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  1. actually i just joined this web today,and i don't know how to use it.. so, the think is that..i am a permanent resident of U.S. and i passed like 2 and a half year here..and in June 2012 it will be 3 years. and this coming August im going back to my country Pakistan for getting married.so i want to ask that should i apply for him( husband) after getting married on my permanent resident or should i wait for my U.S Citizenship? i want to see that in which process he should be here soon.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Amiz


      i dont know.. im soo confused.. mostly people told me that i should wait for my citizenship and then apply for my husband.

    3. lubnajavid


      if you still have 2 yrs left on your LPR before you can apply for your USC - apply now - dont wait. The LPR petition wont hurt you in any way other than a little money...

    4. Amiz


      lubna.. what happened to your process now? is your wife is with you now in usa...?

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