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Posts posted by Eden1207

  1. I think so.. because he is only one year old..luoy pud au if they let the baby wait for so long.. thats what they say they might have some considerations in a certain circumstances.. very lucky jud.. isog diay au imo baby boy ky la man nag cry...liwat siguro sa daddy... :rofl: its less than a month now and that they will have their interview pohon.. am sure very excited ka kaau... :blink: Thank God everything went well.. medyo kulbahinam sad baya ang medical.. one down for u my friend.. :whistle:

    hehehe...isog pero buotan man ang daddy. :D , masuko lang ug dili eh hataq ni mommy and eh ask ni daddy. :rofl: . So one more to go nalang gyud Kathleen, less then a month. Ikaw pud exicted naka...so goodluck for your baby plans pohon..i wish its a boy..HEHEHE :thumbs:

  2. Good to know that theyre done without any hassles... :dance: :dance: :dance: Praise the Lord Jesus Christ :innocent: am so happy for y my friend, ur one more inch to being with them.. God is so good... Dont worry bout the interview, they will just be fine.. and with you having a one year old they will have their heart for you.. they really are family oriented so am very positive they will do just as fine..

    And i will pray for their interview too..its gonna be sooner.. yeheyyy... :dance:

    Im so excited na Kathleen, cant wait for them to be here..im just so happy that everything went well during the medical. The doctors and nurses were so accomodating to my son, maybe coz his still 1 yr old. Instead of letting them wait for hours for his PE and Vaccination, they just set an appointed time for him late afternoon. So it took them just an hour to complete everything (PE and immunization). And what really surprise them the most....even with six shots he was not crying..hehehehe

    Praised Jesus again.... :innocent:

  3. My friend Rey,

    Mag- dilang anghel ka sana... :thumbs: Im hoping that it will come next.. of course will let u all know.. :) and u will be his ninong :D Goodluck diay sa medical sa imo family, hopefully its gonna be fine.. God bless ur family :)

    Hey Kathleen,

    They just did their medical last monday and tuesday...PRAISED JESUS THEY PASSED!! :innocent:

    my son was not required to take the TB test since his only 1 yr old.

    So one down and one more to go.... :thumbs:

  4. if youre just in Texas, then its really worth the fly... if God permits, naa na diri akong family and we'll trully fly overthere to meet you and be a ninang.. ehhehehehe

    Reymon, as you know that im gifted in terms with the future except mine!... ehehehheeh im seeing now that you are carrying a baby boy...mag tumba tag baka?

    Sus maryosep...simbako Mitch oi..1 yr old pa ako baby boy..unya pun-an napud. FAET :bonk: .

    later na cguro..maybe 2 to 3 yrs time.. ill let you, yna and kathleen knows.

    mag tumba ta ug baka pohon...PERO pabarugon napud ug balik ig homan :rofl:

  5. Rey, basin mauna pa ka for another baby than me and Mitch... :rofl: well, i lived closeby here in TX u can just PM me for ur soon baby shower and Bunyag.. Thank you for wishing though coz we really want to have a second one.. hopefully soon.. Mitch, get ready pud coz u will be next.. :thumbs: And if it happens, I wll surely let you, Mitch and Yna know... :)

    hahaha...dili oi..im sure mas mauna paka lagi kay nag want mangka ug 2nd baby.

    i also live nearby so just PM me..ako ninong sa baby boy nimo pohon.! heheeh :rofl:


    As i recall, you said that your case was completed last Dec 2006 and was already forwarded to your local consulate/embassy. To confirmed if case was indeed sent i suggest you call the embassy and check with them if indeed they have your packet. And if "YES" then maybe you should ask them why no interview appointment has been set.

  7. ok..here's my problem...we received an email today regarding an RFE from NVC stating to submit my DS230..the thing is i already sent those docs 3 days ago...my worry is i should attach the checklist..but how?my forms was already in NVC yesterday.

    hope you can help me guys..thanks!

    No need to worry....it happen to me as well.

    Check with the NVC operator and if they said they receieved you DS230 docs,

    then disregard the email.

  8. Hello to all VJ family, :) today my husband received their visas from USEM 3days after the interview... :dance::dance: :dance: We are so glad we got it... THANK YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST... :)

    And to all here... Hopefully ur cases will be next in line for the interview.. God Bless us always.. It was a long journey for us but all is well now... and Thanking God coz the process got shorter and faster than I expected.. Ive never really expected this.. all I know was, I must be a US citizen before I can have them here.. but nope God is so good.. I was wrong then.. so to all LPR's here... Goodluck to us and may God continue to bless us all... we wil keep praying...

    Let me tell you this, 2 years ago I went online and registered for infopass to get to the USCIS office to inquire on my case status for my family, and in the office spoke to a kind lady.. telling me there is nothing I can do but to wait till they will approve my case.. and it made me cry in front of her... but those were one of my memories on this journey.. I can only smile at it now.. :) at last our reunion with my family is sooner..

    So cheers to all of us here.. we will be reunited sooner than expected with our family... God bless us all.. :)

    Kareen.. goodluck to ur medical on tuesday.. hopefully everything will be fine.. God bless you

    WOW...that was fast, just 3 days....amazzzzzingg...GOD IS SO GREAT INDEED!! :thumbs:

    Finally its over for you my friend...can wait for mine as well. :)

  9. goodmorning vj fam! i just received an email/appointment letter, we have our schedule and its on AUGUST 10,2010!!! :dance::dance::dance: its way too early than expected maybe thats what an expedite can do! Thank u Dear Lord :dance:

    And to Ate Chaks and KUya Raymon congrats to both of you! im sure you are all very excited!

    To ate mitch just hang in there, maayos din lahat yan. thank you for helping me with the insurance issue.

    and to everyone! always keep your hopes up and high! your time will come sooner that you expected!

    I just want to ask everyone to help me pray with our medical. Maybe will do it on Monday =)

    Kareen..congratulations, good thing you dont have to wait that long to get your appointment..GOD Is REALLY GOOD TO US....right?

    so your having your medical this Monday? my wife will be there too.. they are flying in from Cebu this Saturday.

  10. I just want to clarify, nvc is really requesting the tax transcript from IRS right? coz i just sent a copy of the tax that i filled which i got from my preparer... or should i have to really send them a doc from IRS. im totally lost.

    i got this RFE a week ago and didnt gave any time to settle it for it will just stressed me out.. i just want to breathe and grasp things first... i have to take it slow.

    Mitch, no need to get the IRS transcript, your W2 and 1040EZ will do. If you already provided them a copy when you send your I864 then better get in touch with the operator and ask them on what they really want. My guess is they probably lost or misplaced it and they are asking for new copy.

  11. Here is my husband and daughter's experience at the USEM Manila for Visa Interview...

    O710 AM Theyre at the USEM ground, the guard aske for their appointment letter and ID before they were allowed to get inside the building. Then they followed the Immigration arrow.. and they were greeted at the reception and given their priority number of 6077. The receptionist again looked for their appointment letter and passport if they still have it, on my husband's case he told her its with the medical result from the SLEC and showed my daughter's passport since he' s the one bringing the medical result of my daughter( failed to reached their cut-off time last July 15 at SLEC).

    _ Waited for an hour or two then theyre names were called for fingerprint scanning( husband only) no fingerprint scanning for kids, then they asked my daughter her name and date of birth but she is a shy girl and didint answer it... her dad kept telling her to answer the questions but to no avail.. :lol: so the they told them to wait for their number to flash on the screen, however after 30 mins they were called back again at the fingerprint scanning section coz they really want my daughter to answer the questions directed to her previously :bonk: am glad my daughter was able to answer for her complete name and birthdate at this time.

    _Waited for another hour before they were called... this time it was at the Prescreening Section.. the Filipina lady was quite strict... she was looking for the documents(supporting evidences of Identity/proof of relationship) and asking questions at the same time:

    -multiple pictures with the petitioner over a significant period of time ( she never specified how many)

    -DS230 updated and signed

    -cards and letters( prescreener really wanted letters and not cards only, but we didnt have any but I wrote my husband a note when I sent

    him additional documents via fed-ex and she found it on the envelope and she was the one who said..yes you do have a letter from ur

    wife and my hubby said its only a note)

    -birth certificates for us 3

    -marriage certificate ( she returned our original form from the NVC packet and asked for a photocopy only)

    -money transfers, phone bills, email and chat logs, and prepaid cards

    -asked the petitioner's age when I left the country for US

    -hubby's age when he entered the US as B2 Visa

    -our age when we got married

    -places my husband travelled outside the country ( he was scolded by the lady coz he forgot to mention our travel to some Asian countries

    for our vacation, he only mentioned his US business trip, and she found it out at my hubby's old passport :bonk: )

    -old passports ( this is where she found out our travel to Thailand and Singapore that my hubby forgot to mention when she asked

    travels outside the country) it was an honest mistake...

    -US visa extension docs like the I-94, the application for extension, and the approval notice

    -my daughter was funny coz she did number 2 on her diaper while the prescreening was still ongoing and my husband excused themselves

    to the bathroom to changed her, however they waited for them to comeback and continued the screening. It was the longest part for them.

    anyway, they were done and waited at the waiting area for their turn for the CO visa interview

    _Waited for another 30mins before they were called for their final interview, the CO was a nice and pleasant lady :) she asked my husband's name and they were seated, and told them she will get back to them. after few mins , she asked my hubby if what language would he be comfortable for the interview and he told her, English will be fine. Next was the Oath taking and with raising the right hand of course before the interview begun.. and here were the questions( pertains most about our relationship):

    -where did u meet with ur wife? at the neighborhood since childhood

    -how old is ur daughter? 5yrs

    -so u work in Lexington, KY and ur B2 visa was extended? yes

    -did u work outside the Philippines other than the Lexington, KY? no

    -the CO was looking at our pics( she commented on one of the pics which was our wedding pic with the Justice of Peace on his beard, and

    just said, his beard is interesting and laugh)

    -what is ur wife's job?

    -petitioner and her job?

    -how long u were married?

    -how long u been together? and my husband told her not very long since we were apart from each other and the CO said, " I understand

    your situation, it must be very difficult for both of u and ur daughter." and my husband was teary-eyed :crying: when he heard her


    -and to end the interview, the CO finally told my husband, " I have no problems approving your visa, you can go back to the waiting area

    and wait for ur name to be called from Window Y for visa delivery instructions." There were no questions asked for my daughter she was

    just an audience to the final interview.... :dance: :dance: :dance: Yeheyyyy.. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ... :)

    but it was already 12noon so the windows were closed and they will reopen at 1pm after lunch break.

    _Hubby had his lunch and back to the USEM at exactly 1pm, brought along our daughter just in case she will be needed. From window 15 now,

    they gave my hubby the PINK SLIP :wow: and proceeded to Air21 area and paid the amount of Php 250+ for each visa, so he ended up paying about Php 500+ for the two of them. they said it will take maximum of ten days to deliver the visa depending on how fast the USEM processing.

    Thank GOD for everything... :star: Praise be our Lord Jesus Christ for helping us on our journeys.. to all of us here in VJ's , goodluck and God bless us all...

    Hope this will help..

    Chakadoll :thumbs:


    Very nice..well done my friend.

    Pre-screening was more strict than the CO.

  12. chakadoll congrats... plz let me know wat to expect in the interview what should i bring..

    Raymon hahahah congrats

    Mitch ur next my friend

    congrats to all...

    Lebanese Girl...correct? How are you?

    as i recall you already have your interview appoinment.

    Are you back in tge U.S. now?

    hello guys..just fedex-ed my ds230 today..hopefully it will arrive on july 21st..when was the best time to call NVC and ask about it?pls let me know..thanks!

    Odne, best time to call before 8am and between 5-6pm at night.

  13. HELLo evEryOne i'm a nEw mEmber here wELL i jUst rEgister a whiLe a gO bUt i'vE bEen reAding yOur pOsts fOr a mOnth or sO., i'M sO hApPy fOr aLL thE bLessings God hAd shOwered upOn aLL of us.. siS chAkadOLL.cOngrAtuLAtiOns with the sUccEssfUL intErview of yOur hUsbAnd and dAughtEr..i jUst wAnt tO ask if thEy ask sOmething abOut yOur dAughtEr.. likE with hEr pApers or the fOcus of thE CO arE mOre on yOur hUsbAnd.,?

    Welcome to the forum bevzces21.

    Dont you worry lots of VJ'ers will help you on your journey. :thumbs:

  14. Ok I will.. anyway, the plan is this coming Oct pa since we are waiting for my dad to be home around that time from the Middle East.. so am still gonna wait for 2mos or so... this is nothing compared to 3 years that ive been through... are u gonna go home too and pick them up?.. i believe its best esp u have a year old son.... my daughter is gonna be 6 soon.. but i still need to be her..

    oh ok..so better start look for cheaper ticket, i think your hubby can get some rates for first time immigrant rates. I was able to check on some travel agent in cebu and the cheaper

    one is from Southwinds Travel. Yes i will have to go back and accompany them back. My son is only 1 yr old and cant imagine just the 2 of them. My plan is 2nd week of Septmeber.

    btw, please include your hubby's name on your email.

  15. am sooo happy now...I was awake all night anxiously waiting for them to finish the whole process.. am gonna write all the experiences theyve been through in USEM Manila but as of now haven't spoken to my hubby yet re the interview details coz they were exhausted with the whole thing and then after the interview they only have an hour and a half to pack up and catch their flight back to Cebu... but I already have their experience in the forum.. what i meant is the medical interview at the SLEC... u can start browsing it...

    But dont worry, will really write about their experience once I will be able to get the details..

    God is really good to us.. just let ur family get ready with the documents coz it was stressing us out..


    Can i have your phone no in cebu? If its okay with you, i will have my wife call him.

    My wife seem so anxious on the whole process for medical and inteview.

    She's planning to be in Manila this saturday and prepare for the medical next week.

  16. should i just shift to a different field? didnt i saw it in my crystal ball that you family will be here end of August or early of september?

    im just sooo happy for you... everything must come to an end na! im almost this close to say that the whole process now is just a little bit unfair. the wait is soooo short now compare to what weve been through.

    Heheh..i know Mitch, I guess waiting time for F2A is just 1 to 2 yrs, not unlike what we

    endure before, but thats how life is. Lets just praised god that we are almost over on this journey. :innocent:

    Raymon, Great to hear you wait is over. Good luck and God bless.

    Thanks Twulf, i know you will have your's soon.

    So just hang in there.

  17. Good morning to everyone... hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.. am soooooo happy :dancing: that my husband and daughter just finished their Visa Interview... July 19, 2010 in USEM Manila at 0830 am.. and thank God they got approved.. GOD is so Marvelous and so GREAT... Praise to our LORD JESUS CHRIST... AMEN :dancing:

    To all our family here in VJ, Thank you so much for being so helpful to me on this long journey. I can't imagine if I wasn't here, all of u here is so kind and sooo helpful to me as I endure the whole processing.. :D

    Thank you all for the prayers and best wishes you gave me... :thumbs: I really appreciate it... And am still gonna be here to help you out as much as I can. :blink: I will always include everyone here on my prayers.. Goodluck to all and GOD bless us... :)


    just got in form work , and the very first thing i did was check VJ and read your good news.. :thumbs:

    Congratualtion my friend and really GOD IS ALWAYS GOOD TO US.

    So how was the experience? ...just curios what were the questions ask by the CO.

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