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Posts posted by Enigma11561

  1. My dog is a Black Russian Terrier, a fairly large breed. But when I brought her home from Moscow, she was still a small puppy.I flew Delta and on that flight they allowed me to take the dog with me in the plane. It only cost a few hundred dollars. She was in a flexible carrier that fit under the seat. Of course she was in my lap for most of the ride. And many passengers wanted to pet her so she went around the plane for a few hours even though the attendants did not really like it!. when I got to JFK, I showed them all my papers, which were in Russian and they could not understand then, so they just told me to make sure she gets all her shots and let me go. Took about 10 minutes.

  2. "Only two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the former". Albert Einstein.

    When people come here with real issues/problems I have found a lot of posters show genuine concern and try to help.

    When people come here with "stupid" things that they should have known long before they started the process or cannot take the time to research simple things on their own, for whatever reasons, then I have found that some posters show a less tendency to show patience.

  3. First, you had a civil ceremony ( as I did), so you are married. Do not even bring up the cruise or anything else that will muck up the works. Give them want they want. Keep it simple. Docs on your marriage, some photos ( 1-2) of your ceremony, more important photos of you with friends at events ( to show a bona fide marriage) and any other docs such as joint accounts, leases. At my wife's interview all the CO did was ask some simple questions, looked at the photos, asked my wife who were these people and where, and we were done. What plans you have after the interview is your business. And good luck to you.

  4. Typically the K2 to follow information was already on your wifes K1 application. The K2 was one year to get his visa from the date his mother got hers.He usually will have to go for an interview as well. As the poster above said, you need to contact the consulate and let them know you want to get an interview appointment. When he has his visa, he comes over and you start his AOS application. His process may take a bit less time, but don't count on it. Use any info you have from your wife to link the two together.If your wife will be going back to be with him, make sure she has her green card first.

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