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Posts posted by Enigma11561

  1. If you are fully divorced and the divorce stipulates that neither one of you is responsible for the other, I see no reason to include him. I would think that this would override any affidavit of support you may have previously filed. But I would like to hear from others who may have been down this path before.


  2. Hello Sophie. Usually one ways are less expensive. And, of course, I hope when you arrive you do not plan to go back anytime soon. When the time comes to take a trip back, round trip !! (PS. You can buy whatever you want )


  3. 14 minutes ago, aleful said:


    if there are 2 separate i130, then there is no problem


    usually residents file one 130 for both, spouse and child and child comes as a derivative of parent's petition, this is only for LPR. not for USC


    so if there are 2, one separate for the child alone, then there is no problem


    then there are 2 separate petitions and both were upgraded



    Da Da Da. Can I put down the Xanax now? Seriously, I am the responsible one here as I put together the paperwork and I hoped I researched it all correctly. But you never know. Better to ask you mensas. Thank you.


  4. 34 minutes ago, aleful said:



    so sorry, but he has to file for his daughter again, there are no derivatives for spouses of a USC. he shouldn't have become a USC or have filed for them separately. the child was a derivative of his wife's petition when he was a GC holder. once he became a USC, the child was voided. there are no derivatives for immediate family members of a USC


    now he has to file another i130 for her, she will be IR2, and go through the same process as his wife. the petition will take from a year to a year and a half. They have to start all over for the daughter. better file the i130 asap



    Seriously? Having heart failure here. She will not come without her daughter. And if they must wait another 1 and a half years, I don't think they will make it as a couple. gotta do an info pass ASAP and get this cleared up.

  5. My step son ( and everyone else) is anxiously waiting for approval on his I-130 for both his wife and 2yo daughter. It will be an IR1 visa for the wife. She would be given a 10 yr green card but I have no idea what happens to the daughter. How does she get resident status and  possible citizenship? . Further, the child was born when he was a LPR so citizenship was not automatically granted. He subsequently naturalized and upgraded the petition. Your advice is appreciated. Thanks.

  6. 5 hours ago, KCMO said:

    Dont know what is your expertise or knowledge about the amended charges. but here is what i received from attorney today . he emailed me copies of e notification from the court and his own letter. In some time i will try to conceal peraonal details and upload the jpgs but for now here is some text from it.



    The record of traffic disp issued :
    The traffic Disp was sent electronically to DOR and/or MHSP for charge no 1 violation 302.020 -001 (and some numbers), -Failure to register Mt.Veh. The charge was diaposed as guilty plea.

    And my attorney's letter says this : 
    " Dear Client,

    I filed a guilty plea on your behalf to failure to register a motor vehicle and paid your fines and costs. Enclosed is the documentation to verify that your charge was amended to Failure to register a motor vehicle. Your case is now concluded , file has been closed'. )

    First, Even an individual can speak to the district attorney or prosecutor in the court room and ask for leniency and very typically if you have a clean record the charges are reduced. Very common. In my town they are reduced to a parking ticket. The town still gets their money and no record for the  driver. Secondly, as a ex-police officer, I have never, never, ever seen not having a registered car being a misdemeanor..It is just a ticket punishable by a fine and still no record for the owner. Most times if you get the car registered before the court date the ticket is just thrown out. And lastly, having read your info above, where does it even say "misdemeanor" ? Finally, as others have stated, you are good to go.( IMHO, I doubt that this ticket will ever appear in any kind of immigration database anyway)

  7. So we filed an I-130s for both my step son's wife and baby back in Sept of 2017. Received NOAs and all going well. Then we get an RFE.

    It says, "" you failed to submit the required initial evidence in support of the petition." But it does not say what is missing. Did they lose the whole package? We went through all necessary documentation, many times, and  had a cover letter listing all attached evidence. We have been trying to reach a second level person and was told hold times approaching 3 hours. Should we keep trying to find out exactly what is missing or just resubmit the whole package all over again. Advice is appreciated. Thanks.

  8. My step-son brought his Bernese Mountain Dog puppy from Belarus thru Moscow and then New York in a kennel in the body of the plane. Too big for the passenger compartment. This was last year. The dog was chipped but no one asked about it. In NY they just asked to see the dogs papers and he was out in a few minutes. The dogs "passport" had all the shots in Russian and English. Going back a few years I brought my Black Russian Terrier directly from Moscow. No chip at the time but she had a tattoo in her ear.Again no one even asked. I had to take her thru animal control in Moscow and it cost $50 to the "officer" to approve transit. Cash only please. American dollars only.  I honestly do not know how they can tell how long the dog had a chip unless it is in the dogs paperwork someplace.And if so I am sure that can be "changed". Lastly, you fiance is Russian, your not. Makes a big difference. She can tell them just about anything in "the right voice". Doubt if they are going to argue.

  9. I may be on thin ice here,  but you were legally and legitimately married when you filed for your N400. You will be legally and legitimately married when you go to your interview ( even if your wife filed, the divorce is still not complete, it can take awhile). Once the interview is complete, you have been approved for citizenship and  your oath ceremony may be only a month or two away and you may still be legitimately married. In any event I would still go to the interview and if you tell them your story I think the worst that can happen is you wait another2 years and pay again.

  10. I am receiving emails from Twitter that my account "enigma 11561" is having unusual activity.


    This is my user name for this site and is only used for this site.


    I DO NOT HAVE an account with Twitter in ANY name whatsoever. I do not use Twitter.


    Someone here, most likely, set up a Twitter account using my user name and email address.


    I have submitted a complaint to Twitter over this. If you can check anything regarding this problem it would be appreciated.


    Than you.



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