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Love is patient

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  • City
    All over the place :-)
  • Interests
    Art, fitness, food, music, reading, quotes. My fave for VJ is: "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step - Lao Tzu"

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
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  • Our Story
    There was once a little silly panda that flew around the world to meet his little butterfly. After many emails, a heap of poems and calls, frequent visits filled with gentle kisses, long cuddles, now its time to be together for ever! :-)

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  1. Soon me & hubby will be togheter 4 ever, never to be apart again!! :-D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      HUGS!!!!!!!!!! I know the holidays cant be same without beeing with your loved one... smth is missing, but the down stage will finish soon & you'll go up, up... up in the air flying to your husband!! hehe. Time just flies by & you'll fly too through this & into a brand new life. You should be excited too!! Think of the big picture more, is hard but it does help! Muah :)

    3. melissa_endrie


      now you make me smile. ^__^

      Thank you VJ friends...

      We can do it! we can make it!

    4. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      Hooray a smile... hihi, ur adorable!! <3 Yes, we can do it, we will make it... togheter will be a little easier!!

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