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Status Updates posted by dsamyra3

  1. Thank you. And I for you.

  2. Hopefully it will fly by for you! :)

  3. Congrates on your NOA2!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. USCIS!!!!! Aug. was disappointing for approvals, Sept. was glorious, & Oct is blah. Can USCIS please have some consistency? Thank you

    1. 4ever mine

      4ever mine

      I will pray for your process.

  5. Come on NOA2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyday now, please!!!!

    1. Markieboy


      It's coming...slowly...but it's coming. Good luck with your journey!

  6. Congrates!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Congrates!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Congrates on the approval!!!!

  9. Welcome to Visa Journey!!!

  10. Had a touch today. Wonder if it was just another touch to our file; or is it something more?

  11. Congrates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am very happy for you!!! :)

  12. Missing my baby!!!!!

  13. Peace be with all.

  14. The weather is beautiful and I feel at peace tonight, I wish all could feel as at peace as I do tonight. :)

    1. shewolf


      My hubby and I got our interview date today... I am more at peace tonight than I have been for almost a year... :) Have a good night!

  15. Can not sleep. I am becoming obsessed with this whole process. I keep thinking if I do enough research I will crack the code on how USCIS picks & choices which application they are going to work on next. So I can prdict when they will work on our petition an d approve it. Please Allah give Rachid and I strength to get through this process.

  16. USCIS is not even crawling anymore!!! They are stand still. What is going onUSCIS?????

  17. I am losing my mind. I miss my husband yet I do not know if I can do this much longer. :(

    1. Whatznext



    2. Peace....


      I miss my soon to be husband too in Morocco. Sucks so bad some nights to be apart from him. :(

    3. Always+Forever


      i hear ya...its like my body is here but the rest is there with him. Thank goodness we have eachother to lean on.

  18. I miss my husband.

  19. congrates on your NOA2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope our petition is approved as quickly as yours was. Again Congrates!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Petiton touched today!!!!! :)

  21. Recieved our Hard Copy of the NOA1 today!!!! :) About time.

  22. USCIS cashed our check on 6/24/10, hopefully we I will recieve our NOA1 in anyday now. :)

  23. Hi. Thanks for the add and the luck!! Good luck to you as well, Hopefully we will not have a long wait!

  24. USCIS Recieved our Petition today, Hopefully I will recieve a NOA1, by Monday!!!! :)

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