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A French Kiss

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About A French Kiss

  • Birthday 01/26/1974

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    San Clemente, CA

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I was on vacation in the Caribbean on the island of St. Martin with one of my girlfriends. We were there for 8 days. On day 3, we went out to dinner at an outdoor restaraunt/bar. As we walked up the dock, I happened to look up for a split second, only to find him looking at me. So I smiled. I think I stopped breathing for a few seconds. I walked up to the bar to order drinks while my friend sat down. I stood just 2 feet from him. I asked him what he was drinking and rather than tell me, he pushed his glass in my direction motioning for me to take a sip, so I did. He didn't speak a word (later to find out he spoke French). As the night went on, we kept looking at eachother until he sent a round of drinks over to my friend and I. We thanked him and his friend. We invited them to the table and they joined us.

    The conversation was comical because I don't speak french and he spoke very little english. We communicated by speaking very slowly and chose easy words. We spent the remainder of the night talking and laughing and enjoying our time together...5 hours! I learned he was a "french policeman" as the waitress put it. He is a Gendarme with the Gendarmerie :) Lucky me!! He was working in St. Martin for 3 months and happened to arrive only 1 week before me!~

    Two nights later, we saw each other again at the same place. We spent 2 hours talking, before he had to leave for work. Then the last evening we saw eachother was at the same restaraunt "Dinghy Dock" and then we went to my hotel room with my friend -- nothing happened, lol -- and we got on the computer to use Google Translator. We talked by way of computer for a few hours...

    Our evening ended with what I thought was a kiss goodbye. Little did I know he was making plans in his head to figure out how not to leave with a broken heart.

    Not 2 days after I was home in California, he called me to tell me he wants us to be together. We stayed in touch every single day thereafter by way of email, phone, facebook and skype.

    I invited him to California and he came in February and again in April. He proposed to me in April and of course, what kind of a Fairytale story would this be if I didn't say YES!

    We are the happiest we've ever been and I'm so excited to start my life with him.


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