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Posts posted by Enigma11561

  1. We decided to do a small court wedding and will do the more formal one with friends and family next summer. With all the changes (moving, quit my job...) planning a wedding within 3 months is just insane ! Don't forget, it's your and your fiance wedding, you do what YOU two really want !

    Have a happy one ! :D

    Perfect response. :thumbs:

  2. Even when one takes their time ( many months, years even, multiple visits, etc..)there is not guarantee that everything will work out over the long haul. Those that communicate over the internet, take a one week whirlwind trip, get engaged and go for it have a stronger chance of failure if no other reason than lack of true familiarity.Moral? Taking your time will never hurt you.

  3. K3 is no longer used. Forget about it. If you want to get married in the states, then go with a K1 fiancee visa. If you want to get married in her country, then you have the CR1. Both take some time. Both are safe. What is important is that you follow all the steps for each carefully and comply with all the requirements. Which is actually faster? Really depends on the documentation you provide. But I need to ask..why the rush? Some times people here rush, rush, rush. Then a year later have problems. Take your time.

  4. We all want to be with our loved ones as quickly as possible. Unfortunately sometimes it just does not happen as fast as we want. So we come here and b@tch about time frames and how unfair things are..

    Let me see if I can put this all in perspective..from my point of view.

    You may have read about some American service men who were shot sitting down at a dinner table in Afghanistan. I know the family of one of them. He was due to leave on Sunday. He was shot 3 days before on a Thursday. Life is not fair.

    My daughter lost two of her best friends ( teenagers )who did nothing more than walk down a street and were killed by a drunk driver. Life is not fair.

    Is it fair that a 8 year old child is dying of cancer while an 85 year old man, who smoked for 60 years is still healthy? No.

    And I could name a bunch more examples.

    Is it difficult to sit back and see one service center going hell bent for leather while another just muddles along? Of course.Does it get under your skin that Bob was approved in 3 months and you are still waiting for 7 months? Of course. Will you at some point be together for the rest of your lives? Yes.

    Will the others above be together with their loved ones? No.

    Is life fair? Is the answer obvious?

    GO to work, eat healthy, meet some friends, enjoy your life, exercise, stop looking at time lines, stop comparing your self to others. And before you know it she will be here.

  5. NOA1 = we got it. Your package was delivered. That's it. Nothing more. After that every one is different. I never heard of an adjudicator calling any one ( embassy's yes) but that means at least some one is now looking at it and making decisions.

    And for what it is worth if you and yours really work out and you stay married for 20-30-40 years, a few months here and there getting it together is not such a big deal..is it? Take a cold shower. :)

  6. It seems your main concern is the ability to travel in Europe during the 3 years or so she must wait until becoming a US citizen and then being able to travel on that passport. Once my wife came here, her desire to travel in Europe disappeared . She would rather travel to places here ( Hawaii, Alaska, California, see the Rocky mountains) and so forth. I would think there are enough places in the good old USA to keep you guys busy for quite awhile and put Europe on the back burner until later. I do not know your ages, but I would also think going back to Belarus to see family would be more important than a trip to say Paris or Amsterdam.

  7. http://www.visajourney.com/faq/k1k2visa-aos.html says "Filing for Adjustment of Status within the 90 days protects your legal status. Your legal status as a K1 expires after 90 days, married or not. The only way to protect your legal status is to apply for Adjustment of Status, and the only way to maintain continuous legal status is to file for AOS before the K1 visa expires. On the practical side, it is often difficult to arrange for the marriage, and get all the paperwork ready in time to file for AOS within 90 days. Many newsgroup couples have filed for AOS a few days or weeks after the 90 day limit with no problems. Thus far, newsgroup experience has shown this is not a major issue with local USCIS (INS) offices. "

    I do not understand where this comes from. the K1 visa is a single entry visa and "expires" after you enter. It does not allow you to stay here, only to enter.The I94 allows for you to remain for 90 days in order to get married.Once married you file for the AOS. There is no rush to do this, but the sooner the better.

  8. I will stand to be corrected on this. Although the I94 establishes your status when you arrive, it is to give you the 90 days grace time to get married. Talking about a K1 visa. If you get married in say, one-two weeks, the time on it is still valid but not longer relevant. Your marriage certificate should now take precedent. After we were married, my wife only showed her passport ( maiden name) and her marriage cert to get her updated SS card. Just my experience. Maybe we had a person who went through this before?

  9. Your SSA office is out to lunch. As others have stated up thread the K1 is void after entry to the US. The I94 gives you legal status for 90 days to get married.Once married the I94 is no longer relevant.

    My wife got her first SSN under her maiden name about 2-3 weeks after arriving. Then a new updated one after we were married, under her married name. Both said she could not work until she was approved by DHS ( received her EAD). Once she got her EAD, she could work regardless of what was on her SS card. After she got her Green Card, we went back to the SS office and had that statement removed.

  10. Try to understand the process. You filed a petition for a K1 visa. The petition was approved so that is a done deal. Forget about it. You now have a valid visa which is good for 6 months. I cannot see on your time line where you stand at the moment, but you need to come to the U.S. befor the July date. Then the visa is expired ( one entry only). You will get a stamp good for 90 days in which you need to get married. After that ( whew), you file for your AOS.

  11. Lets get the terminology straight.

    Alimony is when one spouse gives money to another upon a divorce and that typically ends when the receiving person gets married again.

    A pension is money paid to a person, typically from the company he/she worked for, as retirement money, and typically lasts for their lifetime. It can only be given to the person who worked for that company.It cannot be transferred.

    Social Security or SS is government money and is given only to the individual who worked here, and is based upon age, prior years of employment and is only given to the person who retires. It cannot be transferred.

    It sounds like, and I could be wrong, that this person is receiving alimony and this was the arrangement from the divorce and will last for 6 more years, then it will end. If this is the case however, then once he got married it should end in any event.

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