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Posts posted by bahisgirl

  1. moroccogirlny is right, you cannot be too prepared for an interview there. If you don't have the ticket stubs, you should definitely take copies of the entry and exit stamps from your fiance's passport. Also, you will need to make sure you take the I-864 Affidavit of support form, they are requiring that out of Casa with all K1 interviews now. Is there any chance your fiance can scan and email you the information for you to print before your interview? I know they prefer original copies and could still insist that you provide them later, but I think a scanned copy of your proof is better than nothing.

    Good luck,


  2. I am so glad you asked this question! I was wondering the same thing...though, you get your hubby tomorrow! I still have to wait a couple more weeks. I am very excited for you! I know you will be busy reuniting and getting married :dance:. But let me know how his entry goes.

    Good luck and enjoy your time back together :star:


  3. NOID received today :) All the reasons were exactly what we thought they would be & all based on misunderstandings & not being asked specific questions & expecting specific answers. Luckily the rebuttle letter I wrote mths ago talked about everything they had concerns about :thumbs: Makes it a little easier....glad there was no suprise reason.

    How is everyone else doing??

    Monica :)

    Good Luck Monica, hopefully they take your rebuttal letter and turn it all around...I keep hoping you get good news. Keep us posted!

    Jackie :star:

  4. Sorry, I don't have the answer for you about the forms...but I did want to wish you good luck with the interview. Just tell your husband to be as calm as possible...I think from my fiance's experience that they just really really watch for body language and will ask the same rediculous questions over and over again...just to see if they can throw him off. Unfortunately, with that consulate it also seems that it depends on if the person doing the interview is in a good mood or not...they are terrible there. Regardless, good luck and encourage your husband just to look them in the eyes as much as possible and try not to be nervous.

    Good Luck...there are lots of us here hoping to hear good news from you on Monday! :thumbs:


  5. Hi and welcome to VJ!

    My fiance and I filed for a K1 visa from Morocco on our own without a lawyer in January and now I am waiting patiently for his flight here (October 16th :dance: ). I just used the guides here and had no problems. It is a very stressful process, but if you are organized and follow the guides, save your money. A lawyer will not be able to do anything to better your chances for approval. You just need to make sure you meet the requirements and are very well prepared for the interview. Reading through other's success stories and problems really made our journey easier. Good luck to you...if you have any questions, just ask! :star:


  6. You forgot the food poisoning and the 4 bottles of Pepto we've been through.. :P Oh yes, and dealing with Comcast cable and Nextel.. :P :P So I haven't had internet or cable, it's still not turned on.. they said sometime this week. In the meantime, he's asking me why "Let's Make a Deal" isn't on on Saturday.. He's settling in.. :)

    Glad to hear you guys are doing well Sara! I am having anxiety attacks about the settling in period when he gets here. I know it is not going to be easy, but I know we will make it work! How exciting that you are finally home and getting your lives together officially started.

    Take care :star:

  7. Unfortunately if she has not yet adjusted status or recieved advanced parole she will not be able to reenter the country if she leaves now. It is my understanding that in order to bring her back you will need to start the visa process over and try to obtain a CR1 visa, sadly though, that could take several months to a year.

    Good luck.

  8. He got the visa!!!!!!! My baby is coming home!!!! After three long years my baby is coming home...I am so excited... :dance: I wanted to come post as soon as I found out which was on Friday August 6th but my laptop was getting fixed and I just got it back today.. :star: I know that many are going through so much with all these denials but hang in there good things come to those who wait..be patient and it will happen as it has for us..I never thought this day would come for us after he was denied back in 08..but God is good...

    Congratulations!!!! :dance: That is wonderful news!

  9. 2 months isn't too bad :) So that's when he will be coming to the US?

    Monica :)

    Yes, I can definitely make it two more months! He will be on his way here around the middle to end of October, not sure of the date yet...but I am dying to see him! :) Somehow the webcam just doesn't quite cut it...I certainly know you can relate! I wish it was sooner, but he just wants to make sure he has everything in order when he comes.


  10. Hi everybody,

    I do not know what to say,but after our K-1 case was returned,today we get the letter from VSC saying that the validity was expired and the case was closed!!It is very hurting,so please can you give me any other solution,is it possible to refile a K-1 again with the same first pictures and first tickets of my first visit??I hope you can reply me as soon as possible and thank you so much..

    As far as using the tickets and pictures from the first visit it would depend on timing. Remember you have to prove that you have been there within 2 years of filing. When was your trip? If it was before August of 2008, you won't be able to reapply without going back to Morocco for another visit. Besides, as Belinda said, on a refile it is probably a very good idea to take another trip first and document your visit/relationship.

    Good Luck,


  11. Glad my mistakes could help others :) As for us...we are still waiting...glad my Senator's office is staying on top of it...they contact them atleast once a week to check on it...that atleast makes me feel a little better about it...have someone on our side :) Glad to hear about all of the approvals...seems like there have been only approvals posted on here since our denial. Guess they are in a better mood now. Hope the approvals keep coming for everyone.

    Monica :)

    Awe, Monica, we are all waiting for the day you get good news. You are in my prayers and I hope your Senator can get you the right answers soon. I am hoping your family will be together before you know it!

    Hang in there.... :star:

  12. Yay!! I am so happy for you. Your fiance was right...the key is not to be nervous or just answer yes or now. I believe they put more stock in the body language than anything else there. Though in our case I am convinced they held our proof just to try to find a reason to deny him...but luckily they did not. :star: Keep me posted, I hope he has that visa in hand soon.

    Congratulations! :dance: Hopefully once he has that visa in hand you will be able to sleep again!

  13. Ladies, I know I've asked variations of this question before and we've touched on this topic previously, but if you'll bear with me I'm hoping for advice once more on what to "front load" in my I-129F packet. I've gotten a few opinions from various places but different people's advice seems to conflict, so I was hoping that since we have this thread for the Casa people maybe we can come up with something a bit more comprehensive....I'd like to know where you stand on the issue of front-loading: whether you think it's the only reliable way to get proof in front of the CO's eyes, or whether you think it makes you look suspiciously over-prepared or defensive.

    To kick things off, here's what I'm considering including with my I-129F packet. This is in addition to boarding passes and itineraries - I'm just listing the "relationship" proof here:

    1. Letter supporting the relationship, from my mother on behalf of my parents.

    2. Around 50-60 pictures, 4 to a page. Includes several of me with many family members, and also a few of us videochatting with each other's immediate families.

    3. A roughly 1 or 1.5 page long response to "Question 18."

    4. Copies of phone bills showing we text frequently and talk a couple of times a day.

    5. Copies of chat logs indicating that we've been IMing basically everyday for over a year.

    6. Copies of videochat logs showing we talk most days of the week for a few hours at a time.

    7. Screen shots of email inbox showing maybe 150 emails and a few hundred Facebook alerts showing communications between us.

    8. Around 5 sample emails.

    9. I've considered adding screen shots from Facebook showing that we share mutual friends and aren't hiding each other.

    10. I've considered submitting around 125 pages of chat excerpts. This would cover a few pages from at least 1 chat per month that we've been talking, and more from time periods in our relationship where something "big" was happening, such as "meeting" the parents online. This doesn't include any full-length chats.

    I'm on the fence about how much to send. My gut says that's overkill and I'd like to drop # 9 and 10 from that list, at least, but I've been advised by people with more experience than me in both directions.

    Sorry to keep harping on this point, I just want to make sure I'm working with the broadest set of experiences as possible. I promise I won't ask again. :blush:

    My thoughts are it seems like too much for just the petition. It sounds like a good amount for the interview stage. We used A LOT less proof and were just fine. For the petition the only thing they are looking for is that you meet all requirements and have met in person in the past two years. It is the embassy you need to prove your on-going relationship to. IMO you may just be overwhelming the USCIS. I think the letter from your parents is a good idea, but all the chat logs and things just aren't necessary at this point.

    Of course, many people have had success with a lot of front loading...while others were viewed as "trying to hard". There is no foolproof way to get through this process at the interview stage, but at this point, they are just looking for your intent to marry, legal ability to marry, and proof that you have met.

    Good Luck,


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