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Tamara and Mehdi

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About Tamara and Mehdi

  • Birthday 04/25/1980

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I went on a vacation to Turkey in May of 2009 and while I was there I met Mehdi. I was in a carpet shop and he asked me if I spoke Turkish. Its crazy but the moment I heard his voice something in me changed. When I turned around to look and see who was talking to me, I knew at that moment that I would marry him one day. We began talking and it was like I had known him all my life, I felt so relaxed with him. We made plans to meet the next day. The next day he has tea with me my mom and our friend and it was like he was already part of the family. I left Gorme the next day but we promised to stay in touch and we have been talking everyday since then. He is a political refugee so it has been a rough road, we have had our ups and downs and there are many sleepless nights because I worry so much about him, but we are making it work and our love for each other gets us through....it really was love at first sight and he truly is the love and the light of my light,

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