almost 9 months have passed and finally some news!

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