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Posts posted by heisable

  1. Hmm, that's the website I've been using, but for some reason, it keeps telling me that there are no shipments. What is the reference you used?

    Man, computers are hard. :bonk:

    Thanks Anwesha, you're the coolest!

    EDIT: Ha! Nevermind - it just started working! I wish there was a fist-shaking emoticon; I would use it against computers.

    But, hey, if the computer is going to tell me that my package is on its way to Auckland, I also have to give them hugs. I'm glad things are continuing to move along. Hope your packet 3 comes soon, Anwesha! Hugs!

    havent had my nvc no..whats up with that

  2. Did u check on the DHL site if the embassy got the case? i did that, and i found out that my embassy got it. Now just waiting for them to send me the P3. According to other frenchy's timeline, I should expect it next week, along with what Drue sent me, and my parents too lol.

    Omg, i'm so excited :dance::dance::dance:

    God is rewarding us after all the suffering we went thru :innocent: (dealing with VSC skipping october/november for 2 month, and dealing with those who never (will they ever?) understood that we were fighting for the principles of the process, aka, processing the applications in date order. Oh well, once an info twisting maniac, always an info twisting maniac :wacko: )

    Still crossing my fingers for justar. Come on VSC, she's the only active VJ left, don't let her suffer more. the grannies can go in spring hibernation after if they want. I promise, i'll send them everything they need for knitting as many sweater as they want for their boss, but pls, give us some news for justar :star:

    yes in support all the way..congratulations and vsc i would wipe you if you dont do justar justice

  3. Aaaargh! Follow the thread, heisable and read back, or we're gonna be repeating this information again and again! As you haven't put when NVC received your case, or when your case left NVC, I've had a guess going by your NOA2 date and checked the DHL site for you.

    A petition was received at Lagos consulate on 8 March. There was only 1 to Lagos that week, so it is likely to be yours.

    my amor called me to tell me she got a mail from nvc that they got my case..

    well if thats my petition in lagos i would say what the fu.........so fast.. i would have more info when we talk online tommorow...

  4. Aaaargh! Follow the thread, heisable and read back, or we're gonna be repeating this information again and again! As you haven't put when NVC received your case, or when your case left NVC, I've had a guess going by your NOA2 date and checked the DHL site for you.

    A petition was received at Lagos consulate on 8 March. There was only 1 to Lagos that week, so it is likely to be yours. would that be mine because i got my noa2 on march 8,so i dont think it would get there that same day..dont have the day nvc received it my case yet..

  5. lol heisable. You just got your NOA2, and already worrying bout NVC

    You should take a week break from us ^_^ , that's what everyone is doing. We need it, and we deserved it :whistle:

    In a week, you will get a letter from VSC telling you that they sent your application to NVC

    Then, a day or 2 after that, you will get a letter from NVC telling you they received your application, gave you a nex number, and will forward your application to the American consulate in Nigeria, and that those ones will take contact with the "beneficiary", I forgot if it was you or your fiance.

    looky here Nigeria Consulate Info

    This link helped me too : K1 Process Flowchart


    thanks naddy,

    hmmm i tried beating the gun...

  6. I might be wrong (for once :innocent: ), but i don't think that NVC would have a number by country. They only have one number, and it's a local number, not a toll free multi line one, so if someone is calling, it'll be busy ><

    Welcome to our November thread, where everyone go crazy while waiting for old ladies to decide about our faith :)

    as i said in another thread, i guess the processing has slowed down again. they are still working on the K1 applications, but they aren't processing 50 a day, like the past 2 weeks, well, more 50-70 a day the first week, and 20-30 the second week.

    We are working on checking the processing rate tonight, and we will keep everyone posted.

    We will keep it between us tho ;) , pms are our friends

    HEY I GOT ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.WE GOT OUR NOA2 TODAY..THANKS VSC.how it happened..my gal sent me a message like 10pm my time that we should check online and she got home and checked..waittttttttttttttttttttttttt.....appproved..am like overjoyed like a baby. tothe others still waiting..it will get to you because he is able

  7. wow ppl are weird :wacko:

    hey guys, been in Paris since friday, went to spend time with the family before the big trip (+ it was an opportunity to get away a bit from the visa process, a failure ><, everyone asking me when i'll be finally with Drue)

    Missing you all.

    Hope everything is going good with you (getting ready for packet 3)

    As for the all the ones who didn't get their NOA2 yet, I'll start tracking again VSC once I get back home, to see if those old ladies are working or just sewing pullovers for the chilly director.

    Well, nite for now my VJ family and friends, and see you on monday


    they really are strange.waiting for noa2,and that mail.sucks

  8. of course you too heisable :) Hope we all get showered with approvals !Cannot wait to do that dance of approval :P


    My name is Miss JESICAL, i saw your profile today and after going through it,i fill more intrest to contact you ,i will like you to please send me an email at my email address via (jesical.baby@yahoo.com.ph) for me to send you my pics and to tell you more about me. then from here we can move on.I will be waiting for your reply on my email address above.thanks

    JESICAL .via(jesical.baby@yahoo.com.ph)

    someone stupid sent me this on my vj message,made me feel mad cos i couldnt reply the person back..

  9. [Post-Decision Activity] => 41 (Have been Approved and are being sent to NVC or Dept. of State)

    [Request for Evidence] => 23 (Applications are lacking required documentation / evidence)

    [initial Review] => 28 (Have NOA1, but that's as far as they have got)

    [Acceptance] => 2 (Basically the first 2 days at the VSC / CSC)

    [Decision] => 2 (A decision have been made - Can be either an 'Appept' or 'Deny'

    Hope that helps. :)


  10. :thumbs: May I be the first to congratulate you! (and dare I ask, your real names aren't Charles and Diana, are they?)

    come on, come on Anwesha, Justar, arwilson, heisable. Remember, there is no method to VSC's processing madness. All we know for sure it, it IS mad.

    yup second you on that..pure madness
    thanks doghandler!

    I am getting restless and ungraceful once again.

    And two touches and nothing! that is bad.I gotta bad feeling that we might be rejected or RFE-ed! :(

    But well I just gotta wait.Can everyone please send your collective good vibes our way and of course to carol and nigel,arilwilson80 and justar ?we need them bad !!


    hey me too

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