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Posts posted by Enigma11561

  1. Roel. Understand your reasoning. It is not a question if you are married or not. If a person does not have a SSN or ITIN, they cannot file taxes. You  cannot just put down someones name and say it is my spouse. The IRS has no way to track that person. If that were the case, every single person in America could put down Susan Smith and claim extra deductions.

  2. 7 hours ago, Roel said:

    How come this question pop here so often? When you're married you file as married. Then you're single you file as single. How can people be confused about this all the time? O.o 

    Social Security Number (SSN)

    An incorrect or missing SSN can increase your tax, reduce your refund, or delay your refund. To apply for an SSN, fill in Form SS-5 and return it, along with the appropriate evidence documents, to the Social Security Administration (SSA). You can get Form SS-5 online at SSA.gov, from your local SSA office, or by calling the SSA at 1-800-772-1213. It usually takes about 2 weeks to get an SSN once the SSA has all the evidence and information it needs.

    Check that both the name and SSN on your Forms 1040, W-2, and 1099 agree with your social security card. If they don’t, certain deductions and credits on your Form 1040 may be reduced or disallowed and you may not receive credit for your social security earnings. If your Form W-2 shows an incorrect SSN or name, notify your employer or the form-issuing agent as soon as possible to make sure your earnings are credited to your social security record. If the name or SSN on your social security card is incorrect, call the SSA.


    IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) for Aliens

    If you are a nonresident or resident alien and you don’t have and aren’t eligible to get an SSN, you must apply for an ITIN. It takes about 7 weeks to get an ITIN.

    If you already have an ITIN, enter it wherever your SSN is requested on your tax return.

    Some ITINs must be renewed. If you haven't used your ITIN on a federal tax return at least once for tax years 2014, 2015, or 2016, or if your ITIN has the middle digits 70, 71, 72, or 80 (9NN-70-NNNN), it expired at the end of 2017 and must be renewed if you need to file a federal tax return in 2018. You don't need to renew your ITIN if you don't need to file a federal tax return. You can find more information at IRS.gov/ITIN.

    An ITIN is for tax use only. It doesn't entitle you to social security benefits or change your employment or immigration status under U.S. law.

    For more information on ITINs, including application, expiration, and renewal, see Form W-7 and its instructions.

    If you receive an SSN after previously using an ITIN, stop using your ITIN. Use your SSN instead. Visit a local IRS office or write a letter to the IRS explaining that you now have an SSN and want all your tax records combined under your SSN. Details about what to include with the letter and where to mail it are at IRS.gov/ITIN.


    Nonresident Alien Spouse

    If your spouse is a nonresident alien, he or she must have either an SSN or an ITIN if:

    • You file a joint return,

    • You file a separate return and claim an exemption for your spouse, or

    • Your spouse is filing a separate return.


  3. 1 hour ago, ms_bobdog said:

    Kindly correct me if I am wrong, but if the spouse is NRA, with no ITIN, you can't efile for Married Filing Separately?

    If the wife has no social or ITIN she cannot be put on his return. Hence, file married separately. Not sure about  e filing but it should be ok as it is a normal return.

  4. 2 hours ago, Wuozopo said:

    If you were married on Dec 31, 2017 then your filing status can not be single.


    Options are

    1. Married Filing Separately. You can efile.
    2. Married Filing Jointly. She would require an ITIN and I don't think you have much time left to jump through the hoops that entails. You need her actual passport to mail off to Austin or show at certain IRS centers, not a photocopy. Or maybe find an acceptance agent in the UK to certify her passport. Then you must both sign a statement that you elect for her to be treated as a resident alien for tax purposes, report her UK income, both sign a paper return, and paper file by mail.


    You may come out better filing jointly, but easier to wait for her to get here, get her SSN, then file an amended 2017 return. 

    You cannot file an amended return. Your status on Dec 31 is your status.  If she arrived on Jan1 and got a social on Jan2, his status on Dec 31 did not change.no matter when he files in 2018. File married separately for 2017 and married jointly 2018. Going thru this now with my son in law.His wife is coming this summer but he had to file married separately for 2017.

  5. 5 hours ago, pushbrk said:

    Qualification is only based on tax returns for the self employed.  Otherwise, current income is how you qualify and that is demonstrated with a pay stub, not any tax return.

    Pretty much what I said. He needs to show tax returns and income. Did not state the income shown must come from the tax return, although it does not hurt.,

  6. 1 hour ago, OscaN said:

    Hello, my fiance called today to NVC and they give her a case number. The lady explain that they sent the package to the embasy in Madrid, Spain, and we need to wait for a package to follow the instructions. 

    I am not sure what is the next step, do I need to apply for the visa? or call the embassy in MADRID? I will appreciate any advice.

    Thank you,


    First you have already applied for a visa. You are now waiting to be approved for that visa. Usually once an embassy receives the paperwork from the NVC, they will mail a packet ( #1) to you and your fiance. This is when you schedule your medical, get police report, photos, fill out forms,and anything else they want, and mail it back. Then they mail packet 2 which has the interview date.

  7. If your wife has a social security number you should file married jointly. If not, you file as married separately. Filing taxes has nothing to do with immigration other than the fact that you must show that you ( the petitioner) did file and the amount of income meets/does not meet minimum requirements. This is for tax year 2017. When she gets here this year and gets her social, then you can change filing status. The fact she is living in the UK is irrelevant.

  8. 13 minutes ago, H&T said:

    Assume she become US citizens in late April, but she must apply for US passport  to go back to USA.

    Interesting. As an LPR using her Salvadorian passport she can travel and re enter the U.S. After the oath ceremony the green card is turned back in. And even though she may have her citizenship papers, she has no passport. And her papers do not permit re entry. You need to wait for her passport. However, I believe you can have the passport expedited for a small additional fee.You can check his online.

  9. Too many words for a simple question. " I intend to live with my fiancee and get married within the 90 days. Probably much sooner! Then I plan to adjust status and apply for my work permit as I would like to look for a job and make friends and become part of my new community."  They are not looking for an essay.

    PS. When my wife and I went for her interview we were asked how is the marriage going. My reply. " Typical marriage. Most days good, sometimes not, but we work things out and never go to bed angry". Approved.

  10. A few things. First you can very carefully give your explanation of what happened. That you were never arrested and certainly never convicted of anything. And have it notarized. Just keep it simple. However your DMV record may show the under age drinking ticket and disposition, which is where they may have gotten some wrong info. But that just goes to your explanation that it was just a ticket. Secondly, your local police station should be able to pull your ( non-existent) criminal record. If nothing shows up there I would just bundle all that and send it off.

  11. Any necessary documents need to be submitted in Englsh. And no, you cannot do the translating  As far as screenshots of skype, messager, etc..these are not necessary documents but supporting data to show a bona fide relationship. I would select just a few from say, each month, and just attach the english version to each screenshot. The concept here is to show you have been in communication over a period of time. I am sure the CO's in DR are bilingual and may appreciate an honest translation.PS. They are not going to read, say, a hundred pages of screenshots, so keep it simple.

  12. First. Relax. This is the easiest part of the whole process. Secondly, if you check the date of the ceremony it is probably a few weeks away. Perhaps enough time for your hard copy to arrive. If not, print out your online version with the date and location. ( did you scroll down because both sides come together as one pdf.) .Then go online and print out a blank copy and attach page two to your page one. Fill it out and sign.

    Here is what typically happens. You go to the Federal courthouse. You enter a waiting area where you register your presence. They check your form. Any problem they will most likely give you another copy to fill out. I sincerely doubt anyone is going to be turned away at this stage of the process.You enter the courtroom where a usher again checks your form and takes it from you. You sit down. You wait. You wait some more. ( In our case there were over 250 people from 45 different countries, very interesting). The judge comes out and may give a little speech, you take the pledge of allegiance ( the oath). Everyone claps and gives hugs. You back to the waiting room and wait for your name to be called to pick up your certificate. Take some photos. Go home.

    Have a party.

  13. Use your current address as that is where you will receive notices sent from USCIS. You can always change your address later once you settle down. As far as the financials are concerned you will need to show proof you can support you fiancee. You will need to show prior tax returns, explanations of gap in work history, and current salary. I am not familiar if you need to show income from overseas or if there are any tax implications about that. You need to be at 125% of the poverty level for a family of 2.

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