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Posts posted by Gela

  1. Hello everyone! Had interview yesterday and was approved :-)

    We are moving out in 2 weeks :-)

    The interview itself was painless and actually pleasant. The American Consular officer was VERY nice and asked me when we met, when we got engaged and when we are moving to the US. That's it.

    I have waited a long time before coming up to the first window, but there was a lot of young kids going for some camp jobs in America. The window number 1 was calling for people with I numbers. That's where my documents originals and copies where taken away. The lady there didn't have any manners and didn't know the words: "thank you" "please" "hello". That was the only one unpleasant thing about the whole experience.

    I had one problem with fingerprints and probably did it the wrong way which was my fault...but before she tried to take my fingerprints for the second time she said: " do this in a right way otherwise we will be sitting here forever". LOL Normally I would blow up, but seeing my little girl and my fiance outside the Embassy made me smile, so I didn't get mad at this misreable & very sad person :-)

    Good luck to everyone at their interviews



  2. Hello!

    I have received packet 4 today from the Embassy. My interview date is 6th of May. We are living in Scotland at the moment and my fiance would love to attend the interview with me. We have almost 2 year old daughter which we have to take with us:-) Most of the time she is a well behaved toddler, I think it will be actually entertaining for her, but she might get bored plus I need to take drink/food for her. Has anyone had a similar situation ? Has anyone took the toddler at similar age to the Embassy?

    We went with her to the US consulate in Edinburgh and we didn't experience problems over there, but I don't know how it looks like in London...

    I had my medical booked for 23rd of March, but due to BA strike I had to cancel my appointment today. Knowing my interview date, I would like to book my medical closer to my interview date.I have noticed that majority of people have the medical done long before the interview.Do I have to have the medical done 4-5 days before to have a guarantee results for my interview? Did anyone have their medical done for example 2 days before the interview?

    Thank you for your advises

  3. jkminney, I need MMR and tetanus booster for my medical. I went to my doctor and it was pretty smooth, but the best is to speak to travel clinic ( which should be at the medical surgery where your fiance goes) They told me I need to pay for tetanus prescription ( 4 pounds:-) The nurse stated that unfortunately I need to pay for my MMR immunisation as well, because NHS doesn't cover it for adults. The MMR cost me 6 pounds!!!! LOL It is much better than paying for MMR shot 35 pounds in London...I would advise you to tell your fiance to get more info from his surgery regarding immunizations...this way we have saved 40 pounds..:-)

  4. Hey guys, I can give you some hope! We have received a text an hour ago that they have approved our petition!

    We lost our hope this week !!! I was actually worried that we will get RFE, because we didn't send pictures of us together etc... I started thinking that we didn't give them enough proof, but then again I was getting insane in the last couple of weeks because of the whole process! :-) :-) :-)

  5. Hi Everyone! I can join you in your frustration! We have filled our petition in October and were hoping to hear something by now! My fiance needs to file now for extension in order to stay in the UK ( where we are living at the moment) it expires in March and I would be very gutted if he didn't get his extension over here when we can still be together and waiting for the whole process...But it's the worst case scenario...

    I have found this forum last week and actually got more upset reading that some December people already got their NOA2!

    Good luck to everyone from October who is still waiting....

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