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Posts posted by TerriandEric

  1. From reading what you girls have compiled it makes me feel better as it is pretty much what I have started gathering together here. We have so many photos from our engagement photo shoot as well as all the photos from when Eric was here in October. We won't see each other now until the process is finished so we are keeping all chat logs, emails, phone calls and copies of package labels we are sending to the other for Christmas.

    We file this week..so we are both very excited that we are now embarking on this journey.

  2. No comment on furries... lol. Or nekkos. I'm friends with several but just isn't my cup of tea. But that's what I love about SL, who cares?! It's not like any of us actually come close to looking like our avies and that's half the fun. I love that I can choose to wear absolutely anything I like and look good in it. lol

    LOL Nekkos were just not my thing either...kinda freaky but then again there is lot of 'freaky' in SL.

    Being able to wear anything & look sensational in it..was always an added bonus...SL is a wonderful place to explore all manners of things. I loved exploring more then anything..going to the Eiffel Tower, shopping in London, visiting Egypt..all wonderful memories.

  3. Hi fellow VJers,

    We have run into what could become an issue in regards to the letter from him employer. He works for a company that employs 50,000 people, all HR is based in the Phillipines. So getting a letter is going to prove to be a nightmare as nobody in the office he works in will sign a letter stating he has been there for just on 10 years.

    So I guess my question is this: is the letter crucial for the affidavit is there is sufficient evidence to show he has been there for a substantial amount of time?

    I have read the guides & I am still as baffled as to what we do from here.

    Thank in advance.

  4. I totally agree Blu. We got married in SL and some people when they found out about it raised eyebrows like I had sprouted a second head or something. So we just say yes we met online, easier then trying to explain to whole SL thing to the uninitiated.

    Sundrop - I agree with what you said about sharing more about yourself online...while in world I was very open about who I was. Never lied about my personal circumstance but that said I didnt proclaim it either if that makes sense. My time prior to meeting Eric in SL was a healing process for me as I was dealing with a marital breakdown and it was my release from the stress going on around me. Even now it astounds me the creativity that happens in there. I have not logged in for a long time now, I cant say I miss much in there because the most important person is all that matters.

  5. Hey TerriandEric! Good to see you found this thread! Everyone here has been a huge help. We are just waiting on our medical results to send in p3. Hopefully will get them this week and we can send it off!

    I fly out day after to tomorrow. Really looking forward to some summer weather, its been so rainy here, being Seattle weather as usual.

    Anyways, welcome to the group!

    Thanks Lyekka :) This thread has helped me to get Eric organised for the compiling of the affidavit of support. I am now in two minds on initiating my police check after the Christmas break or if I should do it before hand. My medical I will wait until P3 in is my hands.

    Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly.

    Enjoy your time in the sun...though the heat here on the East Coast has been horrible this last week!

  6. LOL - Tell me about it. I think what it boils down to is most relationships start when you meet someone at work, through friends, in school. You don't get up every morning and go into work, consciously cruising every floor of your office block for someone who catches your eye.

    Where people hear that you met online, they automatically assume that you made a conscious decision to log onto a dating website and 'went looking'. There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing that but it's the assumption that irks me. We were both in our late 20s when we met and it is still unusual for people in that age group to use dating sites. The assumption then leads to the (wrong) conclusion that if you can't find someone in conventional ways, there must be something wrong with you. I'm talking about peers within a specific age group, mind you.

    Those of us who met our SOs in SL (Second Life) are also up against the barrage of very negative press attention that it attracted about 18 months ago, labelling it as nothing more than some sordid virtual cybering site. Therefore, anyone who isn't into SL but has heard about it through the media often wrongly assumes that you have some obscure sexual kink! lol Even if you did, it's none of their business but if you met your SO conventionally, then nobody in your immediate entourage is going to suspect that you have a kink.

    So in short, it's about coming up against preconceptions that unfairly paint you in a less than attractive light....

    Like you, I couldn't get a monkeys about what people think about us and how we met. But it does irk me when they assume the worst....

    LOL I agree totally about the SL reference! After a lot of negative press people do assume that you must have kinks of all varieties to have been in SL! I always liken it to The Sims on some serious steroids!

    At the end of the day it really doesn't matter how you met your SO, as long as you are happy who bloody well cares!

    Sundrop -- I love you divorce timeline lol..I am waiting for my Decree to arrive as it is the very last thing needed for our I-129F :)

  7. I am so glad I found this thread...such an amazing wealth of information!

    Congrats to all those who recently got approved & Congrats to those who just got married :)

    We are just finishing compiling our 129F and Eric is sending it next Monday (US Time), so then the waiting begins. We have sort of guesstimated that my daughter & I will arrive there around May providing it all goes smoothly.

    I look forward to sharing out journey with all of you as we go :)

  8. Eric is my fiance Stateside and I just asked him what he misses here (aside from myself & my kids lol ) He said he misses Tim Tams and my mum's cooking LOL He is still reeling over the cost of things here in comparison to the USA...things are more expensive here.

    From over there aside from him I miss Cracker Barrel, Dunkin Donuts, Orange Cheese (LOL) and the gorgeous countryside whenever we went out on the Harley *sigh*

    I can not get there fast enough!

    LOL even I miss Cracker Barrel! Im originally from the southern us and there are none of them up here in seattle. Damien is still weirded out about our orange cheese lol.

    I have to agree about the cost of living there to here. Even living in Seattle is cheaper than in Melb. This is my last trip over to Australia for a while, I'm happy and sad about it. Happy he will be here, but Ive gotten use to going over there twice a year now and will miss his mom immensely.

    The first time I saw the orange cheese I was like OMG you are kidding me! Swore I wouldn't eat it, but I miss it now. Eric lives in Ohio & whenever he goes shopping over there now he says he remembers the costs of things here & shakes his head.

    When we move over there I will miss so much about Sydney (Melbourne is awesome too!!) aside from family & friends but the little things of seeing all those familiar places weekly...but the bonus, being with my man, enjoying our amazing new life there and spending time with some other friends I have there :)

  9. meat pies

    sausage rolls

    beetroot on a hamburger

    hot chips



    salt and vinegar smiths crinkle cut chips

    those are about the only things I miss from there

    Add to that list:


    Tim Tams

    Schweppes Mineral Water

    The Beaches here

    I wont miss the horrendous heat of our summer's with the 44C days we are already having and summer has not officially started yet!

    My fiance is the Aussie, but there are so many things I miss from there besides him hehe. Adding to the list Schweppes limonade! Im flying over to Melbourne this friday yay! And Im so going to pig out on meat pies, fish and chips, and chicken rolls!!!!! woohoo!!! lol. Up here in Seattle we can get Schweppes mineral water and Gingerale but thats all i can find :(. Here is a picture of one of my favorite places in Australia. Me and Damien went here on my first visit over and stayed in the rain forests up from apollo bay. What a beautiful place, you certainly dont get stars in the US like you to in Australia, and at night we went hiking on the paths int he forest and there were glow worms! It was amazing! Anyways the pic is one i shot of 12 apostles. Such a gorgeous place.


    And the next shot is of the sunset over Damien's neighborhood down in Melbourne.


    Eric is my fiance Stateside and I just asked him what he misses here (aside from myself & my kids lol ) He said he misses Tim Tams and my mum's cooking LOL He is still reeling over the cost of things here in comparison to the USA...things are more expensive here.

    From over there aside from him I miss Cracker Barrel, Dunkin Donuts, Orange Cheese (LOL) and the gorgeous countryside whenever we went out on the Harley *sigh*

    I can not get there fast enough!

  10. meat pies

    sausage rolls

    beetroot on a hamburger

    hot chips



    salt and vinegar smiths crinkle cut chips

    those are about the only things I miss from there

    Add to that list:


    Tim Tams

    Schweppes Mineral Water

    The Beaches here

    I wont miss the horrendous heat of our summer's with the 44C days we are already having and summer has not officially started yet!

  11. We met online & there is the odd time where people raise an eyebrow when they ask how we met considering I live in Australia. I tend to just stick with we met online through an online game...when they ask what game it is instead of explaining what Second Life is I merely say 'Think of The Sims on some serious steroids' they nod but have the expression of 'she must be nuts!'

  12. Met my fiance on Second Life. Neither of us were looking for anyone else. But we found each other and have now been together for 2.5 yrs.


    So did we and same thing - sure didn't sign up to meet anyone! How do people inworld react to you being a RL couple and lasting so long? Are you still inworld much, or have you moved on from SL now? There's just something about being able to log in when you need a cuddle and see your avies give each other a hug. lol...

    We actually started a group on SL called Crossing Borders for people doing the same thing we are...taking SL relationships to RL. Haven't been inworld a lot lately because my VERY slow internet connection makes doing anything almost impossible. A few of the people we have known over the yrs there are coming to our wedding in Feb. We may put out blue and pink balls on the dance floor for them, at the reception. LOL.

    LOL, that would be awesome and what a hilarious 'in' joke! I'll look up the group next time I'm inworld :yes:

    Actually the first time we met in person, he had brought a pink and blue styrofoam ball with him...made me crack up laughing.

    -Blu- ( :innocent::devil: )

    I am laughing here because I met my fiance in SL as well. Neither of us looking for a relationship at all as we had both just left marriages prior to meeting. We rarely go into SL at all now due to being on webcam most of the time.

    I love the pink & blue 'dance' balls for your reception, that would be quite funny to see.

    It may seem unconventional to meet online no matter where you meet or how but the way I view it, without the internet I wouldnt have met the man I have waited for my whole life.

  13. Tezzaa :

    My daughter already has her own passport because we travelled to Miami this year, so the attorney said it's a good thing she already has her passport because he can't block her from travelling.

    As for the paperworks, I'm not sure how it's going to happen, he already wrote me a letter a few years ago when I travelled to Israel with my child, and I still have this letter, but I doubt I can re-use it for this case ? On this letter he wrote that I could bring my child abroad and didn't write any country, any dates...

    May I ask you about the content of the letter ? like what your ex husband had to write exactly ? so I can already think about asking her father about this letter ? When is the best time for him to write the letter ? now that my fiancé and I haven't done anything yet about the visa application ? or just before my interview at the Embassy ?

    He would need to write in the letter that he gives you (full name) permission to take his daughter (full name) to live permanently in the USA. It must be signed & notarized...along with a copy of his photo ID attached.

    Like I said I have mine already as I knew my ex husband would be difficult in regards to getting it to me in a timely fashion...so I was prepared long BEFORE we filed....but your ex husband may be different & do it quickly :)

    Hope this helps.

  14. what does the embassy really ask about the letter ? and when do i have to ask her father's to write it ? and what if he refuses ?

    why do you mean by "do not put any effective dates or windows of travel" ?

    We are submitting our K1 next week & I have already asked for & received the letter from my children's father giving his consent for them to travel & relocate to the USA with me. It must be submitted with all YOUR paperwork at the Consulate.

    Also I had to get him to sign the passport applications to allow me to get their passports, but the law may be different there.

    If he refuses to sign a letter you may need to seek legal advice as to what your next step would be.

    Best of luck to you.

  15. We are filing the K1 at the end of the month as we are waiting on my final divorce papers...we have started exporting all our calls from Skype, downloading phone bills & highlighting the relevant ones and blacking out the rest. Our chat logs have been printed in advance & as we are going to print off at the end of each week now & add them to the file. The phone calls are going to be harder to prove as I call him more as it is much cheaper for me to call him then the other way around and we use video chats all the time..but msn keeps a log of when the clal starts & when it finishes..I turned on the time stamp feature too to make it easier to see the timing.

  16. Hi there fellow VJs

    My fiance & I are in the process of filling out all the paperwork to file for our I 129F. We are gathering our proof of relationship and we have run into something that has us scratching our heads.

    We know that all previous married names must be included BUT the thing that has us stumped is this. My name is Theresa, but I am called Terri by everyone & even my email headers say Terri B...so all our emails back & forth are from Terri B not Theresa B. In some instances they are from Terri H from when I was married. My question is this: Do we need to include Terri B or Terri H as names I go by considering they are not names on any legal paper work it is merely a shortening of my full name?

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  17. Hi there all,

    My name is Terri & I am newly engaged to my amazing man from Ohio. We are about to start the process for me to immigrate to the USA. We have been reading pages & pages of information & this site seems to be the best informed of them all.

    It has made me smile to read so many amazing stories here. I look forward to sharing our story with you all & getting to know you all as well :)

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