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Posts posted by TerriandEric

  1. California Service Center (23 applicants, 17 approved - 74%)

    VJName............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.....Approved......GC-Received
    BEARSTORY...........09/06/12.......09/10/12.......10/02/12.......05/20/13......--/--/-- (Early Bio 09/24)(RFE received 04/12, responded 05/11)
    S00820193...........09/07/12.......09/??/12.......10/12/12.......--/--/--......--/--/-- (RFE received 04/15)
    LUI AND GZEL........09/07/12.......09/??/12.......11/27/12.......04/16/13......06/13/13



    -Marie-.............09/14/12.......09/21/12.......10/19/12.......--/--/--......--/--/-- (RFE received 04/22)
    AOR AND BARTEK......09/15/12.......09/26/12.......10/19/12.......04/13/13......--/--/--
    CAROCARO............09/15/12.......09/25/12.......01/16/13.......06/13/13......--/--/-- (Service request Dec 21/12)

    CPTROSCO............09/20/12.......09/??/12.......10/23/12.......--/--/--......--/--/-- (Divorce Waiver)
    REJE................09/26/12.......09/28/12.......11/01/12.......--/--/--......--/--/-- (RFE received 04/25)

    EJM.................09/26/12.......09/28/12.......11/??/12.......04/25/13......--/--/-- (bio redo 12/2012)

    Vermont Service Center (27 applicants, 21 approved - 78% )

    VJName............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.....Approved......GC-Received
    HALEYWYNNE..........08/30/12.......09/04/12.......10/08/12.......--/--/--......--/--/-- (RFE received 04/29)
    ~AMERIPTIAN~........09/04/12.......09/10/12.......10/15/12.......--/--/--......--/--/-- (Early Bio 10/12)(RFE received 04/16)
    MR&MRS D............09/04/12.......09/07/12.......09/28/12.......04/15/13......--/--/--

    SARA AND ALEX.......09/10/12.......09/14/12.......10/17/12.......04/16/13......04/22/13
    HAMADA135...........09/11/12.......09/13/12.......10/05/12.......05/14/13......05/18/13 (Early Bio 09/26)
    BULLWINKLE..........09/17/12.......09/20/12.......10/26/12.......04/18/13......04/25/13 (Early Bio 10/09)
    LOVEBIRD78..........09/17/12.......09/20/12.......10/24/12.......04/17/13......04/24/13 (Early Bio 10/10)
    SILVERMUG...........09/18/12.......09/19/12.......10/23/12.......04/24/13......04/29/13 (Early Bio 10/01)
    ALLY AND MOH........09/19/12.......09/25/12.......10/17/12.......--/--/--......--/--/--
    DEEP2009............09/24/12.......09/26/12.......10/30/12.......04/18/13......04/24/13 (Early Bio 10/19)


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    Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
    NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
    Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
    Approved = The Date your case was approved

    * Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
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  2. Hmm... one month since I have received the approval letter and still no card.

    The letter was printed on plain paper, sent from Lincoln, Nebraska but on the bottom of letter shows Chicago office. Date of decision shows 4/10, I received this letter 4/13. Also, no updates on USCIS web page. Last update is the application receipt on 09/17/2012.

    .................. so we wait another 30 days sad.png

    I am in the same boat......still waiting....andless patiently as each day passes.

  3. My letter at least is on watermark paper and it says "United States of America" on top...it looks official, doesn't seem like a prank. I don't know though, I think they are just late with the card production, I guess we will get it sooner or later. I just hope they will not come back later on saying that they shipped the card and I will have to pay for a replacement. That would really suck.

    Now I am starting to worry. Mine is plain white paper..no watermarks!! The only thing that alerted me initially was the USCIS mark on the envelope. The signature is a rubber stamp and it doesnt state our A# it just states a file number and a new classification symbol. I hope this is legit because otherwise this is a very cruel prank!!!

  4. I received an RFE today. They want more joint financial proof.

    I am not sure what to do as I sent them everything I had. They suggested joint health insurance and such, but we do not have that as we do not have any health insurance right now. We've both had our cars before we got married and kept our own insurances because it was cheaper for us. Not sure what to send them. I did find a joint renters insurance but that's about it. We also do have a joint credit card (the already have copies of those) but separate checking accounts as we both had them before we got married. Even if we get a joint account now only for immigration they will see that this is a new account.

    Any suggestions?

    We did submit our phone bill (in his name but both of our phone numbers are listed on there) and also our lease, which has both of our names on there.

    Can you not add each other to the existing bank accounts??? We did that initially when we were first married and when I was working we opened a second joint account.

  5. When you look for processing times for form I 751. The service center listing just shows Texas or Vermont. The good thing is that Texas I 751 processing time shows 6 months.

    I know and I said as much to the woman on the phone to which I was told for the millionth time 'can i put you on hold to verify' I swear I knew more about what the processing times stated on their own website and what centres are doing the processing. :bonk:

  6. I looked today and it still doesn't list CSC for the I751. I called to find out what is going on as we still don't have our ROC updated since they received it September and the woman had no clue as to why it wasn't listed on there. Then proceeded to tell me that the actual time frame is more like 9 months. I pointed out their website says 6 months with National average being 7. She couldn't explain that either. I am beyond frustrated at this stage.:bonk::bonk::bonk:

  7. California Service Center (3 applicants)

    VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.....Approved....





    Vermont Service Center (5 applicants)

    VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.....Approved....








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    * Please check that you have not deleted anyones NAME & DATA.

    Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application

    NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter

    Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment

    Approved = The Date your case was approved

    * Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.

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    * If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

  8. Hey everyone,

    It has been a long time since I have logged in. I am glad to read everyone is loving life in their new homes. Life here has been hectic as always. After my medical issues were resolved life returned to the usual rushed pace that it has had since I started working. The only difference was instead of working part time my work had me working 40+ hours every week and with Eric on 3rd shift and Bek in school I was not seeing my family a great deal. The kicker came when Bek told me she felt abandoned because I was working 6 days a week and Dad was sleeping through the day because he worked nights. I went into work that Monday and told my boss I want back to part time hours from 8-1 and every other weekend off. He was fabulous about it and finally got the district manager to approve hiring of support staff. I am now loving my hours and enjoying life with my family once again.

    This winter has been beyond brutal. I am permanently numb with how cold it gets lol. I know most people on this thread are used to the cold from their home countries but this Aussie girl is not used to it in the slightest. I had never seen snow until I got here let alone had to drive in it or plow a driveway. Though it was fun to build my first snowman,have a snowball fight & wrestle in the snowbanks. I am just looking forward to spring!

    Hope everyone else is doing as well...It is almost my 1 year anniversary of arriving in Ohio to be with my husband and I truly can not wait.

    Bek has started on the track team at school so that is another activity that keeps us all busy and sadly she is starting to lose her accent :( I knew it would happen but I am kinda sad it is happening so soon. She just celebrated her first birthday here in the USA and she had a blast.

    I have to say I have not had a rough time here at all...everyone has been wonderful that said my family back in AUS have been giving me guilt trip after guilt trip since I left. I am to the point of not bothering to keep them updated on what is happening. Nobody back there even bothered to send Bek a birthday card this year and when I asked why they didnt I was informed that they work and are too busy to mail a card. So I have said that if that is the stance then I wont be mailing cards either as we work and lead very busy lives here. I hate to be that way but I am truly tired of the stress this causes every single time.

    Anyway, I have rambled enough. Best of luck to all those waiting at whatever stage of the process you are at...the stress is so worth it when you step off that plane & fall into your loved ones arms & you know you wont ever have to be apart again.

  9. Hey everyone,

    It has been a long time since I have logged in. I am glad to read everyone is loving life in their new homes. Life here has been hectic as always. After my medical issues were resolved life returned to the usual rushed pace that it has had since I started working. The only difference was instead of working part time my work had me working 40+ hours every week and with Eric on 3rd shift and Bek in school I was not seeing my family a great deal. The kicker came when Bek told me she felt abandoned because I was working 6 days a week and Dad was sleeping through the day because he worked nights. I went into work that Monday and told my boss I want back to part time hours from 8-1 and every other weekend off. He was fabulous about it and finally got the district manager to approve hiring of support staff. I am now loving my hours and enjoying life with my family once again.

    This winter has been beyond brutal. I am permanently numb with how cold it gets lol. I know most people on this thread are used to the cold from their home countries but this Aussie girl is not used to it in the slightest. I had never seen snow until I got here let alone had to drive in it or plow a driveway. Though it was fun to build my first snowman,have a snowball fight & wrestle in the snowbanks. I am just looking forward to spring!

    Hope everyone else is doing as well...It is almost my 1 year anniversary of arriving in Ohio to be with my husband and I truly can not wait.

  10. A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

    I have been swamped over the last month sampling the US Medical system and I am still sampling it while they work out the issues. I have to say the medical system here works really well and after being in hospital for a few days I was terrified for the bill...the insurance statement arrived....$39K for 4 days....we only have to pay $250 of the entire amount. So I am pretty happy with that.

  11. Let me say I threw my resume at every company that was available and Walmart & Auto Zone were the only 2 places that bit. I am in the same boat as Astrid..I was making $20 an hour & here I am only making just on $9 an hour, that said the dollar goes a lot further here then it did in AUS too. We have a better quality of life here then we would have had in AUS.

    It is all about perspective & Nick your outlook is amazing! Being paid to have fun is just awesome. I am lucky I love the people I work with & we all have a blast.

    V -- I jumped up & down when he found my wallet. I cried from relief because I got paid today and it was all for the replacement GC..so thank heavens I did not have to write that cheque! I can now put the money into the new savings account I opened for Bek to go towards her College fund :)

  12. I can relate totally to the single income as I am sure others can too. It sucks when you are so used to be financially independent to all of a sudden not be! Drive me insane! We opened a second checking account the other week just for my wages to go into so I had a little more peace of mind when it comes to money.

    Medically I am ok. They are playing around with my meds to see what combination works. I miss being at work too! No work for me until the week of the 20th...so i am climbing walls already!

    On a very good note..hubby found my wallet with GC in it *THANK GOD!!* It must have fallen out of my pocket when I was hiding one of his Christmas presents last Friday when I came home for lunch...he didnt find the present but he found my wallet YAY! GC is now locked away safely.

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