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About Cali_Derry09

  • Birthday 06/05/1982

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Southern California

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Our Story is nothing short of your modern-day fairytale... I wrote it on my first post so read it... if you like... We knew we loved each other from the beginning and despite fighting our feelings we were destined to be together... Gavin completes me and I him. I have waited and prayed for him my entire life... and I am lucky to have him.

    Unreal "Coincidences" : We first officially met and hung out on March 17th which is St. Patricks Day yes but also my grandparents anniversary... We both have the same exact crooked tooth on the right side of our smiles... Both our mom's are named Filomena, and each one has two sons and a daughter...weird huh?... and when we got engaged we talked about 2 years for a big wedding and in summer... well July 16th is my parents anniversary and it falls on a saturday in 2011... which is just fate!

    My father was killed in a car accident in 2007 and I never thought i would ever get married nor did I want to without my daddy there... until I met Gavin and I now know my daddy will be there in Spirit...
    We will be getting married on July 16th 2011, the same day 34 years to the day my parents were married in the same church in memory of my daddy!

    Could this be any more meant to be?

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