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Posts posted by Jorge_Oliveira

  1. Great/glad to hear you got a job in your field. Nowadays we are difficult to look for a matching job even you have a sufficient document in hands.

    Congrats again! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

    You are so right! I realize that this is a blessing. But I faced many difficulties and never stopped sending resumes. Job searching has almost been a part-time job for me. Every morning I would spend around 4 hours browsing the web for jobs. Went to many interviews (most of them with temporary work agencies) mainly for networking. I went to interview for jobs I never thought I would ever apply to in my life. I did a two week assignment for one of those agencies. And this opportunity came because my new employer found me on careerbuilder and decided to give me a call.

    I honestly don't know what my advice would be for those who are looking for a job. I have found that many employers don't even bother looking at your resume unless you have a working experience in the US. After that 2 week assignment, they became more interested in talking to me.

    So, look for a job where you can add at least some value to your resume (call-centers, for example. You get to practice your English skills and customer serving experience). And keep sending resumes for your field of expertise. I did executive search recruiting in Portugal. And I was just offered a job as an Associate Staffing Specialist for one of the major retail companies in the US. At their headquarters. I'm still having a hard time believing in it.

    One thing is for sure: you don't achieve anything when you're sitting at home.

    Best of luck to every new resident in the US.

    Don't Loose Faith...

  2. Hi, Yatsuraluso what happened after you visited the USCIS office last year? Did they advice you to accept the offer and start working before you received your EAD?

    Whed did your EAD arrive?

    As for the receipt number, I called the national number and told them that I could only see the online status for my AOS application and not my EAD application.

    They confirmed that my application was being processed but could not explain to me why it wasn't available online. They told me not to worry though. A week after that I could finally track it online. I wouldn't worry about that. Just make sure that you have all the Notice of Action papers with you.

  3. Hi, Yatsuraluso what happened after you visited the USCIS office last year? Did they advice you to accept the offer and start working before you received your EAD?

    Whed did your EAD arrive?

    They told me that I could start working without getting paid if, and only if, I would volunteered for it. All I had to do was to show my employer that I had filed the EAD application and done the biometrics. Under these circumstances (my volunteering to work without getting paid, until receipt of EAD) I could begin working and the employer would not incur in a penalty.

    In my case, the employer withdraw the offer and was not willing to wait any further for my EAD. I told them that if I volunteered to work without getting paid, they couldn't get in trouble. That this was promised to me by an USCIS agent during an infopass appointment.

    They still wouldn't risk it and I lost a great job opportunity. The irony was that 2 weeks after the withdrawal of the offer, I got my EAD in the mail. I have been unemployed ever since but I am so happy to tell you that today I was offered a great position in my field of expertise. It's not a job, it's a career we're talking about. Even better than the first one.

    I must say that me and my wife have been struggling a lot since I got here, but God does work in mysterious ways.

    As for your other question, you can check the time-line on my profile for dates. I really can't complain about the waiting times for my EAD and AOS documents. It was hard at that time because I missed that job opportunity, otherwise it wouldn't have been too bad. I wasn't even required to do an interview for AOS approval. I simply received a NOA telling me that it had been approved and that I would receive it in the mail.

  4. Thank you all for your concern and kind words.

    I believe the 2 most important and basic things to have in life are health and work. All the rest should come from these 2. Well, Thank God I still have my health. Work should come one way or another. Nevertheless, it's sad when you're healthy and your life isn't in your control...

    I should take some of your advice into consideration. Really getting worried about the EAD receipt number thing though... The number is correct, it just isn't in their database records yet. Or ever was... I'm going to an infopass appointment tomorrow and try to sort this out.

    Thank you all!

  5. Most companies (and I know nothing about the one you are referring to) may have a desire to hire you, they may even extend an offer, but in all likelihood, when it came down to brass tacks and the hiring process began - the lack of work authorization would put a halt to things.

    I also do not know if their interest in employing you is based on their either being told or assuming, you are permitted to work in the US but most companies, once they discover this (and they would if they do what they are supposed to do; no reason to believe otherwise) would not employ a person not legally permitted to work.

    But again - I don't know anything about them - it's just been my experience.

    The company is Stacy's Pita Chips. A Pepsico - Fritolay's Firm. I've leveled up with them. They know everything that's going on. I've been honest since the beginning and they know what to expect from this. Like I said before, they've given me until next Tuesday to come up with the EAD and have already started screening new candidates.

    I completely understand their position. I'd do the same thing if I were in charge of the recruiting policy. I'm the weakest link here. And it's not anyone's fault but mine. It took me almost 3 months to get married. But it was hard because of the settling in in a new country. Find a house to rent, getting to know the city and neighborhood, adjusting to a new context and pursuing the minimum level of comfort in the house (furniture and communications)... Too many things to handle at once.

    Thanks anyway :thumbs:

  6. Thank you for your response.

    You've been helpful maintaining a tone of realism to this conversation. You see, I'm not quite resigned yet and often get hopeful.

    I've tried to conform to the situation but it hasn't been easy. Tomorrow I'll call the company and try to beg for the final time. I already arranged another infopass appointment for Monday morning. Should I go down, I'll go with a free conscious.

    I have even begun to pray for other job applicants not to be as competent as I was during those 3 job interviews. I'm not proud to admit this but it's the last flailing of a "dying" man. I'm beginning to believe in supernatural forces now... :innocent:

    This is what happens to those who have relegated their faith in the hands of others (meaning the USCIS) for almost a year. And counting...

    I too digress...

    Thanks a bunch!

  7. Can you tell me what do you mean by document fee? Are you referring to the EAD?

    One other think I want to ask.

    Why is it that I can check the status of my I-458 on-line but not the I-765. That's been bothering me. The receipt number is the same except the last digit. They were both filed at the same time. Why is one of them in their database and not the other? It has been a month and a half since they received it... :huh:

  8. Wasn't expecting anything that quick! :thumbs:

    Thank you, although your answer is not very reassuring...

    Last time I went to an infopass appointment, the USCIS officer told me that should a policeman ask me for my documents, all I should do is show him the NOA for my applications. That's proof that all my documentation is being properly processed and in fact, that's the only thing I can legally show to him (and my national passport, of course). I fugured that it would be the same with the EAD. It's being processed and I have taken the biometrics.

    Since we're at it, what does a Service fee mean? EAD?

  9. Hello everyone!

    This is my first topic in VJ. I've only discovered VJ recently and have been "kicking myself" ever since for that.

    I really need help from you because, like many other VJ comrades, I'm desperate. I have a pending job offer for a Human Resources Assistant position from a great USA food company. The job is within my field of expertise and is a major opportunity for me and my wife at this point of our lives. She's the only one working right now and, as you all might presume, things have been very hard for us in these early times upon my arrival.

    I desperately need this job. Needless to say that in nowadays economy, a good job comes as a blessing. Especially one in your field of expertise.

    Having said this, I am currently waiting for my EAD and my prospective employer has given me until the beginning of next week to come up with the EAD. Shas has already started screening for new candidates and I'm afraid I'm running out of time here.

    I applied for my EAD at the same time as I did for the AOS. The applications were received by USCIS on October 9th and I already took the biometrics on November 6th. Well, according to the VJ's time-line, the EAD should be adjudicated somewhere between Nov. 25th and Dec. 7.

    Meanwhile, I can't afford to wait much longer. Therefore, my question is: Since all my documents are in order and I have the NOA's to prove it, is there any legal impediment about having the employer accepting me for this job and having my wages on hold until I get my EAD? Should the Labor inspectors find out this situation, could the employer be in trouble even though I have the documents to prove that the application is in process?

    Let's face it, there's little chance the EAD will be denied. So basically, we're just talking a matter of time. I don't think the employer could get into trouble. I've heard from someone that I can't be deported over that because all my documents are being processed within the lawful obligations. What I wish to know is if the employer could get in trouble over this situation.

    They really wish they could hire me so, in the absence of any legal impediment, I could arrange a deal with them where they'd hold my hours of labor and pay me accordingly once I got my EAD. I know I'm repeating myself here, but I really want to explain the situation well so you can help me the best you can.

    Thank you in advance for you help . Please be quick in your advice.

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