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Status Updates posted by wantknow

  1. I'm good just misss hubby starting to get my papers together to begin the process ... now I know Shayma lol this is new page

  2. I'm good just misss hubby starting to get my papers together to begin the process ... now I know Shayma lol this is new page

  3. Hi how are things going? well i hope

  4. Hi how are things going? well i hope

  5. Thanks for your well wishes!

  6. Thanks so much! RAMADAM KAREEM!!

  7. Thanks Alot And Ramadan Kareem!!

  8. Thanks Alot And Ramadan Kareem!!

  9. Hey "T" just stop bt to say hello ... hope all is well with you... it"s the 1st day of Ramadan here... We were married today !!!!

  10. Hey "T" just stop bt to say hello ... hope all is well with you... it"s the 1st day of Ramadan here... We were married today !!!!

  11. Hi... I love your pic it so nice!!

  12. Hi... I love your pic it so nice!!

  13. oh ok ... it's still the same

  14. oh ok ... it's still the same

  15. Have the fees changed at the onsulate ... it keeps going up for that AFM? Hope you will get finished with good news to tell!!! Best wishes for you both!!!

  16. Have the fees changed at the onsulate ... it keeps going up for that AFM? Hope you will get finished with good news to tell!!! Best wishes for you both!!!

  17. Yes "T" we did the samethings the last time I was there, and same thing happen to us we had to wait cuz they keep doing sit outs from work! I was hoping this would be over by now! So when I return its going to be the same thing all over again!!!

  18. So details details lol we are doing ok I'm here trying to plan for my next trip in July ... So the process over there is just as hard cuz it takes longer for everything to complete ... stay strong ... this to shall pass...

  19. Hey "T" just stop to see how things were going .... Hope all is well with you both... Take care...

  20. Hi sounds good!! I pray it will work out for you guys... as for us I hope to return soon as well...you have to keep me posted on your success!

  21. Hello ... thanks for stopping by our page

  22. Just stop to say hello & hope all is well

  23. Hi I just read what happen ... so sorry to hear that... I did the congress thing and the sentor, they were no help at all I still don't know why they returned ours...but be strong and don't give up!

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