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Posts posted by Enigma11561

  1. what a complete load of bullshit!!!! my fiance can easily afford to support me even though she doesnt quite earn enough to meet the requirements because she has no debt and very little outgoings so we have to have a cosponsor. are you saying that we dont deserve happiness because she earns 1000 dollars less than the 125% poverty level??? are you saying that poor people dont deserve to be happy??

    Poor/rich/middle class. Everyone deserves happiness. But I do hope you intend to work and not live off your wife.

  2. I posted this in another thread someplace and got my head handed to me but I think it still has merit.

    A long distance relationship, especially a cross cultural one, that you intend to result in a marriage, IS EXPENSIVE AND TIME CONSUMING. You don't have to be rich.But if you cannot afford plane fares, processing fees, and all the other expenses that go along with this process, why even start? It's not for you. If you cannot spend the time to research what is involved, what you need to do, how everything is going to unfold, what are the requirements, then you only have yourself to blame. Not the government. And if you do not realize or understand that his can take many months, or even a year or two to complete, then welcome to the real world. If you do not have the time, strength, or patience or where with all to see this through. Again, don't even start.

    There are always exceptions. I understand this.And there will always be problems that come out of left field. Happens all the time. But I agree with the OP in several respects.

    First. You should be required to meet more than once. A single one week trip, regardless of how many hours you spent on the phone, skype, etc... does not enable you to really develop the relationship necessary to make a life impacting decision like marriage. To me it sounds more like lust than love. Some people have argued with me about this, but I see that most of them are still filing paperwork or are only married a short time. Fine. Lets talk about where you are 5 years from now.

    Secondly. The 90 days should be made longer. This is the time to have this person acclimate themselves to your country, your customs, and learn more about yourselves. It is not just to "plan a wedding".

    Third.Some of you have talked about divorce rates. Your missing the bigger picture. Assume a rate that is similar to that of domestic divorces.The domestic couple meet in a bar, a club, in church, hiking, on the beach, wherever. They date. Meet each others friends, meet parents, really get to know each other, maybe even live together for awhile, and then finally marriage. Here we are. Hours on the phone or skype talking to, really, a pretty photo.Then thousands of dollars in plane tickets, hours upon hours of filing forms and dealing with the government. Stress upon stress at each step hoping everything is right. Leaving behind family and friends, an entire life to start over again .Then trying to assimilate into another country. . Not to mention that as the USC we are subject to people who try to commit GC fraud in all its shapes. A domestic marriage has none of these issues.If we divorce it is a LOT harder.

  3. Obtain a TRUE Certified Copy with a Courthouse Seal and dated / signed by the Court Adminstrator of this event JUST IN CASE. It will show a Non-Conviction. NEVER SUPPLY INFORMATION YOU ARE NOT ASKED FOR but have this with you.

    See above. Do this. Never try to conceal the truth. You were arrested but never convicted. It may slow things down a bit if they choose to investigate but I highly doubt it will affect your application negatively.If an explanation is needed keep it real simple.Example: your house was broken into, there was a fight, police came and arrested everyone( the fact they came days later is irrelevant).You spent 2 days in jail as they sorted things out and your were then released and never convicted of any thing.

  4. Officers at the POE do not really care about what type of ticket you have. They are concerned that she has a valid passport, her visa, and the brown envelope.She may be asked to step aside and go to a room for questions as they process everything. Or just have a seat for a few minutes and then its over. As another poster said, I do hope that everything goes well as that is a tight time frame. My wife was so nervous she did not want me to make reservations until she was home with visa in hand and she did have an small issue so she was right. Then she wanted a little time to say goodbye to everyone.

  5. These people will ALWAYS assume that the marriage is for immigration ( fraud)purposes. It is up to you to PROVE they are wrong. Sometimes all the papers in the world mean nothing.

    When my wife went to Warsaw, alone, for her interview the woman said to her " do you know your fiancée is still living with his ex-wife in her home..we have proof". Wow. My wife looked her right in the face and said " you are wrong. He lives alone at this address. I do not believe you. You cannot show me proof because you do not have any". And she was very confident in her answer. That was enough for the woman. She got her visa.

    One of the problems with these interviews is that the fiancée is intimidated.And nervous. It can be difficult. Most USC who accompany their fiancée ( usually they must wait outside) will not take no for an answer if there is a problem and maybe even argue a bit because it is THEIR government and they have the right to question the CO's.

    Sorry you had to go through all this.

  6. I dont have a good feeling about this. I dont know your ages but still living in his parents house, under their rules, does not bode well, in my opinion. How long would this continue?

    This father has a business. Maybe he started it from scratch.When he passes it most likely will go to his wife. When she passes it may be divided among along their children, including your future husband. Seems like a long time off. The fathers concern ( and I hope it is ONLY the fathers concern) is that if you divorce before all this happens, you may make trouble in wanting part of this business.

    Read between the lines here. My oldest daughter still thinks my "russian" wife only came here to get a green card even though we have been married for over 1.5 years and very happy together. A situation I am still working on. Perhaps his father has similiar concerns regarding this relationship?

    I agree with others here that this should have been told to you before. It is not honest, it is deceitful and no way to begin a marriage. And to tell you that he wants to hide your marriage to him? How does he explain your living in this house? Did he tell his parents you are just a friend who came to visit? If they are aware you came on a K-1, the purpose of which is to marry, why the secrets? And if they were not aware, oh boy...can you think forward enough to see what may happen when you guys come home and say..guess what mom and dad..? You still have to live there.

    I know coming here was not easy. Saying goodbye to family and friends. And if you return it can be even harder admitting you made a mistake.But to be in love with a man who cannot stand up to his parents,especially living in the same house and has not been truthful with you gives me great concern for your future. You would not be the first woman who came here, found for whatever reasons things were not going to work, and went home. Dont be afraid. But only you can make that decision.

    You need a real honest sit down with this man. Take the gloves off. Get it all out in the air and if need be get the parents involved. This is your life. You need to absolutely know what is in front of you. Udachi.

  7. Try not to worry about things until its time to worry about them. This is not the time. You sound like you have done everything correctly and seem to be on top of things. Chill out over the holidays and then set up that info pass appointment. Depending where you live you can usually get an appointment same day or next day. Show them what you did. They will either say here is your error or accept their error. Either way you will be on your way to AOS. Good Luck.

  8. It is the US government that analyzes and issues visa. This process has nothing to do with the Thai government. If they tried to bribe a US official, that could be a serious offense to them not you. Since he lives with them, and things will be mailed to his home, they will know that he is applying for a visa. Can he use a different address? Get his own place?

  9. Any visa is simply the approval of a government that allows you to enter that country legally. I k-1 is a visa that allows you to enter the US for the purpose of marriage.

    A K-1 visa is issued by an embassy and is valid for 6 months ( believe this is correct). You then have this time to come to the US. After you enter the US the visa is expired as it is only a one time entry visa. You are then given an " I-94" which is placed in your passport. This allows you to stay for the 90 day period. You then these 90 days to get married or you must leave. After you are married you apply for your AOS. Between marriage and AOS you are considered "out of status". This status is completely normal and don't fret about the name. You are now legally here as you did marry. But you are not considered a permanent resident until you adjust this status, and get your green card.

    I think what you are reading is letting your visa expire before you enter the US and therefore not giving yourself the chance to apply for the AOS.

  10. If he kept your I94, chances are good for approval.

    I was part of a USCIS focal group a few months ago in NYC. Almost everyone who went to the Federal Plaza had bad experiences. The group threw the officers under the bus. At the end some CO's came out from another room, they had been watching and listening and actually apologized. Next time, try to go to Holtsville. Don't know where you are in NY but that place was great!

  11. Most embassy's ( if not all) do not allow any electronics of any kind.And neither do USCIS offices.And I doubt doubt the CO is going to try and find a place to play them. They don't have the time/desire/need to do so.Don't make yourself crazy. Don't try and get creative. They want to see if you have a bona fide marriage. Take a few photos of you and your wife together in several places and your home. I took about 8 photos of her and me on the beach, visiting NY, visiting Washington and cooking supper at home, and walking the dog. Seriously. Bona fide marriage. It was more than enough. Remember, these interviews can be over in 15 minutes.

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