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Posts posted by saihtam88

  1. HI everyone. I am somewhat new to VJ. It has already been a great help by the way..

    So I am an american and I met my fiancee who lives in tehran online in 2005. I am now 21 and she is 28. We met each other on a yahoo chatroom and at first she was nothing more than a penpal. We took soo much interest in each other because it seemed as if she was on another planet really(at least politics have made it seem soo) And I wanted to open my mind and get to know about her culture and way of life. After the first yr we started to take interest in each other as individuals. Before I knew it I fell in love,

    We talk online almost 6 hours a day and plan on finally meeting one another this summer in turkey. We really want to marry but obviously we want to stay with each other for a week or 2 first before we apply for a k1 visa.

    I cant wait to actually see my love in person. In the past I have wondered if i am just dilusional to think such a thing could possibly work. At this point I have no doubt in my mind we belong together.

    I want to know how many people have met online like we have and been succesful.

    Thank you everyone for you time! and I hope to meet more ppl on this great site!

  2. Hello everyone,

    My name is Mathias, and I am currently engaged to an Iranian citizen. We met online in 2005 and it started out as just a pen pal thing , but now we are both in love. Every day gets harder and harder to not be near her. This summer we plan on meeting in Turkey and being together for a couple of weeks and getting married. I am hopeful that this site will be helpful in getting through the long visa process. Cheers :)

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