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Status Replies posted by shayma

  1. 7 more days yayi hmdoAllah

  2. Going to relax this Memorial Weekend before my highly-anticipated FEDEXed paperwork from Morocco should arrive on Tues., so I can overnight it to NVC on Weds. for arrival on Thurs. So we can hope for an interview date really soon!

  3. please do n ot try to contact me as we were denied and uscis has proven he had lied which nulled and voided are marraige this account will be closed soon good luck to you all

  4. soo..got a email from NVC today stated that they got a response from USCIS on the location of my petition...which is still sitting at the local field office it was processed at in San Antonio..lovely..so I called USCIS and told them that my case is sitting at the field office and what are they going to do about it..so they sent a urgent email to the local office to forward our petition to the NVC ASAP..oh so I hope they do inshallah..


  6. My case so far.. We got our NOA2 April 10th, 2013, Hard copy in the mail April 12th, 2013, sent a inquiry to NVCresearch after 30 days and stating that our petition was not recieved with a copy of our NOA2..recieved email response from NVC on May 17th, 2013 that they recieved our copy of our NOA2 and would contact USCIS on our behalf..Called NVC May 20th to get a update, instructed to wait 15 buisness days for a response.. called USCIS..spoke to a Tier 2 and put a inquiry in for the location...

  7. received NVC case #!!!!!

  8. Arrived back in the states with our little one after a much needed visit to my hubby..but with a heavy heart I had to return back...we are still waiting to hear back from NVC to see if any word from USCIS as of where they sent our petition to...we hope to hear good news soon inshallah

  9. please do n ot try to contact me as we were denied and uscis has proven he had lied which nulled and voided are marraige this account will be closed soon good luck to you all

  10. please do n ot try to contact me as we were denied and uscis has proven he had lied which nulled and voided are marraige this account will be closed soon good luck to you all

  11. I am soo happy that in 9 days my husband will finally be with me forever inchalllla so happppppyyy hmdoallllah :D

  12. Have u heard anything yet,??

  13. Arrived back in the states with our little one after a much needed visit to my hubby..but with a heavy heart I had to return back...we are still waiting to hear back from NVC to see if any word from USCIS as of where they sent our petition to...we hope to hear good news soon inshallah

  14. Congrats on hearing about your great news! So happy for you! :)

  15. Congrats on hearing about your great news! So happy for you! :)

  16. Salam just want to see how your doing

  17. so recieved a email from the NVC research department reguarding our missing petition and they informed us that they will contact USCIS to see where they sent it to...ahh more waiting..hopefully this gets resolved soon and we can move onto the next step inshallah..please keep us in your prayers..

  18. Hope u hear good news soon inchAlllah

  19. hi my beautful wife! mwah!

  20. so recieved a email from the NVC research department reguarding our missing petition and they informed us that they will contact USCIS to see where they sent it to...ahh more waiting..hopefully this gets resolved soon and we can move onto the next step inshallah..please keep us in your prayers..

  21. crushed..Icalled both numbers..case still has not been recieved yet...its been over a month..really this is so hard..I thought this part was suppose to quickly..havent we waited enough during the USCIS part..

  22. Salam just want to see how your doing

  23. I know u dont know me i was reading ur post and wanted to tell u im sorry ur going through this if u need to talk feel free to contact me

  24. I know u dont know me i was reading ur post and wanted to tell u im sorry ur going through this if u need to talk feel free to contact me

  25. Congrats on hearing about your great news! So happy for you! :)

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