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Posts posted by Enigma11561

  1. Lets be realistic. Unless you have a strong desire to move to France, which it appears you do not have since you filed a K-1 for him to move here, you need to adjust your thinking. He comes here, you get married within the 90 days. Typically the fiancee will not be working during this adjustment period. You file for his AOS and in a few months he will receive his EAD that allows him to work LEGALLY. I know many people that started to work before that time, doing more or less menially jobs to help support the family, but also took this time to prepare resumes, search out the job market for appropriate positions and get established. The job market here is not the greatest, but better than in many other countries and there are jobs to be had. It just depends on what he is qualified for and be willing to take. He can be added on to your health insurance at work and be covered right away. I would not make decisions based solely on modes of transportation or health insurance plans. No matter where you will there will always be compromises.

  2. You are 55 years old. You are no longer required to be registered with the Selective Service. That ended when you were in your 30's or so.Maybe even younger. As far as arrest records are concerned, I am going to assume they were from some time ago. Were you just arrested or convicted? Was there any outcome ( jail/fine/probation)? It is possible that those records are no longer active but stored in some archive in another place/state. Getting those would require some work on your part by asking the place where you were arrested to retrieve those records. Could take a few weeks to do this. I do not know if the CO would need to see these if you have the other docs. Maybe some one who has been through this can give you a clearer picture.

  3. Wow, I can't imagine not hearing from my husband longer than 8 hours, after a few days I'd be worried.

    This is what bothers me the most. After a few days, even a week or so, and I did not hear from my wife I would be burning up the phone lines trying to find out what happened. 6 Months? And now she cannot locate him? This is a relationship? Something is very seriously wrong here.

  4. It has been my experience that even if your criminal case is dropped, sealed, or expunged, your fingerprints will remain forever in the FBI's database. They just don't go away. In the 1970's I was busted for " sleeping on private property" in the Florida Keys. It was only a $50 fine. But they took my fingerprints and to this day when a company does a background check on me they show up. It becomes a bit funny explaining that situation but I do have to explain, every time. You cannot hide this stuff.

  5. One thing bout RUB women. Rarely are they the submissive type. If you do not have a strong mentality they will eat you for lunch. But man will they stick behind you through thick and thin.

    Vermont. Go there if you like...hmmmm...well.... just had it...no..I think you...no...dang! I know there is SOMETHING up there.

  6. The purpose of the originals ( birth cert as example) is to ensure that the copies submitted earlier were not fakes. However, I did not need them for my wife's AOS. They were mostly concerned about a bonafide relationship at that point. Like photographs and such. I would think that an apostle version should be sufficient, after you explain why, if they even ask, should be ok.Your original passport should be with you. How else did you enter the US?

  7. VV, you certainly do deserve credit for making your first marriage last 22 years, especially if you have had to deal with PTSD! But I hope, for your sake, that you can see another rationale for marriage you didn't mention. Whether you call it friendship, love, maybe even companionship, we all need it. It is not as intense as the infatuation type of love but it can be far deeper and stronger! I get the sense that RUB women place a higher value proprtionately on this type of 'love' than on the puppy-dog, infatuation kind of 'love' that is so glorified by Hollywood here. Rather than wearing out over time, this kind of love, if nurtured, can continue growing. Will we make our marriage work for 10 or more years? I don't know for a certainty but I have never felt so optimistic before! I hope you can find a way to regain your own optimism for your personal future!

    From what I have read here::

    Philly women: OMG ! I cannot wait! I am freaking out! It's been 2 days and I cannot live without him.

    RUB women: Ok. No Problem. I will wait for you.

    She did. Almost 3years. And we have now been together almost 2 years and going strong.

    PS. VERMONT. Someplace north of New York. :D

  8. freshaire,

    Check out www.russianwomendiscussion.com to meet and talk with many Western men interested in Russian and FSU womwn. Much information and opinions plus contributions form the women. Can be a lifeasver.

    Do this. This site is devoted to those whose interests lie in the FSU only.

    Look, you got scammed. You thought she would work out and then found you were betrayed.You are angry. Rightfully so. But there is little you can do about it. If you want to go to some anti scammer sites to have her name and photos listed, and it makes you feel better, then go for it. For all you know she might already be there, from a guy before you. I know some guys who were saved because another had posted their story. But there will be others after you who will fall into the same trap and you cannot be a savior to everyone. As far as saying something to an embassy, you can write a letter to them, as a form of catharsis, but I doubt it will do any good. But try to keep in mind this thought. These women will eventually screw up trying to juggle everything and in the end lose it all.

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