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About hrhrhr

  • Birthday 04/22/1980

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    india , state- rajasthan city - jaipur
  • Interests
    ha ha ha , humnn , cooking, gardening, palmistry, astrology, jewellery designing, interiors , garment designing, webpage designing, video editing, music composition, script writing ,poetry , lyrics, direction , antiques arts rare only not like any other antique but v rare only, tourism , itinerary,, culture, people, history , geology, gemstones, pharmceuticals , laws , cyber law,patents , rights,w ills, crimes, manymany more .

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  • Our Story
    ha ha ha well i have lotof pride my dream is n dream its my ambition and i know what i think i always do it. april 22 iwud be 30 years , india is an orthodox country even if they get education they remain still v backward they do not understand what is liberty and yes manners. i studied whole world i wud say india is country i can getnowhere in world buti do notlike my countrymen because originally my countrymen were so cultured truthful andhonest nowi feel they r equally opposite iam descendent of king yadu 5500 B.C. i have straight lineage even lord krishna wa sborn in our family.now people pray him from all world peopel come and pray but i feel sad same case is with buddhism people millions followers billions but they really do not follow they r learning what they r taught .mere teaching cannot givethem or awake them spiritually .and they all bheave bad in real lives. my ambition is get world's richest man by 2020 and by 2030 half the wealth of this world.i feel i would get that target .richest man is just a midway . i do not love money i hate it so i want get it.i ma a virgin in india u can nevr fnd a virgin guy at age 30 .i nevr met any girl evenwhen i studied in convent anyway i feel usa , spain are countrie si love italy portugal and belgium r also v good . i have friends and future partners in 30 countries . my da dis billionair eher ebuti have lot prid ei nevr take help i wud do it all my own , and yes the dya ileave indiai would be kicking approx 40 million us dollars . but honesty truth is what always make me feel sad. stll i dontleave it .aleast i feel powerful . someday lord bless me and i wud get my all.my hollywood productions my 5 stories iwud direct wud hit the world . i have written those scripts in my mind. lot to do evry day pass i feel sad my lifeis running so many talents and still . myown 2000 recipes i experimented andmade. apart from 3000 othe rrecipes. many busines i have to do.even women's innerwear. i have full plans ofmylife till 2012 . now 2010 to 2014 iwud be focussing and opening 22 companies. and u know truth i have not even 1 dollar. i cannot do jobs peole r bad they r egoistic they wud nevr allowme because i bet wherever iwould work my work is beyond comparison good and soon people feel jealous. beit any field of science art or business , or hierarchy in a company i findmyself more knowleageablethan any boss. so sure conflicts r sure. i nevr did jobs andi cannevr do that.ha ha ha so u have a personality with some pride people callit arrogance. i dotn pray god i follow god.

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