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Posts posted by rbhigday

  1. Man NY apartments are expensive!! :blink: My 1 bedroom 800+ sq ft apartment is only $489 a month!

    I think mawilson made a good point, if you can't afford that fee then you probably can't afford the apartment!

    :thumbs: Shew you aint kidding. My 3 bedroom house with at least 1/2 acre yard is only $500 a month and it is an adorable house.

    Ok where do you live I want to move there here a 3 bedroom house starts at about 1200 in the bad neighboorhoods and goes up and FAST!

  2. I am going bankrupt making international calls. I want to make very cheap calls to nigeria over the internet for less than 5cent a min or less but i need another company besides voip.com does anyone have any suggestions of other companies that offer this service. I will be calling a land line in Nigeria or a mobile.

    I was spending a fortune on phone calls until somebody told me to sign UP with Vonage.

    I signed up with Vonage, send the adaptor to my fiance so she can call me and I can call her

    and it's a local call no charge.

    You need to clarify that it only works when your SO has internet access at home (pc to pc). Otherwise, Vonage charges just about the same rate per minute as the competitors (from computer to landline or mobil).

    maybe for some but I switced to Vonage because the local company was charging 25 cent a min for calls to peru and about 80 cents for cell phones in peru. with Vonage it now 7 cents and 33 cents, they just raised their rates so looking for something new but they are still better then the competitors

    No this does not work with cell phones you must have a internet connection and a real phone to connect to the addapter. If you both have broadband in your homes, get 2 with numbers for both local to you then send him one and connect and it will be like it a local call and will be no long distance charge just the 25 bucks for each account or 50 total plus tax per month

  3. I am sorry to hear about your problems but I have news both good and bad.

    First the good news. If you fly there you will be able to see her.

    WHich brings me to the bad news.

    If she is in the Navy and in A school then she has liberal leave. She can leave base when ever class or drills are not in session which is almost every evening and weekends, unless they have duty.

    The only time in the navy persons are restricted is when they are in boot camp then you can not see them until about a week before they graduate boot camp.

    I hope you can work it out, but honestly I think there is a lot she is not telling you. Sorry to be blunt.

    Good luck

  4. The bleeding can be from one of two things internal dangles or a scratch. You can get both with constipation with Interal dangles you will bleed off and on, if it just a scratch it will heal in a few days.

    Both conditions drink water and increase Fiber content in your diet, easy to do with cereals and other foods that contain high fiber. If you want you can also use the powders in drinks or foods, all have the same fiber content benafiber powder is one with no taste and can be put in drink or food and you will not taste it.

    Some diets may require more than 100% of daily fiber to get normal

    Either way both of you should get to the doctor, anya-D for sure. If you can do it before you come here it will be worlds cheaper there then here unless you will have medical insurance when you get here.

    Good luck and get well

    oh yeah and GET to the doctor!

  5. A while back someone posted a VOIP site that had international calling plans that include countries and select cities around the world.

    I am interested in this because Lima was one of the cities.

    If anyone know the name of the company or the link or even the link to the message thread it was in I would be greatly appreciative. I spent the last 2 hours looking over the threads and have not found the message.



  6. How to make a Richard


    5 parts mercy

    1 part silliness

    3 parts leadership


    Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add wisdom to taste! Do not overindulge!

    How to make a Silvia


    3 parts pride

    5 parts arrogance

    1 part leadership


    Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of wisdom

    How to make a Higday


    5 parts pride

    5 parts brilliance

    3 parts empathy


    Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Serve with a slice of curiosity and a pinch of salt. Yum!

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