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Posts posted by Enigma11561

  1. As a father, I would get my butt down to that school now and give them a piece of my mind. People are really scared when talks center around issues like that. Just this week some cops took out a 15YO kid because they "thought" he had a gun. It was a BB pistol but the kid is now dead. So........tell them your reasoning, as you did in your post, which makes great sense, and tell them to chill out.

    BTW, his answer is correct. It COULD happen at any school.

  2. There are people who live in countries, such as Belarus where my wife is from, where it is almost impossible to visit the US. I highly doubt, even if he is from the UK, that not visiting the US would be a reason for denial. Further, three visits in 3 years should be just fine. How many VJer's have gone to the Phils, once, for a week or so, and had no problem in getting their fiance a visa and that is a high fraud country. And if support was the big issue, having a co-sponsor that passed muster at the NVC, but not at the embassy level should still not result in a denial.

    Something else is going on, IMHO.

  3. You were arrested. You spent 5 days in jail and then released. You were not convicted. Your "record" is clean. Am I correct on this?

    So...to answer your question..you must answer yes. You were arrested. That is the truth. Maybe what the police gave you says you are clean but I can almost promise you THEY still have a record of you being in jail. And if you answer no, and the embassy finds THEIR record, then you will be found guilty of lying and a possible denial will happen.

  4. We used the words "met on the internet" when we filed. So that was enough for approval in the pre-IMBRA days.

    But my husband was asked at the consulate what website we met on.

    There are many sites out there that I doubt if any embassy keeps track of them. If he said I met Rebecca on the hotUKwomen site if might elicit a ho-hum. If he said he met you on the "we arrange marriages" site, maybe a different story. But you were pre-IMBRA so for you it was a moot point.

  5. I don't know why we get these answers that the only thing needed is evidence of the last meeting. Granted it is the most important qualifier for petition approval.

    A short narrative of the evolution of the relationship is best. It IS pertinent as to how the couple first met as this goes to arranged marriages or bride shopping. If the couple first met on the internet it is wise to name the website.

    I believe the OP's initial intuition is correct.

    Right on. A BRIEF history is best and the last time you met is most important as it needs to be with in the last 24 months prior to filing. Personally, I would not mention the name of the site but only reference on online CHAT/SOCIAL NETWORKING site. That eliminates any IMBRA requirements.

  6. Seeing is believing. A few photos of the two of you two together is worth more than letters from "people". At this stage the

    USCIS is more interested in knowing that you have actually seen each other in the last two years. Maybe some others can chime in here, but from my experience, everyone I know has used photos. You have no photos at all? Can you guys take another trip?

  7. You got scammed and screwed. You learned your lesson. Unless you know the phone number of the guy she is planning to marry in Florida and wanted to have a man to man talk, there is nothing you can do except to notify ICE, IF she actually arrived here.If the K1 is in your name she can only marry you and no one else. If she marries that guy in Florida that is visa fraud. Did she ever complete the paperwork and get a visa?

  8. Do not open the envelope.

    Do not get another exam.

    Do not get another police report.

    Just get on the plane.

    when he arrives at the POE, hand them the envelope and passport which has his visa inside. That is it.

    Get married.

    When it is time for his AOS he must include a form that shows he has been vaccinated. That comes from the civil surgeon.

    If he has a record of all vaccinations, they should just sign off.

    If he lost his records, there is a test they can perform that shows that he did have them before.

    Please do not make this any more difficult. OK?

  9. You planned a big wedding and something happened. You needed to return home. Same type of thing can happen again. You simply cannot predict the future. Most everyone will tell you that the safest thing to do is WAIT until all your papers are done and approved. THEN go and make plans. It's all too stressful going through this process only to add deadlines on top of them. Getting your visa is the important thing. A big party is nice but definitely second place.

  10. If all the information is current, has not changed, and is accurate, I believe that is the most important part. I had my then fiancee sign several blank copies when I visited her and took them home. When I was going through this, I had gone through several revisions as I was correcting mistakes and so forth, and when I was finished, that was the date I put on the paper. I see nothing wrong, or fraudulent in putting in a date when you actually submit the paperwork.

  11. My wife, when she go her SS card about 5 days after arrival, was stamped "not eligible for work per DHS". Once she got her EAD that notation was taken off.

    Now...........chill out. The chances of you getting sick in the next 45 days is pretty slim. Spend some time getting to know each other better.

    Go shopping. Go on some local trips and see his world. Get married. Then apply for your AOS, EAD and AP together. You will get your EAD a few weeks later. Then get a job. You do not need to wait until you get your green card. It will all happen pretty quickly.

    And I take exception that you are no one until you get a green card. You are you a very important person to your future husband, your family and your friends. Sheeesh.

  12. Packet 3 contains a statement showing the forms that this embassy requires. Some embassy's are different and require only this form and not that one. Hope you understand. You usually do not send the forms back but take them with you at the interview. Once you have the forms completed, you merely check off that you have them on this statement and send the statement back. Packet 4 is just another statement showing the date of your interview.

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