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Posts posted by Enigma11561

  1. Guys, does anyone has an idea about citizen born abroad process?I had just filled for my newly born baby in Ghana Embassy,they took all the filled forms and evidences and asked me for a DNA test.I have just initiated the DNA test and my sons sample has been scheduled to be collected on wednesday 3rd at the embassy.Recently i e-mailed the embassy and asked them what will be the next step afetr they have gotten the results?And the reply was "we will complete the application process as soon as we recieve the results"what do they mean?They actually have all the documents his passport forms and his pictures and all required evidences,

    Can someone who has gone through the same thing share his or experience with me please after the DNA results please?[/font][/font][/size]

    Maybe they mean that as soon as they get the DNA results they will process your application? I do not know how else to interpret this statement. Sounds good to me.

  2. My experience with lap tops is they ask you to put it in the tray and then it goes to the x ray machine to make sure it does contain a threat. Sometimes they will ask you to turn it on just to make sure it is a working machine but I have never seen them actually take the time for it to boot up.They do not have the time or inclination to sit there and check hard drives. They are looking for a bomb not a pirated OS.

  3. First, unless you are in a business that has overseas offices where you can be transferred, finding work in Moscow will be very difficult. Especially for a short term. And you WILL need to speak Russian very well no matter what capacity you seek.

    Second, you already filed for your K-1, by applying for the 129. If you go this route, you will need to get married within 90 days of her arrival and then WAIT until she has a Green Card before she can go back to Moscow. And then there are time limitations ( 6 months or a year, I don't remember) after which she must return to the US. Remember the K-1 is for her to come and live here, permanently.

    If you get married by Zags, then you need to abandon your K-1 and file for a spousal visa, CR1. K3's really do not exist anymore and FYI, a K-2 would be for her children, if any.

    Finally, you have seen her only once, for one week, in the last year. And seem very confused on what to do, and having issues with money. Why you even filed a 129 at this point is disturbing to me. And quite honestly, having known Russian women for quite some time, I doubt, by your descriptions, is this will even work. I sense a big red flag here.

  4. Hi guys,

    Just wanna ask anyone who has a first hand idea of my inquiries :D

    1. Is SSN part of the requirement when getting married?

    2. Our application with the I-129f was sent to california service center since that tme my fiance was in California. Right now he is in texas but its not for a long time and we will move again to a different state. NAture of his job makes him/ us move from place to place. So my concern now is, since our application was at Califonia service center and his address in our application is his California address do we have to get married in California?

    3. We have plans to get married in Texas since that is where he is at now, will this affect with the AOS?

    4. I also heard from my fiance, that he read from one website that there is a seminar to be attended prior to getting married and it takes hours to do that. Are we really required to do that?

    5. As to the AOS, when is the best time to be able to adjust status? And with regards to SSN, how early can we get an SSN #?

    PS: Any tips, suggestions or recommendation, or even sharing your experiences will be nice and appreciated.

    Thanks in advance my fellow VJ's

    1. No. It is something you apply for at any time after you arrive.But wait a week or so for your paperwork to get into the system.

    2. You can get married any place you please..in the US.

    3. No. But you need to make sure the USC always has your current address

    4. These seminars are not required here, but it seems that you need to do it before you come as that is your country's requirement.

    5. You file for AOS after you are married. You do not need to do it immediately but the sooner the better. Also see number one above for SSN.

  5. Ah Map is spot on. NEVER let your coverage lapse.My understanding is that as long as you have continuous coverage there are no pre-existing conditions moving from one policy to another. And from another Dad, you can never tell what will pop up during a pregnancy. Those bills can be very expenses, plus she will need monthly check ups.

  6. Call if you must. We just mailed it out and a few weeks later got our notice. One of the problems you will be facing is if they say they haven't received it yet or the reply was not sent out yet, your stress level will sky rocket. And it all may be just due to they did not get to it yet or one hand has not talked to the other. Just relax, patience is a virtue you know.

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