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Posts posted by Mike&Be

  1. Got the standard reply from the embassy to my email about the status of the case after Teaw took all the new stuff on Monday. The above captioned K-1 fiancé visa case for Ms. BOONMA SRISOMPORN is currently under administrative processing. The visa Unit will be in touch with you and the applicant as soon as the process is completed regarding the outcome of the case.

    Of course, they don't say what they are really doing, if it in the fraud unit or where. I am still debating if I should write a letter explaining what happened with the marriage, why and how it deteriorated so fast after we got married that left the door open for my relationship with Teaw to change into more than just friends. What do some of you other "seasoned" people think? Should I write the letter? I can get it there so they have it after the Songkran holiday!!!

    i hope u guys will get visa before next yr

    coz thai ppl i know who get AP,

    they need to wait more than 1 month for get the visa

    the longest that i know who got AP, they get 12 yrs to pass to AP

  2. There is no estimated time for AP. Keep in mind that Delhi consulate is known for doing that -- it is one of their ways in preparing or laying the groundwork for subsequent denial of your visa. They will not act on your case till your I-129F petition has either expired or about to expire and then they will use that as the basis for denying your visa. Unless, they are fully satisfied with your relationship and the documents you submit, in which case you might be ok.

    I suggest, do whatever you can to make them act on your AP case without loosing any time - have the congressman make a call to the CO or have the beneficiary somehow go to the consulate and make inquires.

    Good Luck to you.

    In thailand if you got AP and u not give what they want in 1 yr. they will denial visa

  3. I thought the I-134 was to to be submitted to the consular officer on the day of the interview. It does not appear on the check list for packet 3.

    The list i have for packet 3 is:




    DS-230-part one and two.

    IV-15 Checlist and notice of readiness..

    So is this correct that we need to send the I-134 with the package 3?

    oh yes so sorry i was my mistyping i meant. i-134 will use when into consular officer

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