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Beth and John

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    Removing Conditions (approved)
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    California Service Center
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  • Our Story
    Beth & I met online while playing a Facebook game called Knighthood. Large alliances were necessary to succeed in the game, and Beth rose up through the alliance I was in to join me as one of the Officers in the alliance, finally becoming our Commander. What had been a daily chat about strategies and tactics morphed naturally into strong feelings for each other, and after 6 months of this we decided to meet in Phoenix for a week of vacation in the sun. Phoenix, Sedona, the Grand Canyon Skywalk, and Las Vegas were just background noise as I fell deeply and madly in love with her from the instant my eyes beheld her.

    After a few trips back and forth over the next few months I casually broached the subject of marriage and her thoughts and feelings on the subject. With none of the awkwardness or tension usually surrounding the subject, we talked about many aspects of our relationship including buying a house. We decided putting off buying a ring and putting that money towards furniture etc... was the way to go. When she shared this news at her work, her co-workers started teasing her about when she would be recieving her "engagement refrigerator". Upon my next visit to see her, I could see her feelings had belied her words and proposed on Oct. 9, 2009 with... an Engagement mini fridge! Single red rose on top, filled with Hershey's Kisses, and an engagement ring inside at the back. :)

    Our love grows stronger each day as we journey through this process together. May you all be so blessed.


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