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About TerriandEric

  • Birthday 04/18/1974

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Ravenna, Ohio
  • Interests
    Mixed Media Art,reading,COD,WAW, family and quiet time.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Cleveland OH
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We met online in a virtual world called Second Life. Neither of us were looking for anything other then a friendship as we had both just crawled out of our marriages. It was a time to heal & start to move on.

    A friendship bloomed & we very quickly became the best of friends, leaning on one another when we had nobody else to turn too. We fell in love with one another & started to organize a vacation together in New Hampshire. Away from our everyday lives, relaxed & getting to know one another face to face. It proved to be the most amazing times of either of our lives.

    I returned to Australia devastated at not being with Eric, but we quickly started planning his vacation to Australia in October. Eric proposed in front of my parents with their complete blessing. He returned to the USA so we could complete the petition & filed in December.

    Now we wait like hundreds of others, wait for that piece of paper that someone somewhere will stamp so we can marry & begin our life together filled with much love, laughter & happiness.

    EDITTED - We have now been married for 2 years and are still as happy now as we were then...I have recently medically retired from my career and enjoy a quiet life in my craft studio creating and spending quality time with our family...also now teaching our 15 year old daughter Bek to drive...give me strength lol

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  1. Or am I confused about the date.... lol

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