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About ariesgirl1970

  • Birthday April 10

Profile Information

  • Gender

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    I first met Pete in the most unlikely of places...playing on my kids xbox. I heard this British voice trying to get my attention. I finally spoke when his friend said, "Ahhh, your English voice didnt get to her" and I had to speak up at that time just to prove him wrong. We instantly clicked and I found him to be a super sweet man who although came from another part of the world, was very much like myself. For a few months we corresponded via the internet, exchanged pictures, talked on the phone, the usual stuff when having a relationship on the internet. Eventually i came to realize I fell in love with him and finally expressed my feelings. I can still hear in my head him telling his dogs that were in the room, "She loves me, she loves me" with such happiness, I was sure his dogs were looking at him like, WHAT THE HECK???

    Around his birthday that year, he informed me that he already got my birthday present. He went and booked a visit for a month, arriving the day before my birthday. The wait from Nov to April was excrutiating. It seemed so odd to me that I was deeply in love with him without even having met him. On the day of his arrival, I met him at the airport to pick him up. His plane was over an hour late and I started to get nervous he didnt make the flight. Finally after waiting until 11;00 pm, I see his sweet face coming down the corridor. Like a scene from a movie I ran to him and nearly knocked him off his feet, jumping up into his arms. From the minute, I knew I finally met the man of my dreams...

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