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Posts posted by katrinacov

  1. Question:

    The I-134, it looks like it doesnt really ask too many questions about support/income. I am correct in thinking that if I dont make the 125% income level, then my dad will haev to complete the form for me? So I dont complete it...only he does?


    I was looking over the I-864 for the green card, and it states that if you need a co sponsor for the fiance, then you can use your parents IF THEY HAVE THE SAME PRINCIPAL ADDRESS AS ME? Is this true? I dont live in the same house as my dad? Is this rule the same for the I-134?

    Im confused. Please help.


  2. Hello,

    So I have a question about the affadavit of support for the K1 visa and green card. I looked up the (2009 I think) 125% levels of income for sponsoring someone.

    In my situation I will need to cover:

    1. Myself

    2. My fiance

    3. My daughter

    So I believe that comes to $22,888 (roughly)

    QUESTION - I only have joint custody of my daughter, so does that play into the level of income that I need to make in order to sponsor? I only make $18,240. I was thinking since I only have joint custody it would lower the amount I need to make? That is one of the check boxes on that form I believe....joint custody?


  3. You have every reason to be upset. Conviction on these felonies changes your life and removes some of the rights we take for granted. Probation means that you are under the watchful eye of the court.

    Can your lawyer work out some better plea bargain for you?? Does your BF know of this development?

    Good luck.

    well i was assigned a public defender, so they are not very realiable. Im going to ask them the day of my sentencing if they could get the 1 year probation lowered. 6 month probation shouldnt be too bad. This is my first offense. But public defenders arent very worried about helping me.

  4. I might have asked this...maybe not.

    I am the US Citizen, and I am about to get convicted for two misdemenors - embezzling and larcony. I will probably (90% chance) be assigned probation.

    My question is will this affect my chance of getting a K1 visa for my non american fiance? We are wanting to apply for the K1 and send in our I-129f packet, but im afraid my criminal record will keep us from getting accepted?

    Sidenote - and i dont assume anyone will know this, but I am dual citizen, and while on probation I am allowed to travel with a probation letter and approval from my probation officer, say down the road I get married to my fiance in his country. I wonder if there is any chance I can move to that country (England) while still on probation to be with my husband?


    im really upset about all of this,

  5. Hi all!

    My fiance and I are just starting the whole K1 process, and beginning to gather information for me to send the petition to the California Service Center.

    One thing about the passport photo that my fiance needs - the specifications says that the photo needs to be 2 x 2 inch. My fiance (who is in England) tells me that everywhere they get passport photos taken are much smaller than 2 x 2 and he has no idea where to get one that size...and he thinks they will reject it.

    He did say the one place he knows of that takes that size passport photo is the US Embassy in London, but you cant get in without an appointment (he went to get a B2 visa to visit me....got denied...another story). London is a long ways away from him anyways.

    What should he do?

    Sidenote - he has been disqualified from the Visa Waiver Program, refused entry to the US, and denied a b2 visa to come visit....will this affect us getting approved for the K1? Also I have two misdemenors on my criminal record....it looks like for the petition etc they only look at background records for the foreign fiance...is this true?

    Thank you!!!


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