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Posts posted by bahisgirl

  1. After 6 years of support from the VJ community my husband was sworn in as a U.S. Citizen last week...just wanted to take a minute to thank the VJ community for all the guidance and support you have give us along the way...it has been very trying at times but in the end a giant success...cannot wait to take my husband to vote for the first time in the fall.

    To those who are just beginning their journeys and those somewhere in the middle...the advice and support here is invaluable...we never needed a lawyer along the way...VJ rocks! It's not been easy...but I used every bit of advice to keep me hoping for the future...thank you all ?

  2. I just wanted to post a quick update on my husband's ROC interview in Pittsburgh today. We were not sure if was going to be difficult given the fact that we had received a RFE asking for the same information we sent with our initial request...proof of co-mingling of finances, bona fide marriage...etc. Luckily, it was super easy and lasted less than 10 minutes.

    The interviewer swore us in, took our IDs and then looked at our file and said he had no idea why we were there. Everything was completely in order (Thanks to VJ of course), and that he just needed to ask a few questions so that he had something to mark on the paper to prove there was an interview. We did not even pull out a single piece of evidence we brought. The interviewer admitted that we were the 4th interview he had this morning that was without cause. He the ROC was approved and that we should expect an approval notice in the mail. Honestly, he said he thinks VSC is just so backlogged they are pushing extra files to the local offices.

    The only negative was that he said that because they are so backlogged, processing times for the green card are lasting at least 3 months or more...so it could be a while before the card is in hand.

    I am just happy we are done until my husband decides to do the naturalization process....dancin5hr.gif

    Hope everyone is having a great day! Just so happy VJ made this process so much simpler!


  3. I would recommend getting your finanacial documentation and evidence in order. Request your tax transcripts, fill out the support form. For my fiance I sent a complete copy of the original petition, the financial support forms (at the time Morocco was waivering between the I-134 and the I-864 so I sent both), any chat logs, new letter of intent and additional evidences I had of our on-going relationship. It was expensive to send because you do not want to do standard mail (way to risky in Morocco) rather I sent USPS Express Mail and he had it in about a weeks time. Use this time to also just do some extra coaching with your fiance. If you search the site you will see lots of threads regarding the types of questions asked in the interviews at the Morocco Consulate.

    Good luck with your interview!


  4. Hi,

    When my husband had his interview, it took about 3 weeks before the embassy scheduled it from when it was forwarded to the embassy. I would say if he doesn't receive something soon you can email them and ask if he has been scheduled. They may just be delayed from the holidays, however, Morocco is definitely not know for having a very reliable mail system so there is always the chance his packet is missing.

    Good luck with your interview.


  5. Hi Jackie,

    Thanks for your answer regarding my B2 Visa!I was thinking like you...

    My fiance is a USC not a green card holder.Guess you got lost in my story :)

    Best of luck


    Sorry, I did get lost in the story and missed your fiance was now a citizen. In that case, K1 may be faster, however once you are here you won't be able to work or in many states get a drivers license until you have your AOS or EAD. But if you have your heart set on marrying in Morocco, you will have to stick with the CR1. Either way travel to the US may be tricky until you are done.

    Good luck to you :)

  6. Sorry, but K1 visa is not even an option for you. You said your fiance is a green card holder. K1 visa is only applicable for the fiance of a citizen, not a permanent resident. Make sure you read the guides. I do not know enough about filing as a permanent resident to give you advice, but I do believe you will have a bit of a longer wait than a citizen normally would. As for your visitor's visa, you may have issues at the POE once you are married. They may consider you too much of an immigration risk to enter the country, unless you can prove very strong ties to Morocco. Good luck to you.


  7. Hi VJ members!

    I want to reschedule my appointment that is scheduled on 25th Sep.2012 to another day.

    The reason why this decision has been taken is cause of the I-134 Affidavit of Support..

    My fiancee mailed it to me a week ago and i didn't receive it yet and today is friday, I didn't get it sigh.

    I don't want to wait to get the mail tomorrow cause i don't think i will get the mail tomorrow saturday and sunday they don't work, it will be left only monday. Well, there's no guarantee i will receive the mail on monday and tuesday 25 i have the appointment..

    I'd like to know how to reschedule this appointment for another day please?

    by the way, my fiancee has just turned 46, it's her birthday today, no birthday gift will be enough to make up for the the gift she gave me - the gift of her love and I want to be her gift this year.. ;)

    I hope everything will work out well.

    thanks for reading.

    I would have your fiance email you a scanned copy...then you can print it out to have at the interview, rather than changing the day. The consulate might ask you to return with the original, but I don't believe that moving the interview is your best option. If you are approved based on all other things, they would just give you a form and ask you to return with the original.

    Good luck with the interview.


  8. The first several months to a year were the hardest for my husband (and myself). First homesickness and the wait to get his greencard, followed by the even harder tasks of job searching and getting a drivers license; made things difficult at first. But compromise and understanding get us through. Neither he nor I were quite prepared for how long it would take for the pieces to fit together, but we are certainly happy to have gone through the effort to make it work. Nearly two years later it is not always easy, but that definitely makes the rewards of marriage that much sweeter. Good luck to you. :star:


  9. We live in Pennsylvania and NO you cannot use the Moroccan drivers license in the state of PA. Only "out of state licenses" can be used for the 60 days...not out of the country unless it is an International Drivers License. You will need to apply for a permit once you arrive and take the test before driving alone. Its a pretty simple process, but I would advise you to go online and start studying for the permit test. My husband was very scared of that because it is all in English, but it is not a difficult test...and you can take it as many times as you want. Once you have your permit you can take the driving test at any time, but until you pass the driving portion you will need to always have another licensed driver with you as you practice. I would start reading the book now, you can download the manual from the website. Good luck!


  10. Good luck to you and your husband. I had a bit of a similar situation in that when my then fiance came to the US I had told my parents it was for a visit...well then we went to the JP and got married. I was torn at the time and decided not to tell them before we got married, I knew I would get grief because I was marrying someone whom they had only just met. But we were talking for over two years at that point and I knew it was right. So I decided to be happy and have our wedding day be just about the two of us and not involve the family drama. Well a few days later, as I told them, the drama certainly came out. And after a really akward month they finally realized that we were a package deal and I would have done it the same way 100 times over. Now...a year and a half later, they love and adore him. Even my sister who insisted I would be killed when I went to Morocco has admitted she was wrong about him...once they get to know him they will understand...and if not, shame on them.

    Good luck,


  11. Good luck! My last minute advice would be just to make sure your fiance is just as confident and relaxed as he can be during the interview...they do watch body language a lot. One thing my husband said was that they kept asking the same questions over and over and over again, luckily he was calm and confident in his answers because he got his visa. Casa is a tough consulate, but as long as you are prepared it should be fine.

    Good luck with your inteview!


  12. For my husband and myself, I paid the initial fee for the K1 as his petitioner, but he paid everything else...visa fees, medical, flight to US and AOS fee....

    However, if you are worried about money struggles now, it only gets worse once they are here. Remember, you will be supporting him until he gets his EAD and even beyond that...the job market is terrible. It has been one of our greatest struggles as a couple. Luckily, I make a good salary so we have been just fine, but it has not always been very easy.

    Good luck to you, you will need to find what balance of funds works best for you as a couple...but remember it does not get any cheaper once that approval comes your way....


  13. Be careful not to send to much...from what I have heard and others here have attested to, sometimes too much sent with the application is a huge red flag. Make sure you have enough to prove you meet the requirements to file...but I would not send too much more. When I sent in our 129-F, I only included maybe 3 or 4 emails, maybe 4 pictures, receipts from my trip and some receipts from mail I had sent him. We had no issues. When interview time came, that is when I prepared my now husband with multiple emails (still only like 20 over the course of a year and a half), some addtional pictures and phone records and a letter from my sister just showing family support. Of course it is Casa and things can go either way at the interview stage, so be prepared with a lot more for that. But as for the application, be careful of overkilling with evidence. Good Luck!


  14. Hello everyone! I have great news for all of you waiting to hear from casablanca. My fiance got his visa this afternoon. We are so happy&excited.Last week on 9/12/11 i called DOS,they told me to call back Friday 09/16/11. My fiance received a called from the consulate that same Friday. They called asking for his visa, which they had already. Today visa on hand!! :):)...

    Congratulations! I love seeing good news out of Casa :dance: I hope you and your sweetie are together very soon!

    Best Wishes,


  15. I hope things smooth out for you Jackie and that you have a long happy marriage. Sounds like you are doing fairly well, which is a good sign :)

    I think it helps when those of us who survived the gauntlet let others know. Glad you have lasted so long. That is inspiration for me, even if I'm fairly certain we will be fine at this point!

    Thank you so much...I think we are definitely on our way to a long happy marriage...and the good always outweighs the bad :luv:

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