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Posts posted by Enigma11561

  1. One thing you really need to do is get the "unofficial wedding" jargon out of your and fiance's vocabulary. You don't need it to be accidentally mentioned at an interview as it can raise all sorts of other questions. It is just a party for friends and family. There is only one wedding, and it will be held in the states after she arrives.It's a bit funny that most everyone needs to have that big ceremony with white dress, food and drink, the music and the whole bit. And a few hours later the reality hits and it's now becomes whose turn is it to take out the trash. :whistle:

  2. isn't the visa stamped on the passport? how can this be?

    My wife's visa was some type of imprinting process directly into her passport. It is done thru a computer of some kind. You cannot just get a visa. It has to go into her passport. I can only comment on her Embassy ( Warsaw) but over there they needed to communicate back to the states in order to have this computer imprint the visa. It was not just a stamp.It contains a photo and much other info including security features.

  3. I just wanted to add it's ok to try to plan your wedding for a specific date, but until you have your visa in hand, don't make any wedding plans ( ie give non-refundable deposits, etc).

    I second this. Too often we hear about some stupid something coming up that screws up a couple's plans. It is always advisable not to make permanent plans until the visa has been issued.

  4. Guys)) stop answering. It is clear that he is trolling. He cannot be serious or that careless. No one in normal state of mind would do what he is talking about.

    I would tend to agree.No normal way of thinking would allow themselves to do this.In the OP's mind it is all a game to see if he can better the government.I do not think he is that serious about his relationship to put that motion to a test. I am going with TROLL and moving on myself.

  5. You filed before, so he answer is yes. I am assuming that you at least submitted the paperwork, your check was cashed and you received a NOA1. Therefore you are in the system.This should not be a problem but you will need to offer an explanation.

    Maybe some one else can answer about living overseas until May but wanting to file in Jan in regards of addresses and income documentation.

  6. It means they have some concerns that need to be further researched and it will take time to do this. How long? No one really knows.It could be weeks or it could be months.

  7. Generally, certain lawful permanent residents married to a U.S. citizen may file for naturalization after residing continuously in the United States for three years if immediately preceding the filing of the application the applicant has:

    · been married to and living in a valid marital union with the same U.S. citizen spouse for all three years

    · the U.S. spouse has been a citizen for all three years and meets all physical presence and residence requirements

    · the applicant meets all other naturalization requirements


    The above, from the guides here, says that after 3 years of marriage, and continuously been here for 3 years we can file. Or am I reading this wrong.

  8. you have a returned mail piece.

    You need to do 2 things:

    1. call into USCIS, get an ISO, go over the correct address, ask the ISO to have the returned mail piece redelivered to the correct address.

    2. place a name card into your mail slot, having YOUR NAME and HER name in the name card. Bake 3 dozen brownies. Meet up with the postal carrier 3 times across the week at your address, each time giving a dozen brownies to the postal carrier, introducing yourself, and making certain the postal carrier knows your name.

    Good Luck !

    Also a nice Christmas would not hurt either. But do it personally.

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