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Posts posted by Enigma11561

  1. I wanted to thank everyone for there comments. Of course it was everything I was already thinking, but actually needed to see it for myself. I know odd right. Anyway I think some of the guilt I felt is because I was not perfect, I made mistakes in the marriage also. I am strong, independent, and at times inpatient. I say what is on my mind way to quick and sometimes do not think. Of course he knows I know this about myself so that has been his focus on how it was all my fault. Example one day I was doing all the cleaning and he was sitting there online doing nothing. This was before he had a job and i was working two, I asked him to help out and he said I dont do stuff like that. I told him I was not his mother and he either learned to help or he didnt need to stay here. Well he packed up and walked out. So of course that ended up with it being me kicking him out. I feel kicking someone out is packing bags and throwing them out of the door which I never did, but I kicked him out. Was I wrong to say it, well yes.

    Anyway my update is this, after last night and getting some horrible messages when I told him definitely no I could not do this and lie. He said one simple thing that made email our lawyer and pay him to start divorce proceedings. He told me I needed to go kill myself because I was a piece of Sh*t. He also said him and his family would pray very hard to God that I would have a horrible death when my time comes.

    I am sad, maybe because the fairy tale never really happened for me. I am sad because I really loved this person who now wishes death upon me. Am I ok? Well no not yet, with help and time I will be. This has been a very long lonely journey.

    Thanks again to everyone that responded to my other post.

    Honey, your fairy tale is yet to come. Even snow White had to bite the poison apple before her prince charming came. Hang in there.YOur a good soul and god knows this.

  2. Another thing to consider. He is married as well. HE will need a divorce to marry again, which I hope will never happen considering what an #### he is. And if this woman should ever find another American who is a good guy, how could she petition for another K1 without a divorce on her record? I don't know if the Ukraine laws have any bearing here but the USCIS would certainly pick up on this. I understand she has to go home and lick her wounds, and hopefully time will heal them but...don't get me started.This type of stuff really ticks me off especially with such a young child being involved.

  3. http://immigration.hias.org/en/pages/help-for-individuals

    I do not know if the above site can be of assistance but you should at least give them a call and ask what advice/help they can offer.

    I feel really sorry for this woman and her son. Regardless of what one may think about the age difference and what was going through their heads not knowing each other well enough to see there might be a problem the bottom line is she is in a world of hurt. Young, with child, cannot speak the language, a strange city with no immediate friends and just about totally dependent on this man for every basic need. If she cannot adjust status she has to leave.And it appears this will not be possible unless someone can speak to this guy ( maybe a man with a last name that ends in a vowel) and make him an offer he cannot refuse.

    What I can not understand is here is a 52YO guy with a young Russian wife, who went through the process and expense and now wants her out? Is his mama the problem? Does mama not have some feelings here towards this woman's distress? Is this woman's protection of her child ( mother hens and her chicks to which I am totally in agreement) creating a situation? Something is just not right here to have this fall apart so quickly in in this manner.

    Where in New York are they located? Upstate, the city? Name of the town?

  4. When I enter my wife's receipt number from her I-797 into the USCIS case status site, it says receipt number not found. But when I enter her application number from her I-797C ( biometrics appointment)it says under review.When I called the NVC,it was the same thing. Receipt number not found and the application number found. Can any one shed some light on this? I am not overly concerned at the moment just a bit confused. Thanks.

  5. My dilemma: I want to submit the K-1 petition ASAP, but currently do not have a job and will be unable to have a co-sponsor. However, I am actively seeking employment and expect to be making a decent salary within the next few months. My question is, if I submit the K-1 soon, and receive NOA1 and NOA2 but am still not in a position to fill out the affidivit of support yet, am I allowed to wait a few months until we can proceed? Are there deadlines where if you do not follow through fast enough, you have to start everything over?

    This is the bigger issue. You are putting yourself in a position of much stress if your expectations for a decent job do not prove fruitful in a timely manner.I am not familiar with the embassy in Costa Rica, but most work in a similar fashion of sending you a packet requesting information after they have received your info from the NVC. This is when you need the I-134 affidavit of support for the embassy interview. You can delay sending the packet back for a short while without negatively affecting anything,( and it will take many months before you get to this point)but if your expectations still have not been met, no job yet,it could become an issue. We all want to be together ASAP, but if can hold off until you have a job and know you can submit pay stubs and the like, it would be better for you.

  6. My two cents. If you have deep pockets, and a lot to lose, I would go with a prenup. If you have little in the way of assets, then its a toss up. She should understand that a prenup can actually protect her in that you can write out a specific set of circumstances that gives her financial stability. As an example..going the distance here, Donald Trump with no prenup would have lost half his fortune. With a prenup only about 50 million.If she does not even want to listen, then I would consider thinking about what your future may hold.

  7. Every one is concerned about waiting times. The problem is everyone is different and what happens to some one else can be radically different than you. Please do not let a few months here or a few months difference there affect your judgement. Do what you feel is in your best interests. Remember this is a life long commitment. Think about this way. If you are married for 50 years that is 600 months. If you have to wait an extra 2 now that still leaves 598.

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