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Posts posted by Enigma11561

  1. I don't think this is a matter of money versus speed as much as an issue of patience.

    We all know, from the very start of this process, it will take XX months to finish. This is the process and this is how it is going to work. Why all the complaining? Are some people so immature and impatient that that they "freak out" because they cannot live or will die if they cannot be with the one they love for another 30 days? Talk to me when you have been married for 10 years or so and your loved one wants to travel back to their home country for a month or so. Then it will be " only one month? Sure you don't want to stay a bit longer"? :whistle:

  2. If Raleigh is the most convenient place for you, and it appears they have an immigration office there, why not? Just remember that the FIRST stop on US soil is the POE. If you can make arrangements to land there, as the first stop, even if it means making connections overseas, then do so. Just make sure she has any necessary visas if landing in a foreign country and must exit that airport.

  3. The burden of proof is always on the petitioner/beneficiary. CO's do not start from the position that your intentions/paperwork are completely legal and perfect and sure..here is your visa. They are trained to look out for any possible abuse of the system. That is their job. And if you can not overcome your burden of proof you are RFE'd/denied/etc..

    And, in direct reply, I do have friends who work in immigration and I do hear their stories.

  4. Many people come here on a tourist/work visa, knowing full well that want to marry a USC that they have known for awhile. And then apply for AOS. As stated before this is Visa Fraud. At the interview, the CO's are well trained in figuring this out. One wrong answer or a slip of the tongue and you are dog meat. This is why many people here may have a hard time, get RFE's or just outright denied. The Co's would rather deny ( even if they are wrong) than to grant visa/AOS and let someone slip through the cracks.

  5. To ease your mind a bit. Many people get into a bit of trouble now and then. As long as you did not commit such a horrific crime that it made international news, murdered more than 10 people, pillaged a small country, or did physical abuse to a woman, a small police record very very rarely prevents some one from getting a visa. Just be honest.

  6. There is a LOT of very good advice here. Please listen to it. You do not know what the future holds so buying and planning anything until your visa is in your hands is just plain silly.

    You may not understand the expenses that both of you will face after you arrive. It's not just government fees like AOS, but clothes, a higher budget for food and entertainment, and the list can go on and on.

    My now wife did not get on a plane until 2 months after she got her visa. And we got married almost 90 days later. What is the rush? She had to travel 7 hours by train, then wait almost 12 hours in a strange airport before taking a 10 hour flight. If you can get angry over an additional 9 hours, what will you feel when there is a REAL problem. Please get over it. ( FYI.if you lived here and needed to get home asap, say an emergency, but the only flights would take an extra 9 hours, but left that day, would you go or wait a few days to get a better flight?)Try to come to a compromise. Maybe select flights after the holidays when they are less expensive. There are always options.

  7. Some people here did do this ceremony and had no issues. Others advised against showing photos of this ceremony. I am not knowledgeable about anything from Morocco, but why open a can of worms? You are just now submitting your I-129. All you need for this is evidence of having seen each other within the last 2 years. Some photos of you guys together is all that is needed. Surely you have others? Your petition is going to Vermont. I doubt these people know squat about these ceremonies. They just want to see the required paperwork is all completed. Your embassy interview is a whole different issue. At that time the embassy may want to see, based upon the cultural/religious aspects of this country, this ceremony. Cannot answer that question. But why worry about all this now? Did I miss something here?

    PS. If you did get married then you could not use the K1 visa process.

  8. What is considered OTHER NAMES USED?

    I was born in the Philippines and the naming standard there includes your mother's maiden name as what in the Philippines is considered the MIDDLE name. So if you're mother's maiden name is Mary Smith and your father's name John Roberts then your legal name would be Peter Smith Roberts with Smith as your middle name.

    My legal name in the Philippines was Peter Smith Roberts, having lived in the US for 25 years I have only used Peter Roberts as my legal name cuz in US naming standard, I technically do not have a middle name and Smith is my mother's maiden name. So now my passport, license, any Identification I have only reads Peter Roberts. The only docs I have that shows my Philippine legal name is my NATURALIZATION papers and my Socoal Security card which I got before I became naturalized.

    Is this considered as other names used? As the beneficiary, should I file under Peter Smith Roberts and state Peter Roberts(without the middle name) as other name used?

    Your legal name is Peter Roberts. That is what is on all your documents (passport, license, etc). I would put down your "other name" which is just the addition of your middle name, as other names, but I doubt if that will make any difference. I rarely use my middle name, or even my middle initial even though it appears on some of my identification.

  9. Asking your congressman/senator to get involved is ok, IF you have a serious problem. Just because you think you are special due to a longer than average wait time is not particularly something they will spend time with. They will want everything in writing explaining your problem and what you want to happen. A phone call will not work. I would strongly suggest you do an infopass at Federal Plaza and find out what is the delay first. And then based upon that reply take it from there. If they say they are still doing some back ground checks your representative will really have nothing to to work with.

    I had to contact my representative, for example, because my wife's son was aging out, the embassy had lost his file, and he HAD to get something going quickly or else he would have been denied entry. That was a serious issue.

    All the people you listed are good. But do some homework first.

  10. If you had a 12 pictures all taken in roughly the same place over the course of only a few days then I'd certainly be concerned. But look what you posted:

    1. A few pictures of your civil wedding.

    2. A trip to New Hampshire.

    3. Opening Christmas presents with his step-mom.

    4. Pictures whale watching in Boston.

    5. Pictures at your house in Jordan.

    6. Pictures on top of a mountain.

    It's not many pictures, but what you do have demonstrates that you two do stuff together, and that you do stuff not just at the local shopping mall but all over the place.

    I wouldn't worry. I think you'll be ok. If you want a bazillion pictures documenting every possible aspect of every day of your life then marry an Asian. :whistle:

    Jim is right on. You are showing that you were together doing many things "family style". The overall quantity is not important. We took maybe 8-10 photos with us. My wife with my dog, cooking supper, a trip to Washington, with some friends on New Years Eve, a party in a restaurant, things a wife and husband do. And nothing prior to our marriage. I think you are just fine with what you have.


    While on Filipinocupid.com I had a scammer take me for $ 150 and I put her story, name and picture on dragonladies.com. I almost forgot I did that and last week a guy contacted me about a girl of the same name. He said he was shocked to find her name on dragonladies.com and he told me he had drained his bank account and sent her over $ 20,000 this year. I told him I was positive the woman was a scammer but he still believes she is not and is planning on meeting her in December. He has only seen her on cam once but talks to her everyday. I am positive it is a scam but I can't convince him because he is in love :bonk:

    Spending $20 grand on some one you never met is just plain stupid.On another forum which is for Russian women there are 10 commandments for men looking for a wife in Russia. One of them is ""never never send money to a person you have never met"". Period. This man will most likely never even get as far as meeting this person and is thinking with his little head not his big one. His will be a very hard fall.

    I know you are feeling some pain now. But as the others have said, better now than later on.You have learned a very valuable lesson and will be a lot more careful the next time. And I am sure the next time you do this it will be with a wonderful woman and that is all that matters.

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