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Posts posted by TerriandEric

  1. Meggy I am glad to hear Angelo is doing much better. Not long now until your big day..so happy for you to find the dress you wanted too.

    Emma that is awesome that you could fix the name change online. Hope all comes together for your wedding day too.

    All is great here...life continues in its usual pattern -- Eric working nights *that sucks* and me pottering around the house going insane...wanting to do mroe the house stuff. It sounds silly I know but I want to be back working somewhere...anywhere at this point.

    Tomorrow is our Biometrics appointment in Cleveland...another step closer.

  2. Hey all,

    Can someone please stop the world...just for 5 minutes please LOL! We never seem to stop here.

    Emma I am glad you have found somewhere for you to teach Gymnastics. I have not even started looking yet. i should have looked earlier...maybe we could have co-ordinated & met down in Cinncinati when you were there.

    We have been slowly but surely painting the house...changing colours etc. We painted our master bedroom this past weekend. We used a Granite Textured Paint...never again!!!! It is messy & horrible to use but the effect is stunning LOL.

    Next week is Biometrics...cant wait to get that out of the way.

  3. Hi everybody. Have a quick question for you. I'm nearly done filing out AOS documents for my wife and stepson (K1/K2 visas). The question is: should I write one or two money orders (1610 or 1010 and 600)? Should I sent there packages in the separate mails, or in two folders, but in one mail? Thanks.

    I just sent in AOS for my daughter & myself...we compiled both our paperwork & wrote one check....it was all then mailed together with ONE cover letter.

  4. WOW Caspar -- I am giggling here as my boys have the same appetite...though they are still in AUS I remember all too well the grocery bill that comes along with such hearty appetites. Bek is adjusting nicely to the foods here...we have been sampling some recipes to make which we tweak to suit our tastes..simple stuff but filling & yummy.

    Not much to report here...we got our Biometrics appointment letters yesterday -- 12th August WOOT!!

  5. I am glad to read everyone is floating on cloud nine at present.

    Ecuador that is super amazing about the boys..>YAY for a family being reunited.

    Em I hope you can alter your ring quickly.

    Meggy how did you go with the wedding gown hunt?? Any luck? I bought mine online as well from a site called eastbridal.com

    Caspar I am so glad that everything is going smoothly for you in OR :)

    We just returned from our belated honeymoon. 4 days in Erie PA & a day trip to Niagara Falls NY. LOVED the Maid Of The Mist boat ride...got some amazing photos of everything we did. Public link to the album on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=252996&id=810291631&l=3525159b60

    I am hoping life will slow a little at present. We are having some huge issues with Bek. She has become this loud,rude & obnoxious girl...a total stranger to me. She argues & back chats constantly. I miss my daughter so much & no matter how many times we talk to her about her behaviour she still keeps going the way she is *sigh*

    Anyway enough of my whining...time to go for a long drive to take our niece home.

  6. Emma I am so sorry you are having a rough start..I really hope that things improve greatly for you very soon *big hugs*

    Meggy I am hearing you on the heat we are having at present..its 94 here today -- thank heavens for a/c or I would be wanting to die today LOL. We have managed to get the last few things we need for us to go away camping on Monday -- 2 days in Erie PA up at Presquile then 2 days up in Niagra Falls NY...truly can not wait! :dance: :dance: :dance:


    It is a crazy busy time now but none of us would change it at all...getting everything ready to marry,adjusting to life here etc...busy but oh so much fun!

    Meggy -- let me know if there is anything I can do for you -- nothing a jump in the car wont fix :)

    We spent our 4th of July out at Yankee Lake watching fireworks & 4wding...tonnes of fun..then the Sunday was a family picnic at my in laws place...I have not laughed so much in a very long time!

  8. Eric & I have not logged into Second Life in almost a year...we chose to walk away from there and spent many hours wasting time playing games on facebook LOL Now that we are married & together we spend no time online when he is home..the night he is in the office for work we chat in msn until I go to bed around 1am and we both still do Mafia Wars as our little friendly competition amongst ourselves. Our computers are used to keep in touch with our children and family in AUS but we love not being tied to them any longer.

  9. Firstly Congrats on your marriage!

    Secondly the paper you were given that says Abstract Of Marriage is all you will be given. We married in Ohio in the beginning of June & that is the exact thing we have sent for AOS. It lists all the relevant details required by USCIS. It states who was married, where & by whom they were married. This is what they give out as a copy of the marriage certificate :)

    Hope this helps.

  10. What's so 'festive' about Oct to March? Halloween to ???

    Oh well - Indy is the back of beyond for anything international in the food line (although we did find a British section (2 shelves) at Mejier). I will just have to pine like I do now and get my Mum to bring me things.

    Are you going somewhere for a honeymoon, Terri? This is great. We can talk about stuff other than waiting for visas now. Especially next week when Meggy and Caspar will have theirs. And then we can all talk about the joys of AOS :lol:

    No honeymoon for us...kinda hard with my 13 year old daughter for us to get away alone...but we are planning a bit of time away as a family in July which will be lovely.

    There are various online site where you can get foods...I just placed an order tonight for some Aussie foods from a company based in Cinncinati in Ohio....cant wait for it to get here now LOL!

    We are filling out forms for AOS so we can send it off by Monday at the latest. I can not wait for the madness to be over so we get some time off from dealing with all the USCIS crapola!

    I can nto wait to hear how Meggy got on today & how Caspar goes next week...super exciting too!

  11. Why Oct to March, Terri? And do they have double-coat ones? They're my favourites!

    Edit to add: Caspar, the NZ version are called Chit-chats but they're not as good as Tim Tams

    I wish I knew why ..Pepperidge Farms here (the company who sell them in the USA) market them as a festive cookie. Of course they are festive -- they are Tim Tams!! I know they have the plain ones, the caramel & the dark ones...not sure on the double coat. I saw some today in Giant Eagle while shopping -- was a compulsion to buy a couple of packets lol.

  12. Uh, what language do they speak in Australia, Terri??? Tin Tams? Cherry Ripes? They SOUND like English words but I have never heard them before. Guess, I'll have to Oz myself oneday and find out!

    Good luck with the 13 year old! :D

    :rofl: :rofl: Tim Tams are yummy chocolate cookies...Target usually sells them here in the USA from October - March each year. Cherry Ripes are a choclate bar...very yummy!!

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